View Full Version : K-Stlye shop addres...

09-19-2003, 12:13 PM
Can someone please give me their full address. I need to send this money order out. And when I pull up their address on a translator, it says this...
"〒 964 - 0806
Fukushima prefecture Nihonmatsu city feather stone 57 - 10
ベアーズファクトリー (bear Kubo) address
Inquiry number: 090 - 1067 - 1007"

Which I know is broken, and some of it is right. So I need THE FULL MAILING ADDRESS! If someone has the character download on their computer, and/or can visualy translate japanese, I'd appreciate it.


ohh yeah, www.k-style.gr.jp

09-19-2003, 01:09 PM
dood, dont worry about
this is how you mail internationally (i've done it many times before)

write the address in japanese

but where you put the country write in english JAPAN

the USA postal will send it to japan and obviously japan can read japanese so it will reach its destination

ive done it many times before without problems.

good luck!
fyi: send me a self addressed envelope or a sticker label with your address on it, for them to mail (if they need to) something back to you, they might not be able to write english so a sticker w/ your address would help them a lot

09-19-2003, 01:58 PM
Cool, thanks a million man!

Okay, now I've got it in japanese. So I just need to copy the characters onto the envelope? Cause I don't know what the hell they mean.