View Full Version : More than 100 Tomahawk missiles fired on Libyan targets

03-19-2011, 08:32 PM
European countries and the US backed by Arab League members have launched attacks from air and sea against the Libyan regime of Muammar Gaddafi. The bombing raids by fighter jets, cruise missile strikes and electronic warfare are aimed at knocking out military units and capability being used to attack rebel strongholds such as Benghazi and Misrata. Air defence systems are being targeted to give the jets clear skies. Leaders such as Barack Obama and David Cameron have stressed that they are acting to protect civilians and complying fully within the UN security council resolution.

Could this just be about oil and not protecting civilians?

03-19-2011, 08:38 PM
i see this being the next afghanistan, full of soldiers doing nothing other than protecting oil, and the odd mission doing something helpful for the media to have an excuse for soldiers being there,

03-19-2011, 08:43 PM
I saw on cnn last night that French jets were doing some shit. When did france grow a pair of balls?

03-19-2011, 08:43 PM
I don't see why would NOT be about protecting civilians?
Much of the violence has been getting out of hand,
and the uprising has been going on for over a month by now at least.

I'm just glad that
a) it was France that led the coalition, and not the US.
I think a lot of other countries are backing this, plus there is no expressed intention to overthrow Gadafi even though honestly I think that would be best for everyone.

b) no intention of the US putting ground troops.

About oil, I think it's entirely possible there is a motive there.
Nobody is going to benefit with crude oil skyrocketing at the rates they have been, even if it's probably more the fault of speculators, rather than Libya per say.
(or that is my uneducated guess).

03-19-2011, 08:44 PM
That comes out to about $57,000,000 just for the missiles.

I bet our schools and hospitals could have made good use of that money.

03-19-2011, 08:45 PM
I saw on cnn last night that French jets were doing some shit. When did france grow a pair of balls?

probably since Sarcozy was in charge

03-19-2011, 08:57 PM
I'm guessing the USAF and USN are the ones conducting the Electronic Warfare.

Any other military folks foresee the Libyan Campaign Medal on their uniform? *hint hint*

03-19-2011, 09:00 PM
I'm guessing the USAF and USN are the ones conducting the Electronic Warfare.

Any other military folks foresee the Libyan Campaign Medal on their uniform? *hint hint*
That's the joke around the office this morning. I'm about to leave the 101st and return to my air force life. I told the guys that I'll see them in libya in a year or so

03-19-2011, 09:15 PM
Looks like we have some F-15s over there and a small group of Growlers.
Most of the airpower seem to be from Euro nations... Spain, Denmark, Italy, the RAF, and Hornets from Canada. UAE and Qatar, too.

Also, one Flogger down..... how many of those junkers to go?

03-19-2011, 09:23 PM
grumble grumble war machine grumble grumble oil grumble conspiracy hrumpf.
planet needs to chill out.

03-19-2011, 09:28 PM
Looks like we have some F-15s over there and a small group of Growlers.
Most of the airpower seem to be from Euro nations... Spain, Denmark, Italy, the RAF, and Hornets from Canada. UAE and Qatar, too.

Also, one Flogger down..... how many of those junkers to go?

I'm surprised no Prowlers...wait...they're supporting OND and OEF.

03-19-2011, 09:33 PM
What are we fighting for? or better yet what are we getting involved in? Sorry I heard of Libya in the news but haven't really paid much attention.

Why do I feel like I am reading a sports cast? its like who has the best military lol

03-19-2011, 09:45 PM
What are we fighting for? or better yet what are we getting involved in? Sorry I heard of Libya in the news but haven't really paid much attention.

Obama says U.S. role limited as Libya strikes start | Reuters (http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/03/20/us-libya-usa-idUSTRE72A6EC20110320?feedType=RSS&feedName=topNews)
Why do I feel like I am reading a sports cast? its like who has the best military lol

libya's protesting their shitty government, so their shitty government is killing them, so now everybody's shooting missiles at them

03-19-2011, 09:51 PM
North Korea doesn't have oil.

03-19-2011, 09:52 PM
And Europe only promotes this to get all the brown people to go back home

03-19-2011, 10:00 PM
I guess the second round of missiles hit a couple hours ago. Not sure how many though. It'll be interesting to see the damage they did.

03-19-2011, 11:39 PM
libya's protesting their shitty government, so their shitty government is killing them, so now everybody's shooting missiles at them

i haven't been following all the in-depth details either, but that is pretty accurate summary and pretty much how i understand it.

my boss says Libya's dictator could still fuck everyone over by ordering his men to blow up all the oil fields as a last kick in the nuts to everyone before he goes down.

03-19-2011, 11:55 PM
US dont really give a fuck...we get less than 5% of our oil from Libya. I'm surprised we get any oil at all from them since I always thought we have an embargo with Libya.

But yah, I saw the title and first thing that popped in my head was $1 Million per cruise missile...fucking awesome specially since Congress is pulling a fucking California and have yet to approve a fiscal budget since Sept. Lets launch all this missile, but by the way, we run out of money on April 1st and we might not have any money to pay you military types after then.

03-19-2011, 11:57 PM
US dont really give a fuck...we get less than 5% of our oil from Libya. I'm surprised we get any oil at all from them since I always thought we have an embargo with Libya.

But yah, I saw the title and first thing that popped in my head was $1 Million per cruise missile...fucking awesome specially since Congress is pulling a fucking California and have yet to approve a fiscal budget since Sept. Lets launch all this missile, but by the way, we run out of money on April 1st and we might not have any money to pay you military types after then.
yeah, definitely gotta love that shit

03-20-2011, 12:09 AM
some how. i know this is all bushes fault. its just a gut feeling.... *sarcasm*

the a3k
03-20-2011, 12:14 AM
I saw on cnn last night that French jets were doing some shit. When did france grow a pair of balls?

seriously lol. i give them credit for being the first. seems like the US always starts shit. Now its the french. anyway...

Whats the most common french phrase?

03-20-2011, 12:31 AM
It is about time the U.N. involved themselves in this. I dont understand why they did not just take out Gaddafi shortly after this started. But, of course, they wait until the rebels start loosing steam and Gaddafi is starting to gain ground again, then they want to do something about it. My uneducated opinion is, take out Gaddafi regime and let the rebels handle thier business. America cannot afford another war.

03-20-2011, 12:36 AM
isnt this similar to whats going on in Bahrain?

03-20-2011, 12:47 AM
US dont really give a fuck...we get less than 5% of our oil from Libya. I'm surprised we get any oil at all from them since I always thought we have an embargo with Libya.

But yah, I saw the title and first thing that popped in my head was $1 Million per cruise missile...fucking awesome specially since Congress is pulling a fucking California and have yet to approve a fiscal budget since Sept. Lets launch all this missile, but by the way, we run out of money on April 1st and we might not have any money to pay you military types after then.

The amount of oil we get from Libya probably is negligible, but the speculation on the market isn't. I don't know how else to explain the relatively sudden increase in oil prices.

I do agree it's probably financially irresponsible, but honestly gas prices being hiked the way they indefinitely are can't be good for any recovering economy including our own. Obviously other countries like Britain are doing the same, and I doubt they would throw away $$$ for nothing.

03-20-2011, 12:51 AM
I'm all for protectiing civilians...but do we really need to open up a 3rd front?

if the rest of the world, including the arabs, want a no fly zone in libya...i don't see why the U.S. has to get involved. let the other countries step up for once. this is just gonna create more anti-americanism in the middle east.

03-20-2011, 12:58 AM
I'm just wondering how much is each tomahawk cost to build.?

03-20-2011, 02:13 AM
i see this being the next afghanistan, full of soldiers doing nothing other than protecting oil, and the odd mission doing something helpful for the media to have an excuse for soldiers being there,

Not happening.

I saw on cnn last night that French jets were doing some shit. When did france grow a pair of balls?

Apparently all of Europe and UN got tired of Gadhafi's crap, they only recently lifted sanctions (2003) so he was on a short leash.

I don't see why would NOT be about protecting civilians?
Much of the violence has been getting out of hand,
and the uprising has been going on for over a month by now at least.

I'm just glad that
a) it was France that led the coalition, and not the US.
I think a lot of other countries are backing this, plus there is no expressed intention to overthrow Gadafi even though honestly I think that would be best for everyone.

b) no intention of the US putting ground troops.


That comes out to about $57,000,000 just for the missiles.

I bet our schools and hospitals could have made good use of that money.

The missiles where already built. So the money was already spent. Who knows if those where 1980s missiles just sitting there anyways.

What are we fighting for? or better yet what are we getting involved in?

Its more like an automatic tossing a bone their way, we're kind of stuck with that since everyone jumped in when we went to war.....

It is about time the U.N. involved themselves in this. I dont understand why they did not just take out Gaddafi shortly after this started. But, of course, they wait until the rebels start loosing steam and Gaddafi is starting to gain ground again, then they want to do something about it. My uneducated opinion is, take out Gaddafi regime and let the rebels handle thier business. America cannot afford another war.

Because they wait until we decide to fight the wars they want to anyways, so that they can "wash their hands clean" and say we started it. :rolleyes:

isnt this similar to whats going on in Bahrain?

You are correct sir, middle eastern countries are in the process of spring cleaning and [trying to] kick out their dictators for themselves right now....

2010-2011 Arab world protests (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010-2011_Arab_world_protests)

03-20-2011, 02:28 AM
US dont really give a fuck...we get less than 5% of our oil from Libya. I'm surprised we get any oil at all from them since I always thought we have an embargo with Libya.

The US may get very little right now, but anyone who does drilling in the middle east will tell you that area is mostly untapped and may have ridiculous amounts of oil.

03-20-2011, 03:39 AM
lol, now this nutcase is on live on cnn rambling and threatening everyone

03-20-2011, 04:29 AM
FUUUU i havent even done my taxes yet.. hope i dont get an IOU for later on with this warfare and budget cuts tax increase going on.

03-20-2011, 04:45 AM
The missiles where already built. So the money was already spent. Who knows if those where 1980s missiles just sitting there anyways.

While this is true, now they need more to reload the ships (although they might already be bought and paid for, regardless you still see my point). No matter what the operation cost that much whether or not they were old or new missiles.

I'm pretty sure Raytheon still builds them too.

03-20-2011, 08:53 AM
I don't see why would NOT be about protecting civilians?
Much of the violence has been getting out of hand,
and the uprising has been going on for over a month by now at least.

I'm just glad that
a) it was France that led the coalition, and not the US.
I think a lot of other countries are backing this, plus there is no expressed intention to overthrow Gadafi even though honestly I think that would be best for everyone.

b) no intention of the US putting ground troops.

About oil, I think it's entirely possible there is a motive there.
Nobody is going to benefit with crude oil skyrocketing at the rates they have been, even if it's probably more the fault of speculators, rather than Libya per say.
(or that is my uneducated guess).
I also think so.
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03-20-2011, 09:41 AM
Sounds like the US sent a group of B-2s to send some "care packages" to an airfield over there. :)

03-20-2011, 10:42 AM
You are correct sir, middle eastern countries are in the process of spring cleaning and [trying to] kick out their dictators for themselves right now....

2010-2011 Arab world protests (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2010-2011_Arab_world_protests)

dictators the majority of whom were US backed, armed and trained to protect our interests in the region
then the oppression against their people gets out of hand
civil wars break out
and UN goes in to oust dictators and 'establish democracy'

sounds familiar,
after all it's the same shit that happened in Latin America from the 50s to the 80s

03-20-2011, 02:03 PM
US dont really give a fuck...we get less than 5% of our oil from Libya. I'm surprised we get any oil at all from them since I always thought we have an embargo with Libya.

The amount of oil we get from Libya probably is negligible, but the speculation on the market isn't. I don't know how else to explain the relatively sudden increase in oil prices.

I do agree it's probably financially irresponsible, but honestly gas prices being hiked the way they indefinitely are can't be good for any recovering economy including our own. Obviously other countries like Britain are doing the same, and I doubt they would throw away $$$ for nothing.

exactly, since europe and (maybe other countries) gets their oil from Libya and Libya stops supplying them, Europe will get it somewhere else such as some of the US's suppliers in Canada and Mexico, thus driving up demand and prices for all.

03-20-2011, 02:24 PM
That comes out to about $57,000,000 just for the missiles.

I bet our schools and hospitals could have made good use of that money.
wow you were fairly accurate with that number. i was going to correct you but then i did the math & i was like ooh, hey he's right. how did you know/what do you do.

US dont really give a fuck...we get less than 5% of our oil from Libya. I'm surprised we get any oil at all from them since I always thought we have an embargo with Libya.

But yah, I saw the title and first thing that popped in my head was $1 Million per cruise missile...fucking awesome specially since Congress is pulling a fucking California and have yet to approve a fiscal budget since Sept. Lets launch all this missile, but by the way, we run out of money on April 1st and we might not have any money to pay you military types after then.

ray, see 1st quote. a tomahawk is about HALF a million. oh well, simple mistake no big deal. & yeah the guys @ work are talking about that 'hey we might not get paid' thing. i dont believe it. they cant just NOT pay us. im not really worried.

but back to the thread topic. i believe that if it was about oil that we mightve stepped in much sooner. i really think our interaction has to do with how dire the situation has become in Libya in regards to the whole slaughter of civilians. but i also think that our govt might not have gotten involved if it werent for the pressure to act that our civilians, the media, and the rest of the world has put them under.

but it very well could have to do with oil. its all speculation

03-20-2011, 02:31 PM
They gotta replace those missiles too.

03-20-2011, 03:31 PM
I believe that if it was about oil that we mightve stepped in much sooner. i really think our interaction has to do with how dire the situation has become in Libya in regards to the whole slaughter of civilians.

This makes perfect sense.

03-20-2011, 03:51 PM
Who wants some JDAM?

Also, look at this old lady they have over there.

03-20-2011, 04:06 PM



03-20-2011, 05:19 PM
Somebody better keep an eye on Puente Hills mall and make sure there are no Libyans tearing ass through the parking lot in a VW Bus, eh?

03-20-2011, 05:21 PM
back to the future!?!

03-20-2011, 06:06 PM
That comes out to about $57,000,000 just for the missiles.

I bet our schools and hospitals could have made good use of that money.

Let alone the amount of diesel spent driving the ships over there.. the cost of the ship to park the missles off the coast.. the cost of the crew.. submarines.. and their crews.. all while obama flys down to brazil on a plane that get 5 GALLONS PER MILE at the tax payers expense to glad hand some dudes and get a photo op.

Start looking at tax payer outlay just to have some ships and sub's sitting off the coast..

enough of this B.S. who gives a shit if some wackjob on the other side of the planet wants to kill his own people..

Politicians better start taking care of their own people or they'll be launching tomahawks into america's heartland to quell the rebellion..

03-20-2011, 06:11 PM
Politicians better start taking care of their own people or they'll be launching tomahawks into america's heartland to quell the rebellion..

HOMEFRONT might being happening sooner than i thought.

Just saying. We'd be so broke protecting other countries, next thing you know, other countries are gonna invade US soil. Cuz were too busy being heroes for other land.

03-20-2011, 06:22 PM
Let alone the amount of diesel spent driving the ships over there..

The ships would be on maneuvers anyway, so they were going to be burning fuel no matter what.

the cost of the ship to park the missles off the coast.. The ship was bought and paid for already, they just weren't being used.

the cost of the crew..
Navy personnel are always getting paid, they don't have to clock in at war time to draw a pay check.

These were already paid for too, see above for everything else pertaining to them.

and their crews..

Once again, always getting paid. (Unless they call up reserves, which isn't the case here.)

Jesus stop with the bullshit.

03-20-2011, 06:34 PM

03-20-2011, 06:40 PM
Thank you holemilk00 for laying down the hammer. :smash:

03-20-2011, 10:15 PM
Lol, so those are what jdams look like. I always thought they'd look more badass. Shrug

03-20-2011, 10:30 PM
The ships would be on maneuvers anyway, so they were going to be burning fuel no matter what.

The ship was bought and paid for already, they just weren't being used.

Navy personnel are always getting paid, they don't have to clock in at war time to draw a pay check.

These were already paid for too, see above for everything else pertaining to them.

Once again, always getting paid. (Unless they call up reserves, which isn't the case here.)

Jesus stop with the bullshit.

See that's the difference between the two of us... we wouldn't need those ships, missles, subs and useless navy crew members on boats "doing maneuvers" and burning diesel if we didn't constantly interfere with someone elses problems.. we're not captain planet and nothing going on in libya has jack shit to do with the USA and what's going on in the borders of the USA.. this whole "good of the world" is a hand job to make you feel like shit's going to change. At the end of the day. just because we have it doesn't mean we need it.. doesn't mean tax payers don't pay for it.. I'd have been happier if he said.. instead of bombing libya, we decommissioned 20 ships, laid off 10,000 navy personel because we're broke and they were just doing doughnuts in the north atlantic. Atleast then they'd be down to 279 boat and 420,000 paychecks. When the libyans make a beach head in maine.. let me know.. till this it's all BS.

03-20-2011, 11:39 PM
The ships would be on maneuvers anyway, so they were going to be burning fuel no matter what.

The ship was bought and paid for already, they just weren't being used.

Navy personnel are always getting paid, they don't have to clock in at war time to draw a pay check.

These were already paid for too, see above for everything else pertaining to them.

Once again, always getting paid. (Unless they call up reserves, which isn't the case here.)

Jesus stop with the bullshit.

I guess you missed what's being said about what would happen to Active Duty Folk's pay in the next couple of weeks. The Federal Gov has not had a budget hammered out for 2011 (yah funny, I know). Supposedly, the Gov will run out of money to operate on after the 1st of Apr and that when that happens, military wont get paid. Thank you Congress for all this bullshit...

03-21-2011, 12:23 AM
See that's the difference between the two of us... we wouldn't need those ships, missles, subs and useless navy crew members on boats "doing maneuvers" and burning diesel if we didn't constantly interfere with someone elses problems.. we're not captain planet and nothing going on in libya has jack shit to do with the USA and what's going on in the borders of the USA.. this whole "good of the world" is a hand job to make you feel like shit's going to change. At the end of the day. just because we have it doesn't mean we need it.. doesn't mean tax payers don't pay for it.. I'd have been happier if he said.. instead of bombing libya, we decommissioned 20 ships, laid off 10,000 navy personel because we're broke and they were just doing doughnuts in the north atlantic. Atleast then they'd be down to 279 boat and 420,000 paychecks. When the libyans make a beach head in maine.. let me know.. till this it's all BS.

If we did not have all of the we would be property of Red China! Then you would not even be able to get on this forum and spout that garbage because you, my friend, would not have freedom of speech. BTW, most navy vessels are powered by nuke, not diesel.

03-21-2011, 12:56 AM
See that's the difference between the two of us... we wouldn't need those ships, missles, subs and useless navy crew members on boats "doing maneuvers" and burning diesel if we didn't constantly interfere with someone elses problems.. we're not captain planet and nothing going on in libya has jack shit to do with the USA and what's going on in the borders of the USA.. this whole "good of the world" is a hand job to make you feel like shit's going to change. At the end of the day. just because we have it doesn't mean we need it.. doesn't mean tax payers don't pay for it.. I'd have been happier if he said.. instead of bombing libya, we decommissioned 20 ships, laid off 10,000 navy personel because we're broke and they were just doing doughnuts in the north atlantic. Atleast then they'd be down to 279 boat and 420,000 paychecks. When the libyans make a beach head in maine.. let me know.. till this it's all BS.
Glad you feel that way

word sux
03-21-2011, 09:16 AM
I got a nice little essay (not finished) in loudnoises going right now.


03-21-2011, 09:22 AM
america fuck ya!!

03-21-2011, 09:27 AM
War is the only thing as a country were good at! Im still on my cool down time.from afghan and that country is our new jump off! The people of that country need help, it was just a matter of time before we did something. As long.as.we.don't lread the charge and play behind the scene I'm find with it! Let the navy put in some work!:lfault:

03-21-2011, 10:03 AM
I guess you missed what's being said about what would happen to Active Duty Folk's pay in the next couple of weeks. The Federal Gov has not had a budget hammered out for 2011 (yah funny, I know). Supposedly, the Gov will run out of money to operate on after the 1st of Apr and that when that happens, military wont get paid. Thank you Congress for all this bullshit...

April Fools? lol

03-21-2011, 11:54 AM
Glad you feel that way

I know right:goyou: "The Wolf" what do you happen to do for a living? I'm not going to turn this into a thing about patriotism or bad mouth you for not being in the service, but if you have a better way of running our government then do something about it instead of bitching about where your tax money goes to:cry:. I wouldn't call those guys worthless either, there are plenty of jobs those guys do that are vital in the civilian world, that once they get out are just as much a contributor to society as you are, not to mention we pay taxes too.

03-21-2011, 11:57 AM
without our service men and women out there being a threat to other countries jst showing how much power we can bring, this could change things.

get ir done.

03-21-2011, 12:13 PM
See that's the difference between the two of us... we wouldn't need those ships, missles, subs and useless navy crew members on boats "doing maneuvers" and burning diesel if we didn't constantly interfere with someone elses problems.. we're not captain planet and nothing going on in libya has jack shit to do with the USA and what's going on in the borders of the USA.. this whole "good of the world" is a hand job to make you feel like shit's going to change. At the end of the day. just because we have it doesn't mean we need it.. doesn't mean tax payers don't pay for it.. I'd have been happier if he said.. instead of bombing libya, we decommissioned 20 ships, laid off 10,000 navy personel because we're broke and they were just doing doughnuts in the north atlantic. Atleast then they'd be down to 279 boat and 420,000 paychecks. When the libyans make a beach head in maine.. let me know.. till this it's all BS.

As a Useless Navy vet I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of myself and anyone else who has previously served, or is currently serving to say you're welcome for the freedom to move to another country that doesn't do the things we do. There are plenty of countries with small military presences and little to no world involvement. I hear its nice in the Caymans this time of year. If you are truly that unhappy with it, why don't you express your freedom and your rights to move to a country where you would be happier with the way they spend their fiscal budget? Oh wait, that's right, its a pretty sweet gig here in the states, you know, with capitalism, opportunities to make something of yourself. I knew there was a reason so many people from those other small countries spend their entire lives trying to save up to move to countries like ours. My mistake, carry on.

03-22-2011, 07:56 AM
Strike Eagle down
US jet crashes in Libya, both crew are safe - Yahoo! News (http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20110322/ap_on_re_eu/libya_us_jet)

Crew ok though!

03-22-2011, 08:23 AM
Oh shit. Drop in, get some juice from the locals, and then bounce. awesome haha

"equipment malfunction" huh? right

03-22-2011, 09:15 AM
As a Useless Navy vet I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of myself and anyone else who has previously served, or is currently serving to say you're welcome for the freedom to move to another country that doesn't do the things we do. There are plenty of countries with small military presences and little to no world involvement. I hear its nice in the Caymans this time of year. If you are truly that unhappy with it, why don't you express your freedom and your rights to move to a country where you would be happier with the way they spend their fiscal budget? Oh wait, that's right, its a pretty sweet gig here in the states, you know, with capitalism, opportunities to make something of yourself. I knew there was a reason so many people from those other small countries spend their entire lives trying to save up to move to countries like ours. My mistake, carry on.

Thank you for your service brother.

03-23-2011, 08:34 AM
My point on useless was not to belittle your service to country. My point on useless was the service member implying that no matter what, ships would be sailing, crew would be active, and loitering while doing maneuvers. A useless action. In rebuttal to all his comments about how none of this would cost america anything because "we already owned it".

Libya attacks spark fight over cost - Mar. 22, 2011 (http://money.cnn.com/2011/03/22/news/economy/libya_cost/index.htm)

225million in tomahawks. 10k an hour just in fuel for one of those jets, let alone maintenance. Projected cost 800 million to establish the no fly zone and 100 million a week to maintain it.

about 135million people file for taxes in america. Right now this little excursion has cost everyone about $6 each. Which is small compared to $6777.86 each person has been obligated on iraq and the $2879.88 each person has been obligated to pay for afghanistan. These costs do not cover soft costs such as psyc help for ptsd, burials, increased health costs for purple heart recipients, or the maintenance on the equipment worn out over there.

It's got to be paid for at some point and to be honest, I don't give a shit about libya nor would I give $6 to help remove their gov't. I think if they put it upto a public vote, they'd find that alot of other people don't as well. Events that arn't a credible threat to national security like this should be based on a opt in basis. Like txt "Bomb libya" to 99943 to donate $10 towards the cause.

03-23-2011, 12:25 PM
I really love the keyboard protester talking about 'its all about oil'. Noobies.

Its far more complicated, but I don't believe they should be there because its a Civil War. Leave it alone.

Imagine you live in California, and Arizona attacks you. Then someone like Canada shows up and says you cannot use your Air Force to defend you. Even if you are a pot-smoking stupid State of Murder and Emission laws... Canada has no right supporting Arizona.

Yes. That was way off topic, but its kind of a dumb perspective for you fellas.

03-23-2011, 12:27 PM
You also have to see the positive side of this. If America uses up its missiles, there will be more jobs created back stateside in building more missiles. War is a type of economy builder in one way or another, lol. Remember, that tax money is going to those workers, not being thrown out the window.

03-23-2011, 12:28 PM
The US may get very little right now, but anyone who does drilling in the middle east will tell you that area is mostly untapped and may have ridiculous amounts of oil.

You live in Alberta too don't you?

03-23-2011, 02:18 PM
I really love the keyboard protester talking about 'its all about oil'. Noobies.

Its far more complicated, but I don't believe they should be there because its a Civil War. Leave it alone.

Imagine you live in California, and Arizona attacks you. Then someone like Canada shows up and says you cannot use your Air Force to defend you. Even if you are a pot-smoking stupid State of Murder and Emission laws... Canada has no right supporting Arizona.

Yes. That was way off topic, but its kind of a dumb perspective for you fellas.

that analogy actually made sense to me lol

03-30-2011, 01:46 PM
So the US hands control to NATO and this happens:

Gadhafi's forces adapt to airstrikes, pound rebels - Yahoo! News (http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/af_libya;_ylt=A0wNdOx_h5NNNwsAIlOs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMT MzYnNpNnQ5BGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTEwMzMwL2FmX2xpYnlhBGNj b2RlA3JhbmRvbQRjcG9zAzEEcG9zAzIEcHQDaG9tZV9jb2tlBH NlYwN5bl90b3Bfc3RvcnkEc2xrA2dhZGhhZmlzZm9yYw--)

And you wonder why they had to beg us to help in the first place. n00bs. :rolleyes: