View Full Version : you know your from Northern Virginia if...

Stee Flo
09-25-2003, 04:08 PM
Someone posted this on another board and I thought it was entertaining. If your not from NOVA then it might not be that funny to you. :coolugh:

1. Speed limits are just suggestions
2. You take a major highway to school (95, 66,28, etc)
3. You constantly complain about there being nothing to do, even though you are right next to DC
4. You have at least 2 friends who have no idea what their parents do because its "top secret" government work
5. 50% of your senior class plans on going either to Mason, JMU, Tech or UVA
6. When people ask where you're from, you tell them DC because its easier to explain
7. You've never told someone you're from Virginia without putting "northern" in front of it
8. When you and your friends get bored you all whip out your cell phones and start playing with them
9. Its not actually tailgating unless your bumper is touching the car in front of you.
10. A yellow light means at least 5 more cars can get through.
11. A red light means 2 more can.
12. It takes you 30 minutes to drive 10 miles
13. Your local news is national news
14. If you hear the word "sniper" one more time you're going to slap someone
15. You actually know what the black boxes at stoplights are for
16. Even if your high school is only a year old, its already overcrowded
17. You have over 500 students in your graduating class
18. Despite the fact that Virginia fought for the south in the Civil War, you are NOT, under ANY circumstances, a "southerner"
19. You are friends with people from at least 2 other high schools
20. You know at least 2 people who drive a mercedes, BMW, Lexus, etc.
21. The cars in the student parking lot are woth 3x those in the teacher parking lot.
22. You are amused by visiting relatives who are actually excited to see Washington DC
23. You are amazed when you go out of town and the people at McDonalds speak english
24. You can cross 4 lanes of traffic in under 30 seconds
25. There are at least 3 malls within 20 minutes of your house
26. There are at least 6 Starbucks within 20 minutes of your house
27. You or someone in your family has a Smart Tag
28. Homework/Extra credit for a class has been to visit a museum in DC
29. When traveling, you have your choice of 3 airports
30. You don't actually like the Redskins/Wizards (except when Jordan was playing)
31. An inch of snow and you miss 3 days of school
32. All the potholes just add a little excitement to your driving experience
33. Stop signs mean slow down a little, but only if you feel like it
34. A rich white kid driving a BMW while blasting rap music is a common occurance
35. You call things "ghetto" even though in most of the rest of the country it'd be high class
36. You or most of your friends have a 3 car garage
37. You don't actually keep your cars in it.
38. When you were driving on the beltway at 2:13am on a Tuesday there was still traffic
39. Crown Victoria = undercover cop
40. A slow driver is someone who isn't going at least 10mph over the speed limit
41. You understand the meaning of "If you don't get it, you don't get it"
42. Subway is a fast food place. The transportation system is known as Metro, and only Metro
43. You've taken a wrong turn somewhere late at night and ended up in a bad part of DC
44. Most of Loudon County is the "middle of nowhere"
45. They just tore down the old farm house across the street and put 12 new houses in its place
46. The word Hfstival actually means something to you
47. Someone has honked at you because you didn't peal out the second the light turned green.
48. You've honked at someone because they didn't peal out the second the light turned green.
49. Two words: rush hour
50. For the cost of your house, you could own a small town in Iowa
51. Helicopters and airplanes flying above your neighborhood is a normal occurance.
52. If you stay on the same road long enough, it will eventually have 3 new names.
53. You have to dial the area code to call your neighbor
54. To avoid traffic, you try to find new ways of getting home via side streets.
55. You know what Go go music is.
56. You have 3 cop cars to pull you over for an exhaust.

09-25-2003, 06:50 PM
Originally posted by Stee Flo

10. A yellow light means at least 5 more cars can get through.
11. A red light means 2 more can.

Dude 10 and 11 are so true. I see it every day driving around parts. No other city or town has as many violators as here.

39. Crown Victoria = undercover cop[/B]

Or a ghetto ass shwag dealer w/purple windows. I saw on on backlick today across from the VW dealership. And another on Duke St.

Ohh yeah, you forgot these!!!

57. Every person pokes out at lights into the intersection just so they can run the light.
58. People get a confused look when you say "Gogo" (music)

09-25-2003, 06:55 PM
Some of those are so sad because there true.

-I have 4 malls in 20mins of my house
-My 10mi commute to the petagon takes 40mins (and that's at 5AM!)
-and number 3 is classic (because I hate going to DC)

Stee Flo
09-25-2003, 07:20 PM
Originally posted by nrcooled
Some of those are so sad because there true.

lol that was pretty much my thoughts on these ha.
So many of those are soo true!:D

Originally posted by Fastback180
Ohh yeah, you forgot these!!!

57. Every person pokes out at lights into the intersection just so they can run the light.
58. People get a confused look when you say "Gogo" (music) Yeah for real! Im guilty of doing that everyonce in a while:coolugh:

09-26-2003, 12:11 AM
hahah NOrth Viginia? Some insinificant state that no ones lievs in? haah just kididng :p

09-26-2003, 01:27 AM
Originally posted by Stee Flo

2. You take a major highway to school (95, 66,28, etc)
3. You constantly complain about there being nothing to do, even though you are right next to DC
5. 50% of your senior class plans on going either to Mason, JMU, Tech or UVA
6. When people ask where you're from, you tell them DC because its easier to explain
7. You've never told someone you're from Virginia without putting "northern" in front of it
13. Your local news is national news
19. You know people from at least 2 differen high schools.
20. You know at least 2 people who drive a mercedes, BMW, Lexus, etc.
21. The cars in the student parking lot are woth 3x those in the teacher parking lot.
23. You are amazed when you go out of town and the people at McDonalds speak english
25. There are at least 3 malls within 20 minutes of your house
26. There are at least 6 Starbucks within 20 minutes of your house
31. An inch of snow and you miss 3 days of school
43. You've taken a wrong turn somewhere late at night and ended up in a bad part of DC
50. For the cost of your house, you could own a small town in Iowa
51. Helicopters and airplanes flying above your neighborhood is a normal occurance.
56. You have 3 cop cars to pull you over for an exhaust.

Man, this list is great cause its SO true!

2. Yeah, 66 towards DC sucked everyday going to HS. God bless HOV.

5. This hits home.....Everyone does go to those schools. Personallly, i went to Mason last year and now i go to Tech. hehe

Number 19 and 20 should be combined.... "You know people from 2 other high schools that drive a mercedes, BMW, Lexus, etc." Then leads to number 21.

23. That is a classic cause its SOOO TRUE!

25 & 26. I live in Tysons Corner. For god's sake, there are 2 MAJOR malls across the street from each other.

31. I love snow, even tho we get SO little.

43. I'm convinced that every road in DC that is one way leads to SoutEast (If you know about DC & the ghetto, you will know what im talking about).

50. Housing on Houses/mostly land is rediculous.

56. I hate Fairfax county cops! Do you really need that many officers to give you a defective equipment violation?

Stee Flo
09-26-2003, 03:46 AM
Originally posted by NiteKids
hahah NOrth Viginia? Some insinificant state that no ones lievs in? haah just kididng :p
haha yeah tell that to the million freakin cars we get during rush hour every day. The DC metro area has got to have some of the worst traffic in the nation.:bash:

09-26-2003, 08:50 AM
I live in Roanoke VA but drive through up there before and I almost witnessed half of those......lol

09-26-2003, 09:48 AM
Isn't that how it is everywhere? For real. I consider most of those things "normal".

09-26-2003, 09:50 AM
Originally posted by NiteKids
NOrth Viginia?No vagina?

09-26-2003, 10:42 AM
I'm from Baltimore (hhe cherry point PJS!!) and recognize half those even though I never went to schol up there. lol to this DAY with over 20 years living in NC I still get "your not from down here are you?" yet I go back to the old neighborhood and hear "you sound so southern!"

I know gogo :) great stuff :0 my cousin keeps trying to get me to come up for Hfestival.. I'll make it someday.

and as for number 43... are there GOOD parts of DC? lol

09-26-2003, 11:21 AM

That's funny because most of it is true!

Damn....I'm too tired to point them out.

Don't forget the Camaro with tint = undercover cop:mad:

09-26-2003, 11:45 AM
Originally posted by ruf
Isn't that how it is everywhere? For real. I consider most of those things "normal".

Some of them are pretty universal... but a lot of this stuff is actually NoVA (or at least DC Metro) specific...

None of those apply to where I grew up at all. :D You notice this stuff all that much more if you weren't raised on it. NoVA is a silly place.

09-26-2003, 12:43 PM
hahaha im from alexandria...you guys forgot one though...

on any given day, you see at least 20 cars with diffrent versions of the same clavin & hobbes sticker on the rear...you know the one with clavin pissing on something?...the best ones are the latino clavin...haha

09-26-2003, 12:44 PM
calvin & hobbes...im horrible at typing...

09-26-2003, 05:02 PM
deejayS13 - your avatar is funny :D Do any of us NoVA people know you?

09-26-2003, 05:22 PM
i'm new to this site...im sure i dont know any of yall...plus i dont have any buddies with 240's...most of em got hondas or mitsus...suckers.

im going to school at VT, but i go back home often...you nova cats should get up! IM me or some ****.

1 month, 4 days til sr20detness!!!!
she's creamy...but ohhhh she's dreamy...hahaha

09-26-2003, 07:28 PM
Forgot these!!!!

58. The number of old Lexus ES300's exceedes the amount of law enforcement vehicles.

59. Your local 711 stocks kimchi.

[SIZE=3]60. There are more "Parkways" then highways.

09-26-2003, 07:33 PM
Originally posted by Steeles
I'm from Baltimore (hhe cherry point PJS!!)

Isn't that more towards anapolis....Like the West River area?
Or is that Chaulk Point?

09-29-2003, 11:49 AM
Originally posted by 95KoukiS14
deejayS13 - your avatar is funny :D Do any of us NoVA people know you?

hehe. golden boy is the sh1t! :D

Originally posted by deejayS13
i'm new to this site...im sure i dont know any of yall...plus i dont have any buddies with 240's...most of em got hondas or mitsus...suckers.

im going to school at VT, but i go back home often...you nova cats should get up! IM me or some ****.

1 month, 4 days til sr20detness!!!!
she's creamy...but ohhhh she's dreamy...hahaha

there's a lot of 240's here at tech. you should consider joining the tech car club too. we must have at least 7 240 owners, but i think only like 4 actually have their cars down here. what does your 240 look like? i might have seen you around town.

09-29-2003, 01:14 PM
Originally posted by 019
there's a lot of 240's here at tech. you should consider joining the tech car club too. we must have at least 7 240 owners, but i think only like 4 actually have their cars down here. what does your 240 look like? i might have seen you around town.

I'm one!

09-30-2003, 03:39 PM
Originally posted by NiteKids
hahah NOrth Viginia? Some insinificant state that no ones lievs in? haah just kididng :p

Nitekids, believe me, NoVA is a world unto its own. Closest thing to HELL we have on the east coast. I can't stand going up that way. Anyone who has driven in DC or around the "mixing bowl" knows what I'm talking about.

09-30-2003, 08:43 PM
Originally posted by M.Piedlourde
Nitekids, believe me, NoVA is a world unto its own. Closest thing to HELL we have on the east coast. I can't stand going up that way. Anyone who has driven in DC or around the "mixing bowl" knows what I'm talking about.

The mixing bowl is my exit. There's nothing like having to navigate 7 lanes of traffic coming from three different highways to go home. I hate living in Springfield:wtc:

10-01-2003, 12:57 AM
You know the mixing bowl is bad when a Jay Leno even makes fun of it (He showed pictures of it in Headlines like it was a joke, but its for real!).

10-01-2003, 06:55 PM
Who cares, Jay Leno sucks......Bobby Frank is the newest comedian on the block.

10-30-2006, 03:10 PM
HAHA. so good. so true.

10-30-2006, 03:34 PM
HAHA. so good. so true.

You bumped a 3 year old thread, a LAME ASS 3 year old thread at that, to post "HAHA. so good. so true.":duh:

10-30-2006, 03:37 PM
...three. years. old.

yet all of those things still apply :)

10-30-2006, 05:30 PM
damn..this thread is so old....the original poster doesn't have a 240 anymore...

10-30-2006, 05:50 PM
You know you are from North Virginia if you spell you're/you are as your

10-30-2006, 06:22 PM
You know you're a Fucking Newb when...

:madfawk: :madfawk: :madfawk: