View Full Version : Sergio180sx

02-21-2011, 01:15 AM
sooooo like over a couple months ago Sergio180sx here on zilvia offered cash on top of parts for a set of rims i had. The deal was he was to send me partial money for deposit.. which he did and i drove to LA from fresno to collect on rest from. so i get there gives me the money but says someone stole the new fpr he was supposed to give me. i was like alright well i took his word. He said he would go buy one the next day and send it to me in the mail since i live like 450 miles away, and days turned into weeks complaining that he didn have enough money blah blah blah he even told me that they sent it to his house on mistake thats why it was taking so long. Well its been months he wont return calls, emails texts anything. Im fu$%in pissed, i dont even care about the part, its the point that i went out of my way and he screwed me over. I guess thats what happens when you trust people too much. He is the kind of person that gives a bad rep to other people, specifically people on here. I just feel like ranting and letting people out there not to have anything to do with Sergio180sx because he will screw you over and hopefully it will keep people more aware of the dishonest people out there