View Full Version : Hey Mid-A guys, new local Suspension company!! (and Zilvia advertiser)

DGR Suspension
02-22-2011, 08:50 PM
Hey everyone, my name is Russell from DGR USA. I am the exclusive North American distributor for DGR Suspension based out of Taiwan. The kits are very high quality and can be built to your specs (custom rates and valving). Out of the box, I offer two set ups, a "Street" version with leans towards comfort and mild track use (auto-x) and then a track version that is more geared towards smooth circuits and little street use. Either can be used in either scenario, but it'll shine in the area its intended.

Our soon to be office will HOPEFULLY be in Bel Air/ Abingdon, MD just a few minutes from I-95. I want to get in, get everything settled and then have an open house for you guys and get some of the locals together. I am looking to move out of my current office and into a new building somewhere in March. I'd like to try and get something set up for late-March/ Early-April. Warm enough so we don't freeze, cool enough so we don't bake the whole time.

Anyhoo, Hello...and if you guys need anything let me know!!

DGR USA Website (http://www.dgrsuspension.com)

DGR Suspension
02-22-2011, 08:51 PM
http://www.dgrsuspension.com/resources/2011%20Super%20Street%20Ad%20PREVIEW%20RGB.jpg.opt 858x596o0,0s858x596.jpg

^ That's our AD that'll be running in Import Tuner in May

02-22-2011, 08:53 PM
hi and welcome i want those lugs<3 do we get zilvia pricing lol or free shipping?

DGR Suspension
02-22-2011, 09:04 PM
Yep, I'm going to do something nice as an intro! Working on it tonight!!

(trying to avoid cleaning the kitchen..."In a sec hon, I'm trying to get some work done!!")

02-22-2011, 09:29 PM
Nice! PM me when you get set up because I am in need of a set of good coilovers at a great price for my S14.

DGR Suspension
02-22-2011, 09:32 PM
Ok guys, here you go...here's a Secret Sale for Zilvia ONLY (http://www.dgrsuspension.com/secretpageforzilvia.php). No one else on the interwebs knows about it. Shhh!