View Full Version : who's bent their hard brakelines?

03-03-2011, 12:07 PM
the motors out and im gonna repaint the engine bay and i want to get the 2 brakelines and clutch line that runs across the top of the engine bay outta there! looks nasty, plus mine are all kinked and tweaked. where can i go to find out order some hardline? can someone point me in the right direction. havent found exactly what in looking for. any help helps.... thanks joe

03-03-2011, 12:19 PM
any hardware store should carry generic hard brake line and inexpensive cutting / flaring tools.

It's really not that hard, just do some tests on a scrap piece or two.

03-03-2011, 12:43 PM
NAPA seems to sell it in the longest sections. Without ordering it online from summit.

03-03-2011, 01:00 PM
anyone know the thread pitch for the brake master cyl?

03-03-2011, 01:07 PM
anyone know the thread pitch for the brake master cyl?

M10 1.0


03-03-2011, 02:43 PM
If you don't want to get into the flaring of the line, you can buy different lengths of pre-flared line from autozone with japanese thread (i think m10x1.00) for about $6,
and you can get a bending tool for under $20.

if you need longer lines, just buy a union and join two lengths. just make sure its 'inverted female' i think....

use locktite on the threads once youre ready to final install.

pretty easy.

03-03-2011, 03:09 PM
Yeah, as already stated, I've bent many hardlines, and bought the straight sections from Autozone/Advance Auto. Just as a reference: My clutch hardline was the longest section that Autozone sold, and it fit PERFECTLY in length without cutting it. It seems to me that if you're wanting to tuck them or run them lower on the firewall (behind the motor), then you'll need to do some measuring and go from there... I bent a lot of conduit at my last job, and know that bends take up length, but on something so small, I'm not sure how much exactly. I'm sure if you hit up ChaseBays on here, he could most likely tell you how much a bend takes up in length. It can't be too much, but it will be enough to matter when making them all flow together to keep them evenly spaced and flowing uniformly.

03-04-2011, 11:22 AM
Thank guys. sounds like what i have to do is call napa i think there might be one in the next city. i was thinking of estimating with some vaccum hose and bending it in route and see how long it could be. do i have to flare the ends? single flare or double? a buddy mentioned to me he was told you have to double flare, but he said him and his brother single flared their hatch and no problems what so ever?

03-04-2011, 11:57 AM
Always double flare dude. But, as already stated you can buy lengths that are already flared and have fittings on them. I would recomend just buying the pre-made lengths.