View Full Version : please help. cant figure it out.

01-23-2011, 03:08 AM
so i bought my 240 for 600 bucks.has a KA24e in it.got it an it was runnin on 3 cylinders so i got the forth one working an it ran really smooth.same day blew head gasket.found out there were NO timing chain guides an it put a hole in the timing cover.
long story short. grampa took car apart.put all new parts on it.forgot were stuff goes.

so far i have everything together. theres three coper tubes under the intake that have no hoses on them an i dont kno were the hoses would lead to.
theres a couple plugs i have no clue were they go either.

the car cranks slooooowly but wont start.sumtimes wont even crank.

if you guys need to ill post up pics,vids, or w/e. i jus need some help gettin it runnin by thursday.

01-23-2011, 03:55 AM
You can buy the repair book it has a diagram of all the hoses and where they lead to. Have you tried google? You can find it there too sometimes.

01-23-2011, 03:55 AM
look around and download an FSM