View Full Version : 90 240SX, Motor Swap from 93 KA24DE to 96 KA24DE - Issues?

02-05-2011, 04:47 PM
Hello all,

A while back, I bought a 1990 240SX Coupe with an engine swap from a 1993 240, a KA24DE. Car ran like a champ, but I guess I ran it a bit hard... and eventually the motor came to the condition that it's in today, which is with a bad knock.

So I came into possession of a KA24DE out of a 1996 240SX, and (only after pulling my old and setting it next to the new) I noticed differences, not only in their being new and/or different little bits and pieces, but also a difference in plugs and/or plug locations.

Am I going to have any trouble dropping this motor in? And if so, is it an easy thing to work around, or am I in for a shit storm?

I'm trying to find a solution ASAP so I can get my girl back on the road.

I'd be happy to answer any and all questions I can to the best of my abilites, and I thank you all in advance!

02-05-2011, 04:59 PM
You can use the head and the block....just bolt on your old stuff.....I just swapped S13 head for the S14 but couldnt get the intake manifold to work....so I put my old stuff on....and the car is running fine now...

02-05-2011, 05:29 PM
swap blocks!
easiest solution
s13 have better head flow from ive i heard

02-05-2011, 06:31 PM
my car went from '90 single slammer to '96 ka24de. just rewire everything around, the difference is not as significant. check out some builds or search the how-to sections if ur stuck.

02-05-2011, 08:12 PM
96+ is when they went to OBD2 so nissan made some little changes or added stuff on to make it emissions friendly.

02-05-2011, 11:10 PM
ok here is the list of what you want to do.
-take the bottom half of your s13 intake manifold with all lines in stuff intact. then put the top half of your s14 intake mani on it. (you dont have to do this step but you drop the s13 butterflies if you do (a good thing))
-or you can just put the whole s13 intake mani on the s14 motor if you dont mind having the butterflies
-pull out the s14 dizzy put in the s13 dizzy
- drop in your new ka enjoy

02-06-2011, 05:46 AM
use your s14 longblock with all your s13 components.