View Full Version : Exhaust Question

03-10-2011, 07:53 PM
Okay so first a little background. Car is a s13, stock ka, has a straight pipe and custom exhaust from a muffler shop that the previous owner put on. I want to replace the exhaust because it sounds terrible and is falling apart and I dont really think its helping any with power. I've already decided on the exhaust I want, but I'm debating on whether to put a cat converter back on the car. I know since the car isn't turboed it needs some back pressure and so heres the question. Do I need the cat back on or will it be okay with a straight pipe? and if it needs the cat, should I put on the stock cat or a high flow cat? Any help would be appreciated.

For those that dont feel like reading everything:

Going to replace exhaust
Stock KA
Has straightpipe
Should I put the cat converter back on for backpressure?
If I put cat back on should it be stock or high flow?

03-10-2011, 08:01 PM
Put the cat back on, you live in Cali, wouldn't wanna get caught up, its not turbo'd and it's a KA.

03-11-2011, 09:53 AM
Exhausts don't need backpressure to work. That is a myth!! You need proper sizing to keep the exhaust velocity up.

03-11-2011, 10:40 AM
There was a thread a few years ago.. a blue/silverish hatch who did a dyno on his stock KA.

turns out he made the most power with a buddy club spec 2.

just make it loud and awesome.

03-11-2011, 10:52 AM
Blitz nur spec will do the job!

Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using Tapatalk

03-11-2011, 07:05 PM
There was a thread a few years ago.. a blue/silverish hatch who did a dyno on his stock KA.

turns out he made the most power with a buddy club spec 2.

just make it loud and awesome.

Was this with the stock cat on?

I'd love to get a spec 2 or Nur spec but Irvine cops love to give out exhaust tickets because they are bored. I'm thinking of getting the tanabe concept g since its supposed to be under the decibel limit. :cool:

03-12-2011, 07:09 AM
Whats with everyone thinking Nur Specs are loud... They are not...

03-12-2011, 01:15 PM
high flow cats = bullshit. for your setup the gains or alleged gains in power wouldnt be worth the cost. ive used a few and honestly i cant tell the difference from stock. it will be fine straight pipes as far as function goes, but from experience i think cat+resonator+muffler sounds the best. ive run muff only, cat/muff, res/muff setups and all of them sound raspy.

03-12-2011, 01:22 PM
please put the cat back on. That amount of pollution is not worth the 5whp you gain from it.

03-12-2011, 01:23 PM
high flow cats = bullshit. for your setup the gains or alleged gains in power wouldnt be worth the cost. ive used a few and honestly i cant tell the difference from stock. it will be fine straight pipes as far as function goes, but from experience i think cat+resonator+muffler sounds the best. ive run muff only, cat/muff, res/muff setups and all of them sound raspy.

Honestly the only thing a hi flow does is help spool. But its so minimal you will never notice. I have a Hi flow catco, didnt notice the diff when i put it on and i still pass emissions lmao

03-12-2011, 02:08 PM
Whats with everyone thinking Nur Specs are loud... They are not...

I've just heard they are. And everyone I know that has one gets pulled over where I live so I'm just going off that.

high flow cats = bullshit. for your setup the gains or alleged gains in power wouldnt be worth the cost. ive used a few and honestly i cant tell the difference from stock. it will be fine straight pipes as far as function goes, but from experience i think cat+resonator+muffler sounds the best. ive run muff only, cat/muff, res/muff setups and all of them sound raspy.

Thats really what I'm looking for. I dont really want a raspy sound.

please put the cat back on. That amount of pollution is not worth the 5whp you gain from it.

Good point. I really don't think 5whp is going to help much on a stock KA

Honestly the only thing a hi flow does is help spool. But its so minimal you will never notice. I have a Hi flow catco, didnt notice the diff when i put it on and i still pass emissions lmao

Passing emissions without any problems would be nice. haha

03-12-2011, 02:13 PM
Staight pipe is going to be loud, really loud. I had my exhaust with a straight pipe for a year and it was loud and annoying.

Put a catback man...

03-12-2011, 02:40 PM
Put the cat back on. Shit reaks and you can get busted!