View Full Version : is this old news?

02-02-2011, 05:12 PM
eBay Motors Fee Class Action (http://www.ebaymotorsfeeclassaction.com/)

i searched ebay lawsuit and nothing came up about this. im wondering if its legit or not.

02-02-2011, 05:30 PM
Nope for realz. Got a notice in the mail. They've got a database to look up userid's with names so it's working. I filed for mine and the wifes. Hope I get something as I used to do a good bit on there.

how are you running a 6.5L Turbo diesel turbocharger on a S13?

02-02-2011, 05:49 PM
Nope for realz. Got a notice in the mail. They've got a database to look up userid's with names so it's working. I filed for mine and the wifes. Hope I get something as I used to do a good bit on there.

how are you running a 6.5L Turbo diesel turbocharger on a S13?

like this :snoop:


how are you pissing excellence?

i keed i keed:keke:

LimeLite Racing
02-02-2011, 11:06 PM
Holy shit! Hopefully I get a notice. I did lots of car parts sales on ebay.

02-03-2011, 11:29 AM
Holy shit! Hopefully I get a notice. I did lots of car parts sales on ebay.

You don't need a notice. Goto the website and enter your user ID. Fill in your address if it's not in their system. Done.

If you sold lots of items in parts and accessories between april 2005 to 2009 ur eligible.

02-03-2011, 11:31 AM
like this

i keed i keed:keke:

Looks nice. I rebuild those at work all the time. The exhaust housing bolts are a major PITA. Was wondering how it spooled etc.

02-03-2011, 11:54 AM
Looks nice. I rebuild those at work all the time. The exhaust housing bolts are a major PITA. Was wondering how it spooled etc.

coincidentally this one i think needs to be rebuilt. alittle shaft play and the orange o-ring is non exsistant on the compressor housing.. how much is it to get one redone? i havent actually ran it on this setup yet. right now im just trying to piece together everything. i still need lines. any info you got bout them would be great