View Full Version : alignment

02-22-2011, 10:43 PM
hey fellas first time here. i got a s14 completely upgraded and after my last fuck up i decided im tired of going to the shop for alignment. i read somewhere that a decent set up is -2.5 front camber and -1.1 rear with 0 toe front and back. i mainly use it for daily driving and it seams to be great on flat suburban roads but as soon as i get into the city the front is all over the place. Also switching lanes on wavy highways(where tite tracks are kind of indented over time) is difficult cause the steering wheel is constantly running away. I can always do trial and error but if someone can give a directio woud be great. My thinking is that its the front camber, would the problem be solved by taking the front camber close to 0 or at 0. thanks

02-24-2011, 11:18 AM
The specs you listed should be pretty good for daily driver. I'd toe in the front just a little. How are your tires and what kind of suspension do you have?

02-24-2011, 08:34 PM
thanks for the response. toyo proxies but theyre worn out. and i got tein d1's i think thats what theyre called its the drift edition from 4-5 years ago. i actually went and lowered the camber to -1.5 and it got a lot better on wavy roads but when i break hard two things happen: if i hold the steering wheel steady she pulls hard to the right but if i let it go the car moves straight and the steering wheel cuts a little to the left. i remember the last time i was on an alignment skid the computer showed a 3* difference in caster up front. driver side is further out front then the passenger. i think that might be it. ???