View Full Version : ASP Pulley question

10-02-2003, 02:44 AM
Yes, I have searched, did not find satisfactory answer. So please help:aw:
Here's the dealio-

I have a '97 S14, as you see in my signature. The Air condition ONLY works on full blast, on settings 1, 2, and 3, it acts the same as if it were in the off position.

While i live in the scorchland of Davis, I occasionally do not want a full blast of air hitting my face.

So i think to my self, what would make my a/c weaker without actually buying a new A/C system?

Now i remember underdrive pulleys give great gains for the price, and have the "negative" side effect of reducing the strength of air conditioning/alternator...

So my questions are:
1. will getting the ASP underdrive pulleys give me what i want, i.e. weakened air conditioning?

2. It's just ONE pulley right, not a SET of pulleys? The listing i see for "15% crank shaft pulley" is all i need, correct? There's no like..pulley "set", its just one piece?

3. Which belt do i use? Presumably, since i WANT to screw with my a/c output, i shouldn't retain the stock sized belt like i hear the ASP uses...if i want to weaken the A/c i'd go with a bigger belt, right?

thank ya

10-02-2003, 06:08 AM
why don't you actually fix the problem (which is likely your a/c control unit) instead of working around it in the most pain in the ass way possible?
take your car into a dealership and tell them you want them to check it out. don't obligate yourself into paying for their service, but at the same time, don't let them know that you're going to take what you've found out & run.
Anyway, they'll figure out what's wrong & what needs to be done and come to you with a way overblown figure for service. You go to the junkyard, buy what you need, and fix it yourself.

10-02-2003, 06:37 AM
The pulley shouldn't effect the AC in anyway. If it does effect the A/C it would only be at idle that the AC would possiblybe weaker.

10-02-2003, 07:02 AM
Actually, the ASP pulley has the same size A/C pulley and uses the original belt - It doesn't underdrive it b/c if you wanted full power, you wouldn't have the A/C on...

Later - Brian

10-02-2003, 07:39 AM
i have a 95 s14 and had the exact same problem.

this problem is actually in the factory service manual. you probably don't need a new AC system. to test this, get in your car and go for a drive. turn on the AC (with the button) and put the fan selector in 1 2 or 3. set the vents to blow at your face and stuff so u can feel it. now as you drive foward, the air should be moving through the car and if you feel cold AC air, you don't have a problem with you AC system.

the problem is your fan blower. the way the fan blower works is it really only works on one setting, and there are resistors for settings 1 2 and 3 that limit the amount of current that go through the system, making the fan blow less air out at you. over time these resistors just die, so you're left with the 4th setting which is full blast.

i had this problem a while ago so i may be talking out my ass. for our cars i THINK there is a resistor box-ish type thing that you can buy from the dealer for like 50 bucks or so. its practically a plug and play operation. just pull out the old box and put in the new one. this guy i talked to said it was just swapping nintendo games out of a snes. its located somewhere by the passenger side dash. when i get home ill check out my fsm; it should probably be very similar for our cars.

edit:: found a thread - this should help you... good luck.

10-02-2003, 08:09 AM
oh shit.. i remember a sentra coming into the dealership with this problem. the NES thing is about right on.. it looks VERY similar to the gameboard (minus the cartridge).. I don't know if 240s have the same setup, but i remember the Sentra was like that and it was a newer one.
I think it's a bigger problem with Sentras than 240s..

10-02-2003, 08:34 AM
ot, but my friend has a 2k2 ser specV and he also had his fan die on him. those cars are messed up... and now the engine recall? lol i hope the 350z doesn't suffer the same plague of problems!

10-02-2003, 11:25 AM
Thanks! man Zilvia peope are goooood

Part# anyone?

Aw man, now i need a new excuse to rationalize getting Pulleys other than: more power! more mods!:bash:

10-02-2003, 12:38 PM
Originally posted by mrmephistopheles
why don't you actually fix the problem (which is likely your a/c control unit) instead of working around it in the most pain in the ass way possible?
take your car into a dealership and tell them you want them to check it out. don't obligate yourself into paying for their service, but at the same time, don't let them know that you're going to take what you've found out & run.
Anyway, they'll figure out what's wrong & what needs to be done and come to you with a way overblown figure for service. You go to the junkyard, buy what you need, and fix it yourself.

Hey thats what I do. Damn the secrets out...

10-02-2003, 05:36 PM
got this part number from the dealership:


sound right?

10-02-2003, 09:13 PM
It could be the resistor, but it can also be the actual switch. My 94 Sentra had that exact same problem, but 1, 2 ,3 worked, but 4 didn't. I went to nissan, and they replaced my resistor, but then it switched to 4 working, but not 1, 2, oe 3. They said to fix it, I need to replace my actual switch mechanism.

10-02-2003, 09:46 PM
as aznpoopy said, i feel cold air flowing through the a/c when i i drive, just that the fan aint spinning