View Full Version : Need School Help ASAP

10-02-2003, 07:12 PM
OK ladies and gentlemen. I am writing a informative paper on Imports and really want to make it known that we are not about street racing and ricers. Here is what I need I need three topics that you all think that I should hit on. Remember this is informative not a perusasive speech. Thanks All


10-02-2003, 07:14 PM
a few ideas:

'rice' scene (what it is and how it became/continues/what is rice?)
'tuners' (or tunerz)
increase in popularity
profiling (From police)--ex. domestic can roll all day w/ a full cage and no exhasut but an import is pulled over much more likely

and age groups w/ 'imports for tuning'

oh and the "JDM" market :p

10-02-2003, 07:17 PM
Dousan, thanks for a quick reply if you could. Narrow it down to the top three things you would like to inform people about as far as import go. Thanks

10-02-2003, 07:24 PM
well since it's your report, you should narrow it down to the top three things that you think are the best, the ones you wanna present and all. if you wanna emphasize that were aren't about street racing and ricers then that definitely should be one of the topics. the rest are yours to sort out.

10-02-2003, 07:36 PM
Point taken, but its called research and I am wanting to know what the top 3 things you would like people to be informed about. Thanks

10-02-2003, 08:01 PM
id say

street racing and imports (death stats and such and risks.)
ricers (what it means and some examples of what is CONSIDERED rice)
and um.
the 'jdm scene' and some examples

please include ALL makes of imports (specifically, NISSAN HONDA TOYOTA and MISTUBUSHI) and DONT BE BIASED (ex. bias towards honda) :) GOOD LUCK!

10-03-2003, 08:20 AM
the ricer definition suggested by dousan seems like a great idea to me. how do you define rice? break stereotypes ... domestic can be rice too. is a stock chevy corvette rice if the driver only bought it for the looks and the status? imo, yes... he may even know less about his car then an import ricer. etc etc.

my (contrast) thesis would be on the lines of [insert something commonly thought of rice here] "... and so we see the concept of rice actually extends beyond the conventional perception of the 'import tuner' scene; and should in fact include any automotive 'enthusiast,' domestic or import; who's interests are not solely focused in functionality and improvement of personal driving skill." etc etc.

another interesting topic (and much easier to write) would be drift. what is drift; what are commonly notions of drift, what are the types of drift, how different cars perform under drift. etc.

good luck and post your results!

10-03-2003, 09:43 AM
I have decided to hit on the Subjects of Rice, Import Market (JDM etc...) and Commradory (sp) how forums like this, car clubs etc... all help each other. If you wouldn't all mind keep your opinions on what you feel as rice. as well as what you think about Commradory. Thanks again Chris

PS i shall let you know the grade i get as well as if you want I will post the paper after i give the speech.

10-03-2003, 09:06 PM
Haha. I'm sorry in advance if I will dissapoint you, but can't you think of a better/more important topic than "import racing" and "rice"? I mean, who really cares about this? I'm sure you do, as do thousands of people on this site, but in the large scheme of things, import racing is just some peoples' BS hobby. Your teacher will not give two shits about what you have to say about this topic. Reason is: it's miniscule. Put some effort into an informative paper about something that MATTERS. Life is not all about ricers and tuning out your 240. In fact, life isn't even all about your life here in the blessed land of opportunity we call the USA. There are hundreds of causes and problems that people KILL each other over every day. Why not inform your audience about something like that?

Just my opinion, no hard feelings.;)

10-04-2003, 08:41 AM
Your teacher will not give two shits

Actually she is the one that suggested that I do this so SHHHHHH.

Why not inform your audience about something like that?

Because I choose to do this topic. If you don't like it then keep your opinions to yourself. Your not the one giving the speech nor the one getting a grade for it.