View Full Version : (95 s14) change harness car wont start

02-14-2011, 09:54 AM
about a month ago my engine room harness caught on fire, so i replace it and now the car wont start... Details: my car was originally and automaic and base model so apparentlty there was a whole lot of hacker shit that took place b4 me, but the harness that i got came out of a manual se with the relays for anti theft. so my question is would the fact that the new harness have a anti theft relay would cause the car not to start? if not any suggestions.. if vague i will try to make it more detailed.. also the harness seem to get power the light come on the grounds are ok, i tested most of the wires on the new harness for continuity so i really think the new harness is good..

06-13-2013, 01:36 PM
I know it's to late but I've got same situation with swapping harnesses! And my car won't crank also, so did you figure out the problem or not?