View Full Version : Japan Hook Up.

03-15-2011, 05:09 AM
My buddy in Oki is being hella lame, he took pics of a set of Kouki Tails he found in a yard there yesterday. But he wont grab them for me, not really sure why but I want them.

Are any of you guys over there and can find a set decently priced. I was giving him 150 for them since he said there less than 50 bucks to get from the yard. Dont flame this thread, its a honest legit question because I really dont wanna pay 400 bucks for some tail lights. Like I said PLEASE DONT comment in the thread if you have anything negative to say to me not wanting to pay 400 for tails or anything else.


karl wasabi
03-15-2011, 05:33 AM
Maybe he's being "hella lame" cause he has other shit to worry about out there? Like a recent disaster affecting the entire country/world? I'm sure people out there have better things to do than look for tail lights for you.

And there's a "Want to Buy" section for your information. Completely wrong thread bro.

03-15-2011, 05:35 AM
Agree with Mr. Wasabi.

This thread is not needed. :lockd: