View Full Version : loans ?

09-25-2003, 01:37 AM
ok so i have no credit, anyone have ideas where i can go to get a loan? most say im a risk so they wont give me a loan, even my own bank. i would goto navy fed credit union but in colorado theres not really an ocean or a naval station around.

Bill Roberts
09-25-2003, 08:36 AM
Build up your credit.


Put 500 in the bank and get a secured visa. Pay it on time.

Get a Sears card. Charge 20 a month on it. Pay it on time.

After a year of solid credit history, your credit file will show this and you will be eligible for a higher intrest loan. You could simply just continue to save...and mend any relationships with your family if applicable. Believe me, being close to your family is a win win situation. You never know when you need them or they need you.

Next to your deity, that is the most important thing in life.

09-25-2003, 08:36 AM
How old are you? If your getting bombarded with Credit Cards then get ONE, no more then that, and make sure its only a $500 limit. Go buy some clothes or something pay them off, build credit and close the CC. CC's from satin himself so do close it.

IIRC your parents wouldn't co sign with you for whatever reason. Your in the Army to or something? I forgot, you will need a Job or no one will look at you.

I went to Red Rocks Credit Union, that is where I have had every car loan from. Site is http://www.redrocks.org I had my parents to Co-Sign on my 2nd car (1st I had cash), after that though I had no problem getting loans as long as they aren't to much $. You might have problems getting a loan on cars before 1993.

Best way is to get a job, save, and buy one with cash. But no one wants to do that... :(

Nice thing about that is you can get liability insurance. When you have a car loan you must have full coverage so your paying more then a huge car payment just to insure your old ass 240.

09-25-2003, 01:34 PM
yeah im in the air force. i have a military star card, its a credit card thats used only on bases. il be employed by the air force for a year in december. i do all the stuff you guys talked about, its just frustraiting.

09-25-2003, 02:23 PM
Can you have an account with Navy Fed. even if your not in the Navy?

Anywho...the best thing to do is get a credit card and pay it off...ON TIME. Last year I started out with a $200 limit...now its $500 with 17% interest. But now I have a credit card with a $2000 limit and interest of 7.9%...after the 0% introductory rate which ends April, 2004.

I have an account with Navy Fed, but I can't get a loan since my income is too low (not even for $1000). This is also because I'm not in the miltary (my older bro is). Speaking of which...he gets approved just like that because he is in the Navy. I thought the Air Force has a bank like Navy Fed.


09-25-2003, 07:12 PM
Originally posted by 95KoukiS14
Can you have an account with Navy Fed. even if your not in the Navy?

Anywho...the best thing to do is get a credit card and pay it off...ON TIME. Last year I started out with a $200 limit...now its $500 with 17% interest. But now I have a credit card with a $2000 limit and interest of 7.9%...after the 0% introductory rate which ends April, 2004.

I have an account with Navy Fed, but I can't get a loan since my income is too low (not even for $1000). This is also because I'm not in the miltary (my older bro is). Speaking of which...he gets approved just like that because he is in the Navy. I thought the Air Force has a bank like Navy Fed.

:confused: doesnt matter my friend isnt in the navy(his dad is) he got a 8000 loan from them. and no we dont, theres credit uniopns on base but they wont either, not even for 1000 so gay.