View Full Version : sand to bare before paint?

02-19-2011, 05:14 PM
so i painted my engine bay with rattle can primer and spray paint. i realize i should have done it right the first time. i am gonna paint it with legit car paint and a spray gun.

- question...... do i have to sand it to bare metal? or so so smooth before i shoot with real car primer and paint?

02-19-2011, 05:30 PM

-just scuff up the engine bay paint with a scotchbrite (the OEM primer is good to keep rust away)
-wax and grease remover (wipe everything all the dust from the scotchbrite)
-blow dry with a air nozzle try to get a much dust off as you can
-lint/dust rag
-then paint awayyy my son!

02-19-2011, 05:34 PM
oh i just saw you that rattle can primer?

take that shit off with 180grit sand paper
if you want to get to the bare metal just make sure you get DTM primer (direct to metal)
this stuff lays on smooth

02-19-2011, 05:52 PM
Here is what I would suggest,kinda along the lines of AIRHEAD.You gotta get rid of that spray can priner,cause it will curl when introduced to the solvents that are in true auto finishes..

Maybe start with 320,depend on how thick U put the cheap stuff
Then scotch brite,red and or green.
And then 320 it again!!
Wash/blow/clean/acetone wipe!!!!
Prime (use a high build solids) 2 coats should be good,lay it on heavy,try not to run(unless you dont mind sanding)

Quick 320 scuff(concentrate on leveling ,keep deep sand scratches to a minimum)
Detailed 600 rub ,dry then wet- Wash/blow/clean/acetone wipe.
Base coat to satisfaction then clear it.

I love to paint ,LOLOLOL

If you want to go to bare metal that is a a different process

02-19-2011, 06:55 PM
jose what up? lol.... well do i have to go to bare metal because i think i did go to bare metal before the rattle can paint job because i used aircraft stripper because the previous owner had spray paint too. i might have taken it too far. dang

02-19-2011, 10:19 PM
If you sanded to bare metal, you should probably get a primer sealer to spray over the bare metal.

If you talk to the guy at your local paint shop, he should be more than helpful and knowledgeable with what steps to go with.

Other than that, UNITEDMASTER's post is what I would follow.

02-19-2011, 10:44 PM
scotch brite is a life saver. try to avoid bare metal unless you have to. IMO

Mr UNITEDMASTER (http://zilvia.net/f/members/unitedmaster.html) gave a very good list of steps, ill use that for my bay aswell lol.

hope it comes out good! remember take your time and do it right :D

02-20-2011, 06:34 PM
If your gonna go to bare metal, use the stripper like you did before.
Then after you get rid of all the goo & slime.Power wash it to break looose all the little stuff & peel it back.(use pomolive dish soap,just a lil)

Let it sit for a day or so to dry out
320 rub detailed (cut/blend down all the flakey edges )
Keep sand scratches to a minimum on the bare metal spots!!!!!
Prime (use a self etching primer,build it up)
Let it cure for a few days!!!!!
320 feather in edges & ridges
wash/clean/blow/acetone wipe
PRIME( use a epoxy sealer)

Now follow the other steps I listed

02-21-2011, 03:01 PM
If your gonna go to bare metal, use the stripper like you did before.
Then after you get rid of all the goo & slime.Power wash it to break looose all the little stuff & peel it back.(use pomolive dish soap,just a lil)

Let it sit for a day or so to dry out
320 rub detailed (cut/blend down all the flakey edges )
Keep sand scratches to a minimum on the bare metal spots!!!!!
Prime (use a self etching primer,build it up)
Let it cure for a few days!!!!!
320 feather in edges & ridges
wash/clean/blow/acetone wipe
PRIME( use a epoxy sealer)

Now follow the other steps I listed

awesome. gonna finish my tuck in the next few days then get to the engine bay. thanks guys

02-21-2011, 04:27 PM
Kleanstrip GAR343 Aircraft Remover - 1 Gallon (http://erisautomotivetools.com/KLE-GAR343.aspx)

I have used this before and it works really well in the tight sopts.

I spray it on with a spray bottle then start scraping the old paint off after letting it sit for 10 - 15min. I will do this 2-3 times to make sure i get all the paint off.

Make sure you wear a good respirator and acid resistant gloves.

02-21-2011, 10:42 PM
^^^^ YEP thats the jam,I like it in its own spray can.That $H!t will eat most spray bottles,LOLLOLLOL.
After you soak the bay with this stand back & watch it curl up
Black (scotchbrite) will wipe it off pretty decent for the first round.

02-22-2011, 09:04 AM
why use toxic shit like paint stripper

just media blast the shit off, epoxy primer and be done with.

you guys pussy foot over shitty ass old cars with rusty dingy engine bays.

02-22-2011, 10:08 AM
why use toxic shit like paint stripper

just media blast the shit off, epoxy primer and be done with.

you guys pussy foot over shitty ass old cars with rusty dingy engine bays.

cause most people don't own a media blaster, and having someone do it isin't very cheap where as paint stripper is like 15 bucks for a gallon.