View Full Version : Good luck with sileighty convo

02-08-2002, 10:56 PM
ok just got back from body shop, good news.. i'm getting started.. tommarrow i'm prying open the hood, i gotta the remove the hood, and drive it 30 mins to speedline(the bodyshop) there they will hack off my molded on front kit, and bend back a a littl ebit of my radiator support. a remove headlight units, i will then drive home an park it until i get all my parts. i have th emoney for the whole kit now, bu ti don't need the whole kit. I think i have this all figured out : cheesy : . but i don't know tell me if i'm making any mistakes. they are cutting into my fender so i don't need that, and i'm buyin a carbon fiber hood elsewhere, so i think all i need is the front piece, and  mounting hardwar for that(does anyone know where i can get that) and the headlight and centerpiece, and all that mounting gear9 also does anyone know where to get that.
      well i know i can get that all in a kit, bu ti don't need all the parts for that,.. thanx for any advice.. moderators please help, i need expertise, thanx

02-10-2002, 09:49 PM
Only thing is...i hear that carbon fiber hoods...since they include no crumple zones and are really tough bastards....instead of crushing in a collision will break the hinges and slide through the window (thus cutting off what you admire in the mirror while brushing your teeth)  So, an accident like your recent one may cost you a bit more then your car...
Friend of mine has more info on carbon fiber hood fatalities...i'll ask him

02-10-2002, 09:57 PM
really...i've seen an accident with a carbon fiber hood...and not just a cheap as one...it was a mugen cf hood....carbon fiber it strong but brittle...it just crumbled :*(

02-11-2002, 08:41 AM
Yeah, it has similar characteristics too fiberglass.  Not only that but with an s13 the windshield is at such an angle I'm almost positive it would just slide right up the windshield and fly over the roof.

02-11-2002, 10:30 AM
that'd be sweet, ####, if your relaly lucky, u might not even hurt the hood to much in a crash <img src="http://www.zilvia.net/f/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/wow.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':0'> and u'd be able to use it again!.. &nbsp;also, are you reduing all the ground effects? caus i like the ones you have on their now. &nbsp;I think they would still look pretty smooth with the silvia front end.