02-12-2002, 05:06 AM
YUP, it's been done I got busted big time, really big,
$65-00, thats all, and wasn't my fault the guy pulled in front of me and made me serve in the parking lane, I was only doing 210km/h, and braking, but at when the cops saw me and turned around, they said I was tailgating geez we have a law against that!
ABS rocks now. I give it full indorsement.
$65-00, thats all, and wasn't my fault the guy pulled in front of me and made me serve in the parking lane, I was only doing 210km/h, and braking, but at when the cops saw me and turned around, they said I was tailgating geez we have a law against that!
ABS rocks now. I give it full indorsement.