View Full Version : What happened to drifting at PIR?

LimeLite Racing
02-20-2011, 06:10 PM
I guess some guy ruined it for everyone. Anyone know the story? All I know is that there hasn't been drifting at PIR since I moved up here in 09.

02-20-2011, 08:54 PM
Here are emails I sent and got replied from Mark (PIR representative)
Seems shop used to be in Beaverton (Unnatural something...) did some drifting at PIR and they are the last one did...


My name is Peter Kim, a member of Northwestnissans.com
I was wondering if you guys would open the track to private event or PIR could have time attack, Drifting event for us ?
I have attended to events in other cities but not in my own city in Portland.

I hope I get to hear from you soon.

Thank you

We don't have a good, safe place for drifting, and the expense of the full track has kept drifting events away.

Hello Mark

I understand.
What about those empty schedule days? Do you open track to public?
maybe you will allow people to use the track ?

Thank you

No, we don't have insurance for that kind of event, plus we use those days for maintenance.

Hello Mark

I was asking about time attack sort of type not drifting.
I understood that you guys do not want to have drifting event.

will there be any chance to open track to public for time attack use?
Of course all the safety equipment must be installed as well as SA2005 rated helmets.

Again, I rent the track, and we have done time attack events, and currently are in the process of scheduling a bit event for 2011. So, I"m open to the rental. We don't just "open the track" to things, we rent to promoters who do the events.

Hello Mark

Thank you for explaining. I do understand completely.
How do I get information on your renting rates ?

This will answer many questions. We are putting the 2011 schedule together now, and if you get serious I can walk you through the various pitfalls and provide you with a previous bill from a club to show you what to expect as a final...
You should figure, all in, $6,000 a day midweek, $9,000 weekends

02-20-2011, 08:56 PM
Let's go have a drink...

LimeLite Racing
02-20-2011, 10:38 PM
Man. That seems ridiculous. Making me miss willow springs. What are you up to tonight pete? I just got back from isakaya. I think one of my coworkers might swing by for shots

LimeLite Racing
02-20-2011, 10:43 PM
And thanks for emailing him Pete. I appreciate that.

02-27-2011, 12:23 PM
ok so the story goes like this.
there used to be a shop called unnatural, and they used to have drift events at pir. well Wes the owner of unnatural didnt have people sign the insurance waver. this one time he didnt someone crashed and a bunch of kids ran onto the track to see the accident. paramedics couldnt get there in a good amount of time becuase of the amount of people on the track and thi guy was actually hurt. so him and his family sued pir and won the lawsuit. becuase of this pir decided to cancel all drifting at pir ever. its really stupid that one person who did something stupid ruined it for everyone. glad that sketchy shop is closed.

03-02-2011, 10:59 PM
ok so the story goes like this.
there used to be a shop called unnatural, and they used to have drift events at pir. well Wes the owner of unnatural didnt have people sign the insurance waver. this one time he didnt someone crashed and a bunch of kids ran onto the track to see the accident. paramedics couldnt get there in a good amount of time becuase of the amount of people on the track and thi guy was actually hurt. so him and his family sued pir and won the lawsuit. becuase of this pir decided to cancel all drifting at pir ever. its really stupid that one person who did something stupid ruined it for everyone. glad that sketchy shop is closed.

Is that 100% true? I know wes and have dealt with Unnatural, which is absolutely a sketchy shop, but only heard about the people running out on to the track because of a suby that ran into the wall. Was is that incident or another wreck?

03-03-2011, 08:17 PM
^ im pretty sure it was that subaru crash ,since that was the last drift event if my memory is accurate.

03-29-2011, 06:05 PM
yeah i believe it was the day of the subaru crash. i was not there so im not 100% sure if my tale is acurate but ive heard it from multiple people and shops. i have heard rumors that people are talking to pir about using the same regulations evergreen does and possibly getting drifting back there. this would be amazing since there is no longer any drifting in oregon i know of since they stopped it at pats acres.

04-12-2011, 09:55 PM
ok so the story goes like this.
there used to be a shop called unnatural, and they used to have drift events at pir. well Wes the owner of unnatural didnt have people sign the insurance waver. this one time he didnt someone crashed and a bunch of kids ran onto the track to see the accident. paramedics couldnt get there in a good amount of time becuase of the amount of people on the track and thi guy was actually hurt. so him and his family sued pir and won the lawsuit. becuase of this pir decided to cancel all drifting at pir ever. its really stupid that one person who did something stupid ruined it for everyone. glad that sketchy shop is closed.

I'm not sure that is accurate. I think it had something to do with lack of interest/funds

yeah i believe it was the day of the subaru crash. i was not there so im not 100% sure if my tale is acurate but ive heard it from multiple people and shops. i have heard rumors that people are talking to pir about using the same regulations evergreen does and possibly getting drifting back there. this would be amazing since there is no longer any drifting in oregon i know of since they stopped it at pats acres.

Pats acres is back on

PARC Drift continues. - Northwest Nissans (http://www.northwestnissans.com/board/showthread.php?t=123554)

That's really lame PIR is dead set on NO drift events, however.

Was I the only person who liked UN? Wes always hooked me up and would stay late (2am) to get my car finished

dat LS2 rx7
04-25-2011, 05:44 PM
i was always wondering what ever happened to the PIR events...

LimeLite Racing
04-26-2011, 01:00 PM
Everyone on NWN says it's some guy Wes' fault or something along those lines. Might have been a Mark. Or Matt.

04-26-2011, 06:26 PM
Was I the only person who liked UN? Wes always hooked me up and would stay late (2am) to get my car finished

Maybe they came to work at 3:00 pm... I have seen many shops do that...
seems working very long hours but not really if you see what time they actually open the shop