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View Full Version : S14 SR into S14 swap starts but dies immediately. Wiring? Please help.

02-07-2011, 08:35 PM
Hey Guys,

I recently cleaned up some wiring (removed push button start, alarm, replaced burned wire, wired in consult port for Nistune, etc.) but now my car doesn't run. The car ran fine prior to me messing with the wiring, but I did have both FSM's as a reference and from what I can tell everything is wired up properly. The car fires up with no problems, but it dies shortly after. Its not the fuel pump (checked fuel pump relay and verified its operating properly from the ecu back, and also jumped the relay just to be sure), its not the CAS (verified voltage fluctuation for 1 and 180 degrees), ecu is getting power, eccs relays are getting power and operating properly...any ideas?


02-08-2011, 07:29 PM
Update: I got her running, turns out my wiring was fine but the car had a vacuum leak which was the cause of everything. I finally get to drive her again!