View Full Version : What color to paint my car.. and wheels HELP :)

01-29-2011, 05:58 PM

01-29-2011, 06:03 PM
Im guessing this thread will be moved/locked.

However, i recommend you include if this is your daily or not.
Daily= subtle colors with black/silver/polished wheels (less attention, less law enforcement harassment)
Track= whatever the fuck you want

01-29-2011, 06:34 PM
i totaly agree with above^ this will probably be locked becuase it is your car and you do what you please with it.

but im a fan of the bright flourescent wheels but they deffinitly get the laws attention....i got 6 speeding tickets in a year...that could also be my driving though :Ownedd: but idk its your car man. id go pretty chill for the base color though (nuetral colors) and then paint my wheels one color one year then another the next year another color. thats what i do atleast haha

01-29-2011, 07:43 PM

I guess you didn't want an answer...
