View Full Version : Cop <3 thread~

03-17-2011, 12:45 PM
This is for the people of zilvia who have had officers help them when in need, or just plain do nice things. my recent experience was an officer that saw my dog running around, and he brought him home for me.


03-17-2011, 12:52 PM
I was driving down the 57 South. My running light fuse popped.

This was my 3rd time getting pulled over THAT DAY -______- And for all different things.


He says hey your lights are out, did you know?
I said yeah, I just got a ticket.
Can i see the ticket?
Of course.

So I rummage through my wallet and grab like 7 tickets. And I start going through them looking for the one I just got.

He said "Bro, I'm sorry. Any warrants or anything?
Have a good night.

Only good cop story. hahahaha

03-17-2011, 12:59 PM
A cop found a 2500$ Colnago bike that was stolen from my house for me.

03-17-2011, 01:10 PM
My car used to not have a thermostat so when it was cold as eff I'd have to stop for a while to warm up the car.

Anyways, I did this like 5-6 times over a period of a week. Every single time I'd stop on the side of the road, a cop would stop within a minute and make sure everything was okay, and then joke around about car stuff for a while. (car was loud, slammed, SR swapped and they didn't care at all.) Most cops around here are car guys and have Fbodies and mustangs and such.

A couple times the cop would see my girlfriend in the passenger seat and stand up, look through the sunroof and make gestures at her making sure she was okay, haha.

Cops around here don't really hassle anyone. I've had good experiences with the police.

Magical Trevor
03-17-2011, 01:13 PM
I had a Texas State Trooper intervene with a local cop who was trying to write me a ticket for no front plate (which was mounted on my air dam underneath the bumper). The trooper lives in town and had noticed my car from a local car show a few weeks before.

Trooper - "Is there a problem here?"

Cop - "No front plate.."

Trooper - "Are you sure?"

Cop - "Well he has one, but it's not mounted properly and is not visible"

Trooper - "Officer do you even know the state law on plate visibility?"

Cop - *awfully confused look on his face* "Uhhhhhhh yeah.........?"

Trooper - "Law states that the front plate has to be visible from 50ft... which it is, and 2ft.. and if that means you have to get on your hands and knees to look for it, then that is what you will do to uphold the law."

Cop - "You have got to be kidding me."

Trooper - "I know for a fact it's visible from 50ft because I saw it pulling up.... now is it visible from 2ft?"

Cop - "You're not seriously making me loo-"

Trooper - "Yerrupp"

Cop - *mumbling insults as he gets down on the street looking at my plate* "Oookaaay"

Trooper - "I think we're done here officer, there's no infraction. Probably a good idea to spend his taxes on more important things from now on."

The cop walked back to his patrol car steaming pissed, damn near did a neutral drop and burned out as he left.

The trooper gave me his card and told me to call him if I needed any help getting out of a bind.

... 3 months later he got me out of a speeding ticket doing 165mph in a 70mph zone.

03-17-2011, 01:21 PM
^ That's awesome.

Not awesome you were doing 165 on a highway, but awesome for the front plate shenanigans.

03-17-2011, 01:30 PM
I had a Texas State Trooper intervene with a local cop who was trying to write me a ticket for no front plate (which was mounted on my air dam underneath the bumper). The trooper lives in town and had noticed my car from a local car show a few weeks before.

Trooper - "Is there a problem here?"

Cop - "No front plate.."

Trooper - "Are you sure?"

Cop - "Well he has one, but it's not mounted properly and is not visible"

Trooper - "Officer do you even know the state law on plate visibility?"

Cop - *awfully confused look on his face* "Uhhhhhhh yeah.........?"

Trooper - "Law states that the front plate has to be visible from 50ft... which it is, and 2ft.. and if that means you have to get on your hands and knees to look for it, then that is what you will do to uphold the law."

Cop - "You have got to be kidding me."

Trooper - "I know for a fact it's visible from 50ft because I saw it pulling up.... now is it visible from 2ft?"

Cop - "You're not seriously making me loo-"

Trooper - "Yerrupp"

Cop - *mumbling insults as he gets down on the street looking at my plate* "Oookaaay"

Trooper - "I think we're done here officer, there's no infraction. Probably a good idea to spend his taxes on more important things from now on."

The cop walked back to his patrol car steaming pissed, damn near did a neutral drop and burned out as he left.

The trooper gave me his card and told me to call him if I needed any help getting out of a bind.

... 3 months later he got me out of a speeding ticket doing 165mph in a 70mph zone.

That is awesome, maybe i can beat you.

I got pulled over for while rolling in a bone stock 240sx, i got a tint ticket, for the hatch and rear windows.

The next day i got pulled over again.
Cop: Do you know why i pulled you over
Cop: Your exhaust is too loud, is your license clean

Cop goes back to his car with my licesnse and reg, is taking some time i can hear him calling my plate in , and getting ready to write a ticket. Then my grandma comes walking around the corner (i was on my way to her garage to work on the car)

She sees the officer who she happened to know (Neighbor hood watch, PAC TAC person) and says Hi officer thats my grandson. She talks to the cop for a bit, they both poke some fun at me, and the cop gets rid of the exhaust ticket he was going to write, and then asks to see my tint ticket. Signs off on the tint ticket saying it was fixed. On my way i went.

do it sideways
03-17-2011, 01:31 PM
i never have luck with good cops, but once when i had first got a sr i was testing it. so i hit 120mph on a 45mph speed limit then see in my mirror a cop car like a football feild away. so i slow down to the speed limit and at the age of 16 about ish myself. then he pulls up next to me and just gives me a death stare while shaking his head. then he pops a u-turn and turns on his siren. biggest sign of relief ever! lol i think he had a important call but still.

03-17-2011, 01:31 PM
yea shouldve been an even 170. lol