View Full Version : Fremont Wingstop Meet and Eat 2/18/11

02-02-2011, 12:45 AM

Sup everybody!

Last meet at Krispy Kreme was great so I thought I'd go ahead and set up another one. Since most of the people that attended the last one were from the Fremont area, I thought I'd set it up there. Here are the unofficial details:

Who: You, silly! :ghey:
What: Talking, eating, and checking out the cars.
When: Friday, February 25, 2011 - 8:00pm until 10 or 11...or never:axe:.
Where: Wingstop! :D 43448 Boscell Rd. Fremont, CA 94538
Why: Cuz you know you want those atomic wings! :rl:

Let me know if you have scheduling conflicts. I will change the date/time if too many people do.

Met a bunch of awesome people at the last meet up. Hopefully this one will bring in even more awesome people! Like you! :fart:

P.S. Please do not go too crazy in the parking lot. I know it is fun but old ladies are easy to scare into cardiac arrest and the last thing we want is for the fun police to come and write us all tickets. Keep it safe.

tidus (Maybe)
too_short (Maybe)
wangan_cruiser (Maybe)
Lil_D's friend

More plz! :)

02-02-2011, 02:18 PM
Maybe I'll check this out. When was the Krispy Kreme meet?

02-02-2011, 04:53 PM
It was about a month ago. Definitely come if you are interested. All are welcome. :)

02-02-2011, 05:43 PM
I just don't want to roll up by myself and stand alone next to my car like Paul Walker...LOL

02-02-2011, 05:50 PM
Lol, that shouldn't happen. Last time we got 3 s14s, a VW R32, an Altima, and an RSX. We were expecting more but saturday was tough for some people. I'll post the names of the confirmed people as they come so you will know in a week or so how many people to expect.

02-03-2011, 02:56 PM
Update: Changing the date to February 25 to avoid scheduling conflicts with another Z group.

02-04-2011, 12:27 AM
Hey Slide, do you go to De Anza by any chance?

02-04-2011, 12:30 AM
Nah, Cupertino High. I'll be at De Anza next year though. I've been taking auto tech classes there the past few summers. Did you ever see a blue 240 hatch in the lot?

02-09-2011, 01:21 PM
Hey Slide, do you go to De Anza by any chance?

I might come to wingstop, you asking about a Green 240? Or the origin body kit with a missing bumper cause I just saw 2 240s today at De Anza @[email protected]

02-09-2011, 09:52 PM
Nah mine is blue. I drove by the auto tech area today at around 1 and I saw a white s13 coupe with a dmax body kit and another hatch. Another day I saw 2 other coupes and an ae86. I think de anza is a secret drift organization of undercover japanese D1 stars come to take over the american drift scene and use alien death rays to blow up the squirrels and use them to make salmon that they will use in sushi that I must buy cuz I hella like pie! O_o

02-10-2011, 01:21 AM
Nah mine is blue. I drove by the auto tech area today at around 1 and I saw a white s13 coupe with a dmax body kit and another hatch. Another day I saw 2 other coupes and an ae86. I think de anza is a secret drift organization of undercover japanese D1 stars come to take over the american drift scene and use alien death rays to blow up the squirrels and use them to make salmon that they will use in sushi that I must buy cuz I hella like pie! O_o

I was at the autotech from like 9-11 AM, just missed you

02-10-2011, 10:40 AM
I got to De Anza too. Blue hatch, pretty slammed right? Giant sticker on the rear window?

02-10-2011, 02:21 PM
i want to go to de anza i go to mission where there are no 240s...
if any one ever sees me blue slamed s14 with lip and sides its meee ill probly pull over and talk to you LOL.

02-10-2011, 02:45 PM
might be able to go and ill spread the word around nor-cal240sx.com

02-10-2011, 02:50 PM
Mine is a pretty much stock hatch right now. I'm trying to sell my vtechmoblie to make myself a budget lol. If you see a silver rsx with a guy with an afro driving it with douchebag sunglasses worn at a jaunty angle to look like a wannabe hoodlum gangster ricer, thats me. I usually do a big dumb smile and wave at other 240 drivers. U will kno its me, trust me.

Thanks Lil_D, much appreciated.

02-10-2011, 02:54 PM
no problem im trying to meet more people in nor cal

02-10-2011, 02:58 PM
Well it's nice to meet you! Now we r can b bff4evars! :axe:

02-10-2011, 03:05 PM
yayz more nor cal buddiez

02-10-2011, 03:10 PM

msgs lenght

02-10-2011, 03:24 PM
lol slide its kevin guy that went to the last 240 meet i got the gauges off you. i finaly painted it . http://i659.photobucket.com/albums/uu317/nujabe101/my%20s14/s14/DSC_0072.jpg


02-10-2011, 03:28 PM
lol slide its kevin guy that went to the last 240 meet i got the gauges off you. i finaly painted it . http://i659.photobucket.com/albums/uu317/nujabe101/my%20s14/s14/DSC_0072.jpg


car is sexy

02-10-2011, 03:38 PM
DAAAMM!!! that looks siiick! good choice in paint. were the zipties colored last time or is that new?

02-10-2011, 03:39 PM
i got one person to go forsure but he wont be there till 1030 because of work

02-10-2011, 03:43 PM
thats cool. get his contact though bc idk how long every1 is gonna stay and if every1 goes home b4 that and he shows up and no1 is there, it might be a bit of a sad moment.

02-10-2011, 03:45 PM
true true will do

02-10-2011, 04:07 PM
yeah they where pink. @ lil D thanks man !

02-12-2011, 12:15 AM
i need a set of p45r's 4 mine sooooo bad! >_< I raced this girl down the freeway 2day and got her # so she might be going 2. tokyo drift is real. show off to girls and they will giv u their #s. lol

02-13-2011, 10:08 PM
Bump bump bump. Another one bites the dust. :)

02-15-2011, 09:15 AM
^^^That songs the shit.

02-17-2011, 12:36 AM
^^^That songs the shit.

lol, i liek totully kno rite! XD

02-19-2011, 03:57 AM
ill be there might be late bc i got to visit my cousin

02-19-2011, 11:07 AM
okie dokie. :)

02-19-2011, 11:45 AM
so slidewinder. are you the person that almost crashed into someone last meet cause they were showboating the parking lot???

02-19-2011, 01:14 PM
lol, maybe. i almost crash into a lot of ppl. 1 guy from the last meet is mad at me cuz he thinks i was speeding through the parking lot but i wasnt. i heard that some1 did almost crash though so in the op i said not to do anything bad in the parking lot.

02-25-2011, 01:00 AM
errbudy rdy fo da tomic wing!? :D

02-25-2011, 03:38 PM
bump for more peoplez to come today

02-26-2011, 06:36 PM
great meet guys! :) any ideas for where to go next?

02-26-2011, 09:58 PM
sorry i couldnt make it something came up. lets do the next meet in pleasanton somewhere possibly

02-26-2011, 10:47 PM
its cool D. pleasanton is a bit far 4 me since im down in cupertino but if everybody else is willing to make the drive, i suppose im game as well.

i would also like to thank High Octane Tuners for coming out. you guys have some awesome cars and great members. i look forward to hanging with u all again. also i wud like to thank every1 else 4 coming despite the frigid cold. it was an honor yo freeze my ass off at your side. haha.

does anybody have any food suggestions for the next 1? pizza? sushi? lamb testes? (saw that on tg, looked pretty good actually)

02-26-2011, 10:50 PM
pizza sounds bomb as fuck maybe some mexican food

02-26-2011, 10:53 PM
lol, k, lets c if every1 else is cool with that. i would love to have a taco bell meet. XD

02-26-2011, 10:55 PM
You guys should hold a meet one day at the Wingstop in Cupertino. :D

02-26-2011, 10:58 PM
omg duuude, thats wat all my friends said. i asked them if they wanted 2 go 2 this 1 and they all said no cuz they wud rather hav gone 2 the 1 in tino. i live like 5 mins away from there but i wanted 2 do the 1 in fremont cuz thats where most of the 240 ppl live. we can hang out there 1 day after skool. lol

02-26-2011, 11:06 PM
I used to work at the Yogurtland near that Wingstop, ahah. I live kinda near that area, so I'm down if there's a meet or anything

02-26-2011, 11:09 PM
lol, k, lets c if every1 else is cool with that. i would love to have a taco bell meet. XD
that would be legit
You guys should hold a meet one day at the Wingstop in Cupertino. :D

id be down if i got gas. cant do meets on friday bc i got to visit my friend

02-26-2011, 11:13 PM
sweet. i go to cupertino high so we eat at that yogurtland all the time. i remember seeing a white turbo fc and a black s14 kouki. were either of those urs?

are there any taco bells between tino and fremont? the 1 on bollinger has a rly small parking lot so that wudnt work.

02-26-2011, 11:19 PM
i shall use the google button and check

02-26-2011, 11:20 PM
I've met the owner of the black one, but nah I drive a white s14 zenki.

There is a Tacobell in a small shopping complex in Santa Clara on Homestead and Kiely though. There's plenty of parking at night.

02-26-2011, 11:21 PM
lol, feeling lucky i c. 1 time i used google maps 2 find me a jamba juice and it led me to some1's house. XD

ill check that out. i can drive there and c. :) it will b nice 2 hav 1 in our area. cupertino is probably the most boring city in the bay area.

02-26-2011, 11:21 PM
milpitas meet?

02-26-2011, 11:26 PM
can u make it 2 cupertino? if so, im sure i could get some ppl 2 go.

02-26-2011, 11:27 PM
pleasanton is the most boring city. anyone down to have a little meet right now might go out to san jose in a little

02-26-2011, 11:29 PM
yep leaving the east bay right now some one text me (925) 918 0775

02-26-2011, 11:30 PM
Cupertino it would be nice not traveling to hwy patrol land! ! . Im down when do you want to have the next one.

02-26-2011, 11:30 PM
ya sure text me where ur going 408 417 9367. i was thinking march 19. its a saturday. night or day is cool but day wud probably be better so we dont hav 2 freeze lol. u all down 4 that?

02-26-2011, 11:41 PM
Have it in the night every one works saterdays at least till 7

02-26-2011, 11:56 PM
will do. saturday march 19 8:00pm at the taco bell on homestead? btw anybody taking 280, be careful cuz there r a couple spots the cops like 2 hide.

02-27-2011, 02:05 PM
sounds good to me ill post it up on nor-cal240sx sorry i went on a mission last night

02-27-2011, 02:08 PM
ooooooooooo, was it a seeecret mission? :naughty: lol

02-27-2011, 02:16 PM
haha actually.... nah we ended up going to the 24hr walmart. shit was hella funny. there is a dublin meet on sunday the 13th with all types of cars but no s or z chassis that i was told of.

02-27-2011, 02:22 PM
i might go 2 that 1 if enuff ppl do. dublin is a bijillion hour drive so it wud hav 2 b gewd.

02-27-2011, 02:24 PM
haha not even its like 45 minutes or so. there were like 30 cars at their FIRST meet last night

02-27-2011, 02:26 PM
o i c. wat kind of cars were there? i can make it in 15 mins with vtec, 45 without.

02-27-2011, 02:28 PM
we had a rhd honda hatch and a supercharged dinan s3r e46 m3 ,like 6 hondas acuras , eclipses , jag audis , subarus , mr2s , beamers, volvos. good joke

02-27-2011, 02:32 PM
lol thx. definitely will maybe go. depends on if i still hav my rsx by then. ive been trying to get rid of it for a month now with no luck. i think ppl c it has vtec and think they cant handle the fake turbo-ness of it.

02-27-2011, 02:45 PM
my vtec goes bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

02-27-2011, 02:48 PM
mine goes fartfartfartfartfartmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahBOOMCRASHKAB LOWAAAAAAAAAHH

02-27-2011, 04:18 PM
Haha the Dublin meet got changed to the 12th at 730 FYI