View Full Version : 300zx n/a brakes for 95 240sx SE

02-08-2002, 05:48 PM
Aite Guys and Girls, I know you guys probably heard the brakes questions and are so sick of it, but this is my first time posting anything on the site, and I promise not to ask anymore. I am about to purchase a complete 90' 300zx n/a brake set-up for my 95' 240sx SE. From what I have read from the forum, the rotors are straight bolt-on to the hub and they should clear my 16' rims. I am currently looking at PDM's 300zx brake conversion lines. I know they sell the fronts for $100 and have no clue about the rear. I emailed them and they replied that they had "Rear DOT OEM lines" for $50 bucks. To my knowlegde, OEM product are stock, (manufacuers) can't spell, products. So will my stock lines fit if PDM is selling stock lines?? If not where can I get some conversion lines? If there is any other things I need to know about the conversion, please let me know. Thanks

02-08-2002, 06:15 PM
wait for s13grl to show up....she has all the answers...as for me.....i with you...if oem fits and pdm sells it for the car it should fit to...but since it is a purchuse i would be 100% sure before i bought it so just chill till she comes <img src="http://www.zilvia.net/f/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>

Kid Zelda
02-08-2002, 06:23 PM
Z32 rotors will mount just like your current ones. &nbsp;Calipers will mount, and will clear the Stock SE wheels.

PDM, sell brake lines to mate to the calipers, trust me, get'em. &nbsp;

You just needed some reinsurance

02-08-2002, 11:30 PM
Ok. &nbsp;Not to be a prick, but you really should have used that handy-dandy &quot;search&quot; button on the top of the page, since you know that this question has been asked a thousand times.
Second, it was asked 2 days ago, I replied, and told the person to feel free to email me, to save board space, and he did. &nbsp;You should check the tech section for technical help.
All that aside...
When you get the calipers, they will probably be unloaded. &nbsp;So you will need to go to the Nissan dealership and buy a &quot;brake hardware kit.&quot; &nbsp;This has the shims and crap you'll need. &nbsp;Then you will need 4 retaining pins, to hold the pads in place. &nbsp;Nissan has those for like $1.50/ea.
Then you'll need the PDM conversion lines. &nbsp;The reason is because the fitting on a 240sx caliper is a male/female flare, and the 300zx is a banjo fitting, or something like that. &nbsp;Anyway, they are very different. &nbsp;So you need those.
As for the rear swap, not too many people have swapped that, cuz its a pain in the ass. &nbsp;And I have no clue on that.
But if you need more help on the swap, email me, at [email protected]

02-09-2002, 12:21 PM
I used that button Prick. &nbsp;Still needed more info. Thanks for the info I already knew. &nbsp;

02-09-2002, 12:29 PM
I want to do the rear, nobody said any details about that, that's why I'm asking. &nbsp;

02-09-2002, 01:24 PM
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from WingZ3ro95 on 2:21 pm on Feb. 9, 2002
I used that button Prick. Still needed more info. Thanks for the info I already knew.
</td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'>

Whoa, not a good way to introduce yourself to the forums. Try to be a bit more polite next time.