View Full Version : Help?

02-28-2011, 02:42 PM
Hey guys I would have posted this in the small question threS but I have alot to put in here. I was driving my 95 240 to work one day, pulled up to a stop sign and it just died. Wouldn't start back up. Tried to jump it and nothin happened. Got it back to the house and thought I'd start small by changing the fuel filter. Did that and jumped it and it started up fine and drove fine. Tried to get back in later and it wouldn't start again. I figured it was just he battery seeing as it drove fine after it was jumped. So I got a new battery, plugs, wires, cap and rotor and it still won't start. I can hear the fuel pump kick in when I turn the key and it turns over but nothing. you can smell unburnt fumes. I'm getting kinda frustrated and thought someone here might be able to point me in the right direction. Any suggestions?