View Full Version : dampers for Carbon Fiber?

01-31-2011, 01:24 AM
I have a question, don't know if I posted in the right place, if not, please redirect..
I plan on getting a CF hatch for my S13,
Is there such thing as dampers for CF hatch?

I really don't wanna hold it with my hand when I open my hatch,

I tried Googling them, but all I get are dampers that are made of carbon fiber...

For those of you who have a CF hatch on their S13 hatches,
what are the pros and cons?
Do you have a damper to lift up the hatch or you hold it with your hand?


01-31-2011, 02:15 PM
i don't have experience with a cf trunk but i know with hood dampers (for the hood lol) you have to be extremely careful putting up or else it will shoot up quickly (because its so much lighter than oem hood) and will crack the hood. I assume it will be the same concept with the cf trunk...

01-31-2011, 02:28 PM
Nah man, I have a CF hood I don't use dampeners on it, and my carbon trunk that I have I used my old dampeners. Work fine no issues, the weight of the glass in the hatch hold down the dampener.

Ali 556
01-31-2011, 02:36 PM
use your stock ones or just hold it with a stick

01-31-2011, 02:52 PM
Most of the weight is the glass.

01-31-2011, 03:24 PM
i have a question, don't know if i posted in the right place, if not, please redirect..
I plan on getting a cf hatch for my s13,
is there such thing as dampers for cf hatch?

I really don't wanna hold it with my hand because im fat and lazy when i open my hatch,

i tried googling them, but all i get are dampers that are made of carbon fiber...

For those of you who have a cf hatch on their s13 hatches,
what are the pros and cons?
Do you have a damper to lift up the hatch or you hold it with your hand like a real man and not a big baby like me?


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