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View Full Version : Shift Knob Fitment on 240SX

02-02-2011, 03:02 PM
As far as I know for most Nissans including 240SX, the numbers are M10 x P1.25 for the thread pitch. Are there any possible ways to fit a M12 x P1.25 shift knob on the shifter? What can I do to make it custom fit?

02-02-2011, 03:21 PM
they sell conversion adapters for thread pitch, i know i have a friend with a shifter that removed some adapter so he could test it on my car... search around for this

02-05-2011, 01:58 PM
here you go

Proper+ Shop — Catalog Products — 10x1.25 Bubble Shift Knob Adapter (http://www.itsproper.com/shop/10x1-25-bubble-shift-knob-adapter/)

I have it on my shift knob, works like a charm