View Full Version : Parking Lot Rage

09-28-2003, 08:03 PM
Irena and I had our baby shower last week so we were gonna go to Target to exchange some ****, and we see this crappy-looking Carrera with new temp tags taking up two spots, parked all cool sideways and all. At Target, mind you. Anyway, so we decide we'd park right next to him just the way he's parked too. And we did. We were in Irena's car which needs some body work. Well, lots of body work, so we didnt' care too much. We parked parallel to him and left a meter of distance between us. We got out and started walking away and walked past this middle-aged man with a cart full of ****. He was standing next to the dude that collected carts and was looking at us all funny. We walked past him and he walked to the porsche and started swearing and yelling. He called us back, so we turned around and went to chat. He did the whole "you ****ing asshole" thing in that whiny-ass "i have a small penis" voice, and we started cracking up. He said we just parked there so we could be cool. In reality, we thought it would be really f'n funny, and the lot was kinda full. We asked him a few times why he was taking up two spots on such a busy night, but he didn't have an answer for us. Anyway, we walked away laughing our asses off and came back to the car to find three huge key marks. He first scratched the quarter panel and realized that there's no clear coat on it and that it doesn't really matter. Then he scratched the door and saw that the door already has a few scratches on it. Then he went to the hood and realized that the hood wasn't sitting right. so he stopped there.

Anyway, we thought this would be something funny to share with you all. :) Haha!

Oh, P.S. He had chrome rims on the car. And what the hell was he doing with a cart full of **** taking it home in his Carrera. I wanted to insult him about the crappy rims and brakes, Irena wanted to mention something about a small penis, but we couldn't find the words until after we left. should've/could've/would've

09-28-2003, 08:06 PM
of course, one would've had to get his plate #...

09-28-2003, 08:09 PM
well even though you kinda instigated it, that was really really immature :rolleyes: on his part. All I can say about that is, payback is a b i t c h. Molotov anyone?? :rl:

09-28-2003, 08:13 PM
We're not pissed off about it at all. We just think it's f'n hillarious, that's all. As I said in the beginning of the post, the car needs A LOT of body work, so **** like that doesn't matter at all. There was one other spot besides the one next to his, and it's an asshole thing of him to do on a busy night, that's all. A car isn't a status symbol, and that's all that it comes down to. Some people need to realize that they don't deserve to be treated differently just because they own a certain make of vehicle.

09-28-2003, 08:14 PM

Man thats some funny stuff, I hope you find his car and key it too, then we'll see who is sorry :rolleyes:

No kindness for the pregnant girls huh? Or does Irena not show?

09-28-2003, 08:17 PM
:D thats funny but still ****ed up about the whole key incident

09-28-2003, 08:21 PM
:) Irena's a mean pregnant girl. She shows. A lot. :) Her hormones show too. Hehe

Bill Roberts
09-28-2003, 08:25 PM
If my car got keyed, someone would first go to the hospital..then to jail...and it would not be me.

I do not take kindly to someone messing with my property. It is the American Indian in me, and the redneck as well. But the cops would be involved as well.

09-28-2003, 09:16 PM
I'm with Bill. My car's paint is not in the best of condition, but if I ever came to my car, and someone had scratch the hell out it. I would be trying to find anyone that might know something and then be ready with a baseball bat.

09-28-2003, 09:57 PM

I am totally with you guys on that one, funny stuff.

One time, during my short stint as a Janitor at a local university, there was this civic with 14" chrome wheels that always parked like that. He would always park real far away and take up 3 spots, like his car was the **** or something. So after a month of this me and my friend decided that it would be hilarious to park right next to him every day. Each day he would try to park somewhere else and we would just go move our cars right next to his.

good times


09-28-2003, 10:38 PM
I doubt you have full coverage but could you claim vandalizim on your car and get all the body/paint done for free (minus deductable) ????

09-30-2003, 03:28 PM
Originally posted by WeST
we see this crappy-looking Carrera with new temp tags taking up two spots, parked all cool sideways and all. At Target, mind you. Anyway, so we decide we'd park right next to him just the way he's parked too.

Heheheheh, I've done that before. Good job. :D When the new Mitsu Eclipses first came out (the latest bodystyle), some jackass here at work bought one immediately, and started pulling that "sideways across two spots" bullshit. Parking is VERY limited here, and I can only guess how much shit that person received, because they stopped doing it exactly 2 days after they started.

I mean, c'mon, it's an ECLIPSE. It's not like you just rolled up in a Ferrari.

09-30-2003, 03:34 PM
Originally posted by Rennen

I am totally with you guys on that one, funny stuff.

One time, during my short stint as a Janitor at a local university, there was this civic with 14" chrome wheels that always parked like that. He would always park real far away and take up 3 spots, like his car was the **** or something. So after a month of this me and my friend decided that it would be hilarious to park right next to him every day. Each day he would try to park somewhere else and we would just go move our cars right next to his.

good times


:rofl: :rofl:

09-30-2003, 04:27 PM
Originally posted by mrmephistopheles
of course, one would've had to get his plate #... same here whether or not your car was messed up already its the principle of the thing. i would whooped his ass and put his head threw the winshield of his gay carrera

09-30-2003, 05:28 PM
Originally posted by ca18guy
I doubt you have full coverage but could you claim vandalizim on your car and get all the body/paint done for free (minus deductable) ????

about full coverage, I know someone that had his car stuck in a hail storm. Golfball sized dents all over the car. It was a stock bodied Prelude one day, and like 2 months later, it had a full kit, new paint, and new rims.

I am surprised at how much he got.

10-01-2003, 09:17 PM
Haha, good stuff guys, show those idiots! I always wondered why some people tend to do stuff like this to show off their car (small penis syndrome is a good guess)... Personally, I try to blend in, so you'll never see me doing parkng lot stunts or showing off on crowded roads. Why attract unwanted attention? Oh, and scratching Irena's car... haha, from what I've seen of it, did he actually think you two would care? With its crinkled front end and cottage-cheese hatch... haha, what are a few scratches going to prove exactly? Good times, I'm glad you got some laughs out of it. And since I haven't seen you two in a bit, good luck with the baby.

10-09-2003, 08:03 PM
I used to work at target for two years. There is about 4 or 5 cameras focused on the entire parking lot. And these cameras can zoom in james bond style. If you wanted you could get his license plate number from target and press charges. Just go in there, ask to talk to the manager or GSTL or LOD. Tell them the date you were there and what happened. They can look up the tape.

10-12-2003, 01:38 AM
hope you catch his ass:x: :x: :x: