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View Full Version : injector keeps going bad?

02-01-2011, 12:06 AM
Hello, and sorry if I'm posting in the wrong section.

So here is what I have done and what I know....

#3 injector keeps going out.

I have done:
-pulled spark plug wires to check for spark
-pulled injector plugs to check for fuel
-reset ECU (pulling negative off battery, and held foot on brake)
-swapped #3 and #1 injectors (to see if the wiring was bad on the #3 cylinder. It worked great, #1 injector was bad)
-R2 all four injectors (ran great for all of about one day, then started hesitating between shifts)

I do not have anything done to my motor, it is a stock KA24DE.

It did this once, for a day then went away. And now it has started to do it again, about 3 days ago.

If there is any other information you need just ask. I will be trolling this thread until the problem is fixed.

Thanks everyone whom helps in advance.

02-01-2011, 09:05 AM
Going to try a different ECU...

02-01-2011, 11:11 AM
replace the fuel filter.

02-01-2011, 07:52 PM
So wait, did the problem follow the injector to the new cylinder? Or does the issue only stay on the 3rd cylinder.

Injector drivers can die even on stock ECU's...

Perfect Balance
02-01-2011, 08:25 PM
Replace your injector. These things are notorious for going bad.

boosted KA24DE
02-01-2011, 08:46 PM
I would suggest you change your fuel filter and dirty fuel is causing your injectors to stick. Normally i would also suggest seafoam but some people get bad after affects some time. I have a complete set of four I just pulled off a rail I was saving to get powder coated. I will not be using them and willing to sell if your interested. $40 shipped if you like I can post picks as well.
Sending injectors to get cleaned will run you almost $100 so cheaper to buy used and keep the car driving. LMK

02-01-2011, 10:09 PM
If a fuel filter was faulty, ALL of the injectors would have issues. Granted they are cheap enough to replace every year or so, it's something I would not be looking at for a root cause.

02-01-2011, 11:59 PM
I have new fuel filter.

codyace, it is staying on the same cylinder.
What is the injector driver? Is that the little white rectangle plastic box on the harness?

perfect balance, I have replaced the injector twice. Once with a different cylinder, then again when i replaced all four.

boosted ka24de, Thanks for the advice and offer on the injectors. But I got 8 injectors for 36 bucks and some change.... pickNpull FTW

I will be more descriptive from here on out.

Today, I was unable to test the ecu due to work. Tomorrow I will be able to swap them out with a working one, I will keep everyone posted.

I am positive that it is not dirty fuel filter, I just put a z32 filter in. Also if it was the fuel filter, wouldn't I have problems on #1 and #4 before I had very many problems with #3?

Also, I have realized the low grade gas on base is not just 87.... its 83. I didnt even know that grade was available! haha So I am happy I have always put "premium" in my car.

Thanks to everyone with the advice and inputs.

02-02-2011, 07:31 AM
codyace, it is staying on the same cylinder.
What is the injector driver? Is that the little white rectangle plastic box on the harness?

It's actually in the ECU itself.

Do you have a copy of the FSM to troubleshoot a faulty injector connection? This way yo can go over all of the wiring to make sure there are no breaks in the wires, and to see if the ECU is sending a pulse to each injector on its' respective stroke.

I am positive that it is not dirty fuel filter, I just put a z32 filter in. Also if it was the fuel filter, wouldn't I have problems on #1 and #4 before I had very many problems with #3?

Correct. That's why I made that comment a few posts up...filters don't make one cylinder go bad.

Perfect Balance
02-02-2011, 04:48 PM
perfect balance, I have replaced the injector twice. Once with a different cylinder, then again when i replaced all four.
Did you replace them with new or used units?

Mine were going bad so I bought a set of 4 used ones from an s14, and I've had to replace 2 so far in the 2 year I've had my car.

02-02-2011, 11:09 PM
Codyace, I tried different ecu. Not the problem. Runs just as the same. I am going to test with newer fuel rail and injectors from a 97 kouki. If that doesnt work, i will be pulling the harness off and tracing the wires and making sure there is no damage to the harness.

perfect balance, I replaced them with cleaned used injectors.

Just so everyone knows. I have done more poking around and found my fuel rail has some corrosion at the area where the bottom injector seal is. I pulled my #3 injector off and noted some very serious damage to the seals... My guess is that the corrosion is damaging the seals as i put the injectors in, and with this seal damaged it is letting fuel to go past the bottom of the injector right into the cylinder.

I am also going to get a multimeter and check the voltage of the plugs.

Yes I have the FSM.. Im going to be flipping threw it here in just a few days.

Just the fact that the same cylinder was going out was really getting under my skin. Once i pull this rail and injectors off I will take a picture to sorta "show and tell".

02-03-2011, 12:02 AM
Wait I'm having trouble seeing what the problem is. You said that the injector is bad. How did you come to that conclusion? Also you mentioned that you swapped the injector with one from another cylinder and the same cylinder was still having issues.

I doesn't sound like the injector is the problem. Please describe what the symptoms are and when they happen.

02-03-2011, 12:16 AM
This is odd because I have the same issues. (with my SR) #3 cylinder injectors are failing. BUT my injectors are currently running a very high duty cycle do to my turbo set up so I figured that was my problem. Even though I never go WOT right now and baby it because of the a lack of proper fuel system. I need to get my fuel system upgraded asap..

02-03-2011, 07:32 AM
Wait I'm having trouble seeing what the problem is. You said that the injector is bad. How did you come to that conclusion? Also you mentioned that you swapped the injector with one from another cylinder and the same cylinder was still having issues.

I doesn't sound like the injector is the problem. Please describe what the symptoms are and when they happen.

Exactly! the way WESamiss was talking, I was under the impression it wasn't firing at all.

WESamiss, as said above, what made you 'decide' the injector was bad. Seems to me your issue isn't the injector at all....it's either in the seal (which are commonly destroyed when swapping injectors) or in the wiring itself (and follow the FSM you don't need to take the harness out)

Perfect Balance
02-03-2011, 09:34 PM
perfect balance, I replaced them with cleaned used injectors.

240 injectors don't go bad because they get dirty. They are just a shitty design, so they go bad, it has nothing to do with them being clogged. I'm going to just go ahead and say theres nothing wrong with your car and you just have another bad injector, a very common problem with these cars.

Like I said, I replaced 2 of my injectors so far. They both went bad within a few months. Since then I've been driving around for over a year without problems. In fact, one of them randomly stopped working for a day a few months ago. It started working again and hasn't acted up since, but for this reason I drive around with a spare injector in my glovebox.

02-03-2011, 10:02 PM
Make sure the edu is bolted all the way down too. I had a cylinder drop off randomly sometimes and it took me forever to figure out why it keep doing it my ecu was loose. I was worried that I would strip it if I cranked it down.

02-04-2011, 01:08 AM
Sorry, i thought i had put in here that I swapped 1 and 3 injectors and after doing so 1 was not getting fuel.

the rusty old fuel rail is getting swapped out tomorrow.. i will keep yall updated.

02-04-2011, 09:03 PM
sooo i replaced the fuel rail and injectors.... all is great now.

So what had happened was:
#3 injector went bad
Replaced that injector
rust in the fuel rail prevented me from replacing the injector without cutting the bottom seal of the injector
started running super rich.....
replaced rusty fuel rail and all injectors
car is running great.

rust was cutting my seals as i replaced injectors

thanks to everyone for helping me think of problems.

02-05-2011, 06:42 PM
sooo i replaced the fuel rail and injectors.... all is great now.
rust was cutting my seals as i replaced injectors

thanks to everyone for helping me think of problems.

Good to hear man! Yea once you chang einjectors, it's always suggest you go with 'new' o rings the first time, and lube them...it's a KNOWN issue on all nissans that those lower seals rip/fail over time (gotta remember we're at 15-20 year olds now)

240 injectors don't go bad because they get dirty. They are just a shitty design, so they go bad, it has nothing to do with them being clogged. I'm going to just go ahead and say theres nothing wrong with your car and you just have another bad injector, a very common problem with these cars.

The problems really only arise once people start changing them/swapping them (as I stated above)...in stock form they hardly EVER have any issues. In the 10 years of playing with these and being on forums, I wouldn't say anyone could say 'injectors' are a common failure, across any of the platforms/engines.