View Full Version : My Vibration Problem (Long)

09-16-2003, 12:52 AM
Ok, this is my situation so far. I bought my 97 240sx a few months ago from a lady in her mid 20's. Upon inspecting the car, i noticed right away that the clutch was awful stiff and seemed to slip. So, i asked her if it had ever been changed, and she replied no. She had driven the stock OEM clutch for 120k miles. Besides the clutch, and mileage, everything else was perfect. She kept the car in great shape and had every receipt for everything ever done (All dealer work) to the car since she was the original owner. While test driving the car with the a/c off i noticed a slight engine vibration. When the a/c was on, the vibration was not as strong put could still be slightly felt while driving. But hey, it was a 97 240sx 5spd in near perfect condition for only $4800 in CALI!! So i bought it.

When buying the car, my initial thought was the vibration was caused by the clutch wanting to rip apart because it had so many miles on it. That weekend i installed a new clutch, pressure plate, bearing, and had the flywheel resurfaced, and new tranny fluid of course. I changed the oil and put on a new filter. I replaced the cap and rotor, spark plugs (NGK), and Plug wires.
But, after replacing the clutch and everything else the engine vibration was still there... So, i looked in her records and besides brakes, and oil changes and misc other stuff, nothing else has really been done to the car. But i did come across a record where the dealer requested that she replace the motor mounts, but I’m guessing she never did. And i can see why, i called the local Nissan dealer and they quoted me $130 dollars each and that without install. Now, i myself could do it, but I’m guessing she never had them replaced because they most likely quoted her some huge number.

So now, my search was for new motor mounts! But man, every single damn place i call here in So Cal. only provides the front right motor mount but not a left! I can't believe it! My OEM ones are kind of shot so i figured it would be a good reason to go aftermarket :D So, i came up with Nismo Motor Mounts from phase2 and they are the cheapest i found at $215 smackers.

BUT, the only problem is i hear they are very stiff and can cause even more vibration than OEM ones, and they also make the KA sit about 3/4 of an inch higher. My question is does anyone know where i can buy motor mounts for the 240sx that are softer than the nismo ones (Right and LEFT) besides the dealer? Also, after reading my post, do you guys think buying the nismo mounts or near OEM ones will fix my problem? Or does anyone see another route that might be less $$ to try first before i go spending 200 bucks on mounts? I'm open to any and all suggestions! Thanks for helping.

09-16-2003, 01:00 AM
Also, tomorrow I am going to change my PVC valve, clean my TB and intake pleanum and check for any vac leaks to see it that helps.

OH!! another thing, I'm not sure if this has to do with my vibration problem, but when i am idling with the a/c on it is where it's supposed to be right around 1k. But, when i turn the a/c off the idle drops to like 200 and the engine starts choking and almost stalls but recovers and goes to 700 where it's supposed to be. This little problem is really starting to bug me!

Bill Roberts
09-16-2003, 09:30 AM
My Initial thoughs leaned toward the A/c compressor about ready to go. mine went at 120K and at one high RPM spurt, the center of the compressor came apart. Taking about vibration! I cut the belt off.

Give the folks a shot. I think they have free shipping. Certainly these mounts will work for you..


09-16-2003, 10:28 AM
AWSOME BILL! nice find! thank you so much for that link.

Edit: ARGH!! just as I suspected, they only had the right mount, but not the left! I think I'm going to go buy the Nismo front, right, and tranny mount set. The Nismo set will cost about the same as the left OEM mount from the dealer, and a right mount from autozone or some place like that. Plus, with the Nismo set I will also get a tranny mount.