View Full Version : ATTN: Anubis9228 and any potential drunk drivars: This Bud's for you.

09-21-2003, 01:43 AM
not that i'm saying Anubis9228 is a potential drunk drivar... just read on!

Today while Lisa and I were out in the Riverside area, a guy in an Oldsmobile Acheiva parked next to us at the Ghey-Mart (names changed to protect the corporate) we'd stopped at for our appointment for Emma at a professional photographer. While we were getting ready to go, we noticed this guy:
1. chug the last few oz. of a Budweiser can, crumple it up, and toss it underneath his passenger seat.
2. Pop open his trunk, reach in the ice chest he had back there, and pull out a new, cold Bud.
3. sit back down in his car, down about half the can, and go inside the Ghey-mart

We look at each other and agree that that's not Kosher.
Unfortunately, we don't have the phone # for the local PD handy, so we go inside, do the photograph session, and while inside, get the number for the local PD. After we finished, we head back out to the car. On our way out, we notice Mr. Drinking and Driving checking out at the registers.
We get out to the car before he does, so Lisa dials up the PD, gives them the 411 and the 10-28 (the information about what's going on, and the guy's plate number. Yeah. I'm a geek.).
While we were on the phone with PD, he came back, finished off his beer, and grabbed another. Local PD dispatches a unit to roll and catch this guy. Unfortunately, by the time we get off the phone, the guy's already driving away.
After mulling it over for a few seconds, Lisa and I agree that we've got nothing better to do right then, and I'd never think to put Emma in danger, so we followed the guy and called Local PD back.
I followed him FBI sytle! Like 6 cars back in the other lane & ****!
Anyway, after about 2 miles of following him, Local PD crusier pulls him over.
Now here's the skinny:
He was cited for driving on suspended license, his POS car was towed away, he wasn't DUI or DWI (not .6-.7 or above .8). He had (according to his statement to the citing officer) only had 2 beers - which the EIGHTEEN pack in the icechest corraborated.

Now mind you: this is at like 10:30-11:00am on a Saturday.
this guy was out doing his shopping and doing preflight for the night's activities.

Call us snitches or whatever. I don't care. I think we did good.
We have ZERO tolerance for drunk drivers. Especially with what has happened in the past few months with Anubis9228. For those who don't know, he's been hit by drunk drivers twice in the past few months, both times injuring him and totaling his cars. I take comfort in knowing that for at least today, he wasn't able to continue drinking and driving, able to hurt someone.
Now maybe tomorrow, he'll borrow someone's car, get loaded and plow into a church picnic, but I know we helped the general public out today.

Now: I know this is OT and I'll move it there tomorrow or shortly thereafter. Andrew: I'm glad you weren't hurt worse. I got kinda pissed off today and kinda wanted to beat this guy down, before we ever called the cops. I think if you'd been hurt worse, I might be in jail or on the lam right now. :eek:

Cliffnotes: Lisa and I saw guy swilling beer and driving, called cops, cops pulled guy over, cited for driving on suspended license, towed his POS, mightymouse saved the day.

09-21-2003, 02:04 AM
Cool. Drivng drunk is no fun. :(

09-21-2003, 02:53 AM
thats pretty pimp, kevin. you and lisa are good people, respect!

09-21-2003, 04:07 AM
good job dude. now there one less accident waiting to happen on the roads.

Bill Roberts
09-21-2003, 07:36 AM
Think of all the lives potentially spared!


09-21-2003, 08:54 AM
um you sound like my mother.

09-21-2003, 10:57 AM
Shuttup Russian, have respect for your mother.. she is a wonderful woman.

09-21-2003, 11:42 AM
Way to TOTALLY ruin the thread there, russian.

[edit] This was in response to a deleted post by russian. Post whores have three useless posts in one thread. Idle observers only have one :P

It's OK russian, we still like you! :-)

09-21-2003, 11:43 AM
thanks for making another pointless post misnomer. post whore:mrmeph:

09-21-2003, 11:47 AM
russian must not be russian, people always say "look at eastern europe, there is no drinking problem because they have no legal drinking age and everyone drinks from an early age so they know how to handle it"
Erm, no, in my experience "no eastern europeans have drinking problems" because ALL OF THEM HAVE DRINKING PROBLEMS and so they don't think of it as a problem.
anyway I woulda done the same thing, no love in my heart for the DUI.
I have played endless nights of "sober taxi" just trying to look out for my friends, but ever since I got the 240 I have been doing a lot less taxi'in.

09-21-2003, 11:50 AM
Originally posted by andrave
russian must not be russian, people always say "look at eastern europe, there is no drinking problem because they have no legal drinking age and everyone drinks from an early age so they know how to handle it"
Erm, no, in my experience "no eastern europeans have drinking problems" because ALL OF THEM HAVE DRINKING PROBLEMS and so they don't think of it as a problem.
anyway I woulda done the same thing, no love in my heart for the DUI.
I have played endless nights of "sober taxi" just trying to look out for my friends, but ever since I got the 240 I have been doing a lot less taxi'in.

dude you are so wrong. :) im pure russian i just dont drink as much i prefer to work out. and smoke pot. my roomate tho is a typical one. gets drunk almost everyday. and we dont have a problem with drinking and driving in Russia, you gotta handle it right.... or hqave 500 bucks with you to let them escort you home :rolleyes:

09-21-2003, 12:15 PM
I was in ukraine and it seemed like everyone just drank, all the time...
I remember my brother is a big military history buff and he said back in WWI or II, don't remember, the russian army's rations included vodka...lol.
I would go out to someone's house and there were 70 year old women and 11 year old kids out drinking me, I was getting trashed and they were perfectly fine...

09-21-2003, 12:31 PM
Originally posted by andrave
I was in ukraine and it seemed like everyone just drank, all the time...
I remember my brother is a big military history buff and he said back in WWI or II, don't remember, the russian army's rations included vodka...lol.
I would go out to someone's house and there were 70 year old women and 11 year old kids out drinking me, I was getting trashed and they were perfectly fine...

true. Ukraine is poorer tho. hard liquior comsumption directly corelates with level of life. so...

as far as rations, yes, alcohol thins your blood, it was like, um, legal steroids. since alot of soldiers were gonna die anyway. also makes you fearless (in a way) and gives a feeling of being warmer (Fake). do you still believe that it was the US that made a difference in WW2? hah

09-21-2003, 05:03 PM
How sad.

Drinking a 6-pack of beer.... ALONE.:(

Bill Roberts
09-21-2003, 05:21 PM
Well since this is off topic..I still say good for you calling that dude in.
Off topic
As for Wadka (yes with a W) Stolichnaya is rubbish compared to some of the finer Ukranian spirits available. I have some friends that own a factory in Prague that also has a factory in the Ukraine. It is the best of the best of the "wadkas"...and no name..just in a jar.

Back on topic

The Ukrainian vodka is better than the finest shine in the USA..But as a lesson to everyone, everyone has a cell phone and if you choose to cause your personal undoing by doing the ugly D on the streets, well....I need not say much more. It will get you...just the problem is the other guy.

Saddens me that many members here at Zilvia has had bodily harm and ruined cars over this "problem"

Do what you have to do it is the word.

09-21-2003, 05:31 PM
well Bill, only thing thats good as far as liquor coming out of ukraine is Nemiroff Gorilka - pepper&honey.

Most russian vodkas here in US nothing compared to what you can get THERE even under the same label. BEst is "Russian Standard". good luck finding it here tho. Krystal IMHO is much better than stoli.

09-21-2003, 05:31 PM
PROPS to Mr.Meph

09-21-2003, 05:32 PM
Drinking and driving is so dangerous it's not even funny. I've been known to have a drink with my meal and drive home but I know my limits and don't have more than one drink. The fact that this guy was packing a cooler demonstrates how much of a danger he posed :bigok: to the both of you for stopping him. Now on to some:


In my misadventure into Russia I found that vodka was cheaper than drinking water, russians really do love american's, and the american dollar equaled a thick clump of brightly colored rubles which didn't go as far when buying drinks (or anything else for that matter) so it made no sense to transfer my $$ to rubles.

09-21-2003, 05:44 PM
Originally posted by radhaz

In my misadventure into Russia I found that vodka was cheaper than drinking water, russians really do love american's, and the american dollar equaled a thick clump of brightly colored rubles which didn't go as far when buying drinks (or anything else for that matter) so it made no sense to transfer my $$ to rubles.

cheaper than water? hmm what did you buy moonshine in the village? it sounds like you actually you believe we have bears walking in the streets.
um im glad you didnt stumble into some idiot-skinnheads tho.

Bill Roberts
09-21-2003, 05:57 PM
I visited KIEV. The shock when I would pull out a 10,000 ruble note. The actual dollar bill did carry a lot of weight. This was in 1993.

I still have several 1000 and 10000 notes for keeps sakes.

The Women there were so pretty it hurt my stomach to look at them. Absolutely drop dead gorgious babes. My Stay in the motherland was precious.

09-21-2003, 06:00 PM
ukrainians love/hate us... so you might get a free drink from a ukranian for being american, or you might get punched in the face, but its far more likely that they will regard you as rich and try and jack up prices or rob you.
Which sucks. I'm serious, I'm 21 and a college student, I have traveled all over the place, and only when I went to ukraine have I had people confused me with "wealthy."
But thats where my fiancee is at so...
I'll be back.

edit: yes all the women there are hotter than the US. You think I'm ****ting, go there. an ugly girl there would be the hottest girl in your class, and a fat girl there would be skinny by US standards.
And my fiancee is the hottest!

09-21-2003, 06:02 PM
Good stuff... You should always turn those people in.

I had a similar case... With more damage. A drunk lady spun off the road in front of my place and hit 2 parked cars and left off. While my sister was calling the cops, I followed the drunk lady in the minivan on rollerblades. She got caught one block further down the road.

09-21-2003, 07:02 PM
Hrm, depending on body weight and tollerance I see nothing wrong with a beer or two or a glass of wine and then driving.
I do agree though, that drinking and driving is a big problem and we should all do what we can to stop it.

Heh, any friends of mine that read on this forum should laugh remembering the time I decided to walk home quite a few miles in the rain cauz I didn't feel I was fit to drive :doh:

09-21-2003, 07:36 PM
You did the right thing....good looking out.

What happened to Anubis9228???

I didn't know the first accident with the S14 was due to a drunk driver. Did the second one involve the S30Z??...I hope not.

09-21-2003, 08:11 PM
Originally posted by russian
it sounds like you actually you believe we have bears walking in the streets.

Actually there are bears walkers in Russia, my freind brought back pictures to prove it :o :D
Moving to OT where it should be.

09-21-2003, 08:23 PM
actually whats was funny, i was there on christmas and saw a bunch of risers. not too many eclipses but plenty of preludes. very few civics. theres also some domestic LADA tuning. i personally think jdm compacts not fit for russian winters/roads and parts are expensive.

09-21-2003, 08:32 PM
heres some domestic russian lada tunning. please laugh all you want.
they are fun to drive and very cheap.







09-21-2003, 08:36 PM
there is a huge tuning market in ukraine, I have tons of pics from all the organized 400meter races that went down on a air strip. They built bleachers, gave out time slips, had staging lights, everything.
Very surprisng...
there were tons of built imports, lotsa skyline, most popular seemed to be old body style WRX 4 doors and Toyota Supras.
WRX's were ruling the day though.
There are tons of modded preludes and hondas, a couple ca18det 200sx's...
interesting stuff, I'd show you if I ever got my pics scanned.

09-21-2003, 08:40 PM
plese do dude. actually im gonna try to find russian "survival" racing. its dirt destruction derby in laps over corse. ****ing fun to watch.

09-21-2003, 08:55 PM
Originally posted by russian
cheaper than water? hmm what did you buy moonshine in the village? it sounds like you actually you believe we have bears walking in the streets.
um im glad you didnt stumble into some idiot-skinnheads tho.

I think Vladivostok might have been a tad bigger than a village but I'm just a damn american so what do I know about geography :) Bottled water was approxamitely 3 to 5 dollars wherever we went, and a glass of vodka ran about from about 2 to 4 depending on the quality, hence my comment the vodka was cheaper than the water.

The other thing we noticed that the beer was numbered based on strength rather than having a name.

09-21-2003, 08:58 PM
Originally posted by radhaz
I think Vladivostok might have been a tad bigger than a village but I'm just a damn american so what do I know about geography :) Bottled water was approxamitely 3 to 5 dollars wherever we went, and a glass of vodka ran about from about 2 to 4 depending on the quality, hence my comment the vodka was cheaper than the water.

The other thing we noticed that the beer was numbered based on strength rather than having a name.

um when did you go? i guess not in the last 4-5years. beer has 100s of brands, ranging from 50cents a half a litre botle to 1.5$ and 2$. domestic is fresh and very good decent beer. water is cheap. i havent seen vodka being sold by the glass in years. last time i remember them doing that was 94 when it was banned.

09-21-2003, 09:55 PM
dam when i saw the title of this thread i thought you were accusing me of driving under the influence. Lets just get it straight that I never drink or do drugs. The first time my 240 was totalled it was by a young girl and she was not under the influence I escaped that without injury. The second time I was hit by a drunk driver in my brand new RSX type S and I was hospitalized for a week. The type s was completly destroyed. I had 3 broken ribs a punctured lung a cracked vertabrae a bruised skull, internal bleeding and damaged spleen. Theres not much i can do to stop people from drinking and driving, im just saying that if you choose to drink and drive be prepared to live with the outcome the rest of your life. As for me every day im recovering, this crash won't stop me and i'm glad I escaped with my life. You have no idea unless you've been thru this kind of thing what it does to you. Be safe all

09-21-2003, 10:08 PM
oops double post

09-21-2003, 10:18 PM
i knew i could find some




09-21-2003, 10:24 PM
prices on food seemed to be about the same as those in the US for me in ukraine.. of course in kiev, with is further inland and the capitol city, things were more expensive.
We found that the smaller of the town we were in, the cheaper things were, which oddly enough is opposite of my experience in US.

09-21-2003, 10:29 PM
yea consumer basket price is average. but food is not that expensive, although some things are (like everywhere else)
the level of livin is much lower for many compared to Russian Federation, thats why we have so much cheap labor from all the former Soviet Union republics.

btw heres a good link on lada rally and wllpapers.


09-21-2003, 11:45 PM
Haha, my cousin wanted to check out the street racing in Minsk this summer, but I assumed it would be crappy, so we never tried to go. I'll definitely check out the car scene over there next summer. I did however see a ton of nice cars (German market 200sx's, AWD turbo Opel Calibras... etc) at the "Avtorynok", that was a welcome surprise. Of course, Belarus is dirt poor, so the scene in Russia is MUCH better. I almost bought an '89 CA18DET 200sx while over there though, hehe, only $2500! I'd have garage space for it, but my common sense got the best of me, since I'm only there for about a month out of each year. Ah yes, the motherland....

this thread is REALLY off topic now

Edit: to the reply below... sorry dude! :doh:

09-21-2003, 11:47 PM
Originally posted by anubis9228
dam when i saw the title of this thread i thought you were accusing me of driving under the influence.

No way, man! That's why I clarified it in the first line of the post.
Anyway, I was under the impression that the first girl was drunk too, but I guess it was a case of DWI (Driving Without Intelligence).
I'm glad you're getting better. Do you know what car you should be getting next, or are you not caring much about it at this point?

As for you Fucs Fucs Fucs Fucs that took this thread more OT than it already was, Fuc you. :D If you want to start an OT thread about Russian street racing or Ladas or whatever, feel free. Just don't crap up my thread. It's not polite. :D

And for the Fuc who moved my thread.. I SAID I WAS GONNA!! Damn! :D

09-22-2003, 07:54 AM
eer sorry. :):boink:

09-22-2003, 09:16 AM
Originally posted by russian
eer sorry. :):boink:

translation of comment & emoticons

eer sorry, please allow me to faulk your ear some more?

Regardless, sorry mrmeph for participating in the derailment of yer thread

09-22-2003, 08:10 PM
Originally posted by radhaz
translation of comment & emoticons

eer sorry, please allow me to faulk your ear some more?

Regardless, sorry mrmeph for participating in the derailment of yer thread :rolleyes:

:naughty: :naughty: