View Full Version : problem...please help!

10-01-2003, 11:10 AM

ok, past weekend i washed my car, waxed it and made it look realllly nice. after that, I started the car and parked it in my garage (i didn't see any engine check light or maybe i didn't notice it)

Next morning I start my car to drive to work and the "Check Engine" light is on. Just now I got back from work and following the instructions provided on the link above, I reset the ECU. The check engine light goes away after showing the error code but comes back on when i shut it off and start the car again. Here's the error code:
3S 4F 6S 5F 10S 5F
(numbers are the # of blinks

so what does this error code mean? if someone has an FSM can they pleeeeeease provide me with what this means?


10-01-2003, 11:11 AM
oh wait, i think the error code equals this:
1st one: 34, which is:
Knock Sensor

2nd one: 65, which is:
CYL 4 Misfire

3rd one: 105, which is:
EGRC Solenoid/V

ok that's from a little research of my own.. (pat on the back )

now for solutions... am i in big sh*t?
what's a knock sensor? sorry for this question but i really don't know!

cyl 4 misfire, so does that mean i need new plugs/wires or is that something really deep?

EGRC Solenoid/V <-- wtf is that???

I just bought this car off a privated dealer like 2 weeks ago... why didn't these errors show up b4? :-S

please help me!

10-02-2003, 12:11 AM
please help someone... thanks

i did some research and know how to fix the knock sensor.
i'm just concerned about the misfire and egr problem... is it big or would changing the wires and sparks fix the prob?
what about egr prob that i got.. how do i fix that?

10-02-2003, 12:38 AM
maybe if we leave you alone one more day, you'd figure out the rest yourself... haha, juss joking. well anyway, about the cylinder misfiring, check the spark plugs (cheap), if it looks okay, then check the plug wire. to check it, you have the engine OFF, NOT RUNNING, but OFF. you pull the plug wire out and stick a long screwdriver in it and place the screwdriver on the valvecover, don't let the metal touch each other, give it about a cm in between, then you start the engine, if it's good, you should see sparks in between the valvecover and the screwdriver (looks like small lightning). but if you don't see it, then switch it with the other plug wire to see if it changes. if it changes, then you have to change your wires (affordable), but if the problem doesn't change, then it's probably your distributor cap/rotor (affordable). hopefully it's not the whole distributor itself, because that costs a lot. now... as for the EGR, i'll get back to you on that one, for now, i'm going to bed. goodnight :D

10-02-2003, 10:05 AM
My 95 has been giving the knock sensor code for about a year now. The engine does not detonate and runs reasonably rich at WOT, and I get 27 MPG. The knock sensor is not a problem, so don't worry about it. The knock sensor costs $125 and is not worth the time nor the money.

10-02-2003, 11:34 AM
Originally posted by X1nom3D
maybe if we leave you alone one more day, you'd figure out the rest yourself... haha, juss joking. well anyway, about the cylinder misfiring, check the spark plugs (cheap), if it looks okay, then check the plug wire. to check it, you have the engine OFF, NOT RUNNING, but OFF. you pull the plug wire out and stick a long screwdriver in it and place the screwdriver on the valvecover, don't let the metal touch each other, give it about a cm in between, then you start the engine, if it's good, you should see sparks in between the valvecover and the screwdriver (looks like small lightning). but if you don't see it, then switch it with the other plug wire to see if it changes. if it changes, then you have to change your wires (affordable), but if the problem doesn't change, then it's probably your distributor cap/rotor (affordable). hopefully it's not the whole distributor itself, because that costs a lot. now... as for the EGR, i'll get back to you on that one, for now, i'm going to bed. goodnight :D

If you do this, DON'T hold the spark plug wire with your bare hands.. use an insulated wrench. you could be shocked otherwise.

I think you might have some water around the base of your plugs..

and you probably got a bit of water into the EGR system.. thats not really a big deal, as it will evaporate out.

Just pull the plug wires, and stick a rag into the holes, and see if there is standing water around the plugs...

10-02-2003, 12:43 PM
OMG, i forgot to tell him not to hold it with his bare hands, LOL. it was late man, you can't blame me. and plus, I always get shocked by mine, LOL, which tells you that i forget NOT to hold it with my bare hands too :hammer: it's fun ya kno, you get the feeling like in those cartoon shows. like how they hold a huge metal rod and bang it on something and then it shakes and in turn shakes their whole body too. okay, i'm way off topic now, i'll stop.:rolleyes:

10-02-2003, 02:54 PM
Originally posted by X1nom3D
OMG, i forgot to tell him not to hold it with his bare hands, LOL. it was late man, you can't blame me. and plus, I always get shocked by mine, LOL, which tells you that i forget NOT to hold it with my bare hands too :hammer: it's fun ya kno, you get the feeling like in those cartoon shows. like how they hold a huge metal rod and bang it on something and then it shakes and in turn shakes their whole body too. okay, i'm way off topic now, i'll stop.:rolleyes:

<<-- learned the hard way too.. :eek: :eek: :eek: :coolugh:

10-02-2003, 03:11 PM
you guys are awesome... thanks for the suggestions. i will go home tonight after work and try all the things...

i've been getting good mileage, no detonation and it's not runnin rich so i'll just leave the sensor alone... btw, this all happened after i washed my car... i kinda (stupid me) sprayed directly into the muffler, but that shouldn't bring up error codes like these!? and i doubt that the water would've reached the sparks.. hehe but i'll double check for moisture and try it and get back to ya guys soon..

about the egr problem, what is that exactly and where's the egr located?

10-03-2003, 10:15 PM
yello? egr location please? thanks :p

10-04-2003, 01:01 AM
:doh: i forgot all about that. i'll get that for you the next day, i promise.

10-05-2003, 02:31 AM
all right, i hope this helps.
diagram is a courtesy of Chilton

10-05-2003, 06:47 PM
thanx man... i hope i can fix these probs... ain't changin the knock sensor, so i guess 1 problem gonna stay :-\