View Full Version : hair cuts

10-03-2003, 12:28 PM
i swear to god, i hate the people on base that cut hair. i tell em nothing off the top do not give me a high and tight. the past 2 times and they do it everytime. so today i walked out without paying. and got security forces called on me. they let me go but i swear to god how hard is it to give a fade? i hate them all.

10-03-2003, 06:06 PM
There's two sides to this coin, I bet base haircuts are cheaper than offbase ie you "save a buck" by getting it on base. Therefore if you are cutting cost by going to the base barber then perhaps you are cutting out a bit of needed quality craftsmanship that you would get out in town?

What is your perception of a high and tight anyway?

You're a man, hair grows back if you get a shitty haircut it's a definitely frustrating but suck it up tell them off and walk away AFTER you pay the bill.

10-03-2003, 06:16 PM
I'm gonna have to agree with redhaz. I get my hair cut on base and they never mess it up, I just tell them what to do and I say if they fuck it up, no big deal just shave it. It all grows back anyway and its not like theres many chioces in styles being in the military.

10-04-2003, 09:11 PM
I wish there was something about this thread that applied to me, I have not had a haircut since december of 1999, which amounts to dreadlocks down past my shoulders now... I used to go the the barber shop in a vanity move and get Deon, my sexy female barber to do my beard once a week, but I got lazy and haven't bothered to do anything more than trim that ALL SUMMER now, so I am uniformly hairy all over my head now. I guess this is okay now since I am NOT in the military...

10-04-2003, 09:38 PM
Originally posted by PHLIP
but I got lazy and haven't bothered to do anything more than trim that ALL SUMMER now, so I am uniformly hairy all over my head now. I guess this is okay now since I am NOT in the military...

Damn Hippy! Get haircut :p

10-05-2003, 07:36 AM
Originally posted by ca18guy
Damn Hippy! Get haircut :p
No thanks, can't say that there will ever be another haircut in my future... I might, however, actually shave sometime in a little while. I was thinking that I'd be santa claus in the mall this year, but I am against putting on the fake beard when I can just grow my own.

10-05-2003, 10:23 AM
My friend Muthoka has been growing his dreads since 8th grade.....He's 26 now.

Me? I like my hair cut like I love my hoes...High & Tight.

This was taken yesterday when I was down in Richmond. I really need to get it trimmed up....

Spin me?

10-05-2003, 12:42 PM
Originally posted by radhaz
There's two sides to this coin, I bet base haircuts are cheaper than offbase ie you "save a buck" by getting it on base. Therefore if you are cutting cost by going to the base barber then perhaps you are cutting out a bit of needed quality craftsmanship that you would get out in town?

What is your perception of a high and tight anyway?

You're a man, hair grows back if you get a shitty haircut it's a definitely frustrating but suck it up tell them off and walk away AFTER you pay the bill. see now if it was that they could only do a high an tight i wouldnt be pissed, the fact that they cut everyones else's hair how they want it but when it comes to young people they just screw em over is not cool. i would just shave my head but its getting cold as hell out here.

10-06-2003, 03:32 PM
aaah, just dont cut your hair and grow bangs! Asian style

10-06-2003, 03:52 PM
well, since having become a civilian and NOT wanting a high & tight, i've become wary of who cuts my hair. Last on-base barber that cut my hair, they gave me a ****ing high reg.
This weekend I went and paid $15 for a damn haircut.
Oh well.. at least Lisa likes it. :hs:

10-06-2003, 05:54 PM
i hate h&T's. And I hate Base barbers let alone anyone else cutting my hair. 8+ years I've been cutting my hair, same style before the Marines a "FADE" not no damn high and tight! I hate how people refer to haircuts like that. But thats just me. Go to sally's beauty supply and get your self some Andis clippers the masters and a t outliner. ;)

10-06-2003, 07:51 PM
Originally posted by mrmephistopheles
well, since having become a civilian and NOT wanting a high & tight, i've become wary of who cuts my hair. Last on-base barber that cut my hair, they gave me a ****ing high reg.
This weekend I went and paid $15 for a damn haircut.
Oh well.. at least Lisa likes it. :hs:

BLAHHH BLLLAAAHHH You know you like it!!! Besides you know I like it! and that is what matters!

10-07-2003, 08:49 AM
That's some funny Sh*t. You know the On-base guys are just going to f*ck with you if you go back there for cut. Not that your going to.;)
PHLIP you da Man. Laughter = the best meds+:D

10-07-2003, 12:51 PM
man if i go back there to get it cut and they mess it up again imma stand there and rip people up. customers and workers. they all get the same amount of hate from me.