View Full Version : Need help identifying knuckles.

03-05-2011, 08:05 PM
Alright so I'm replacing the right front hub and spindle on my 1997 kouki S14 SE non-abs car. I was in a accident and the hub has been grinding ever since. I ordered a non-abs spindle for the car because my car doesn't have abs, but when I took the original spindle off the car I noticed that it's an abs spindle. So basically what I have is a car with an abs spindle, non-abs hub and the washer that goes with it.

The new spindle I ordered doesn't have the flat machined ends for the washer to slide into? So wtf why does the car have a hybrid of abs and non abs parts. What should I use? Take a look at the pictures the shiny parts are new... :rolleyes:


New spindle - No machined ends (non-abs)

Old spindle - machined ends with washer. (abs)

Old and new hubs both non-abs

03-05-2011, 10:07 PM
You're old spindle doesn't appear to be an ABS spindle.
The round spot by the lower caliper mount would be a hole for the ABS sensor.

Like these:


03-05-2011, 10:53 PM
No the picture is just crappy here I highlighted the holes with red arrows. So do you know why the non-abs spindle doesn't come with a machined end? What do you do with the spindles that don't have the machined end just run the nut with no washer?


03-05-2011, 11:06 PM
Well I've made an ass of myself. The car has a non-abs spindle on the driver side so at some point in this cars life they replaced the right spindle with an abs one :-/. Although, I'd still like to know how the non-abs spindle is supposed to be setup do you run a washer on it?

03-05-2011, 11:20 PM
Ah I see it now lol
It looks like the new spindle is unfinished.
It looks like the washer wouldn't go down far enough to contact the hub so the hub would be loose with or without it.