View Full Version : WTB: SR20DET S13 Redtop Parts LOOK INSIDE!!!

JDS Performance
03-27-2011, 11:47 AM
WTB: SR20DET S13 Redtop Parts LOOK INSIDE!!!

Send pix/prices shipped to Concord, NC 28025 - [email protected]

I am putting a S13 SR20DET back to stock and I am in need of;

I am not looking to spend alot as most these parts are junk - so I am just trying to give you some cash for your trash!

S13 stock fuel rail with injectors & FPR

A/C Bracket with mounting bolts

Stock catch can "black box" with mounting hardware and hose w/ clamps

Oil dip stick & tube - No bent ones - I already got that!

(2) T25 turbo banjo bolts for water & oil lines to block - (4) crush washers if you got them

(4) Turbo to manifold nuts

T25 turbo heat sheilds with mounitng hardware

(8) exhaust manifold washers & nuts

03-27-2011, 07:46 PM

Heat shield (10mm bolts to put it on.)
Black box (just box)
Stock rail w/o injectors (has FPR)

Throw an offer.

JDS Performance
03-27-2011, 07:50 PM

Heat shield (10mm bolts to put it on.)
Black box (just box)
Stock rail w/o injectors (has FPR)

Throw an offer.

$40.00 shipped best I can do - does the rail have the FPR installed and from a s13 SR? I will send Paypal as a gift (no fees) I can give you a business address to save you on shipping too.

03-27-2011, 07:52 PM
Yes from an SR and cool [email protected] lmk when sent. FREE BUMP!

Oh and have the banjos to the block only.

JDS Performance
03-27-2011, 07:55 PM
Yes from an SR and cool [email protected] lmk when sent. FREE BUMP!

Oh and have the banjos to the block only.

Thats the ones I need - you throwing them i the deal? Sending paying now.

JDS Performance
03-27-2011, 07:57 PM
Payment sent I made it $45.00 to throw in the banjo bolts - sent as a gift as well (no fees) - please send me tracking #. Thanks!