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View Full Version : Tranny problem

01-17-2011, 03:54 PM
I was coming home and all the sudden my car wouldn't go into gear. The clutch pedal would only go up about halfway. So i kept pulling it up with my foot and finally got it home. I let the car sit for a week. Today i messed with it and i can get the car into gear when the car is off but when i turn it on it wouldn't go into gear. So i tried to bleed the slave and when i opened the bleeder valve a spurting sound would happen and some fluid would come out but not a stream. So i did it 4 times and the clutch felt stronger but still only likes to come up halfway.

Is this a sign a bad slave cylinder? I had a new master cylinder put in about a year ago and don't have a dampener btw. Thank you.

01-17-2011, 04:19 PM
It sounds like your problem is the Slave Cylinder. If you have never replaced the Slave cylinder I would say replace it along with a new Master cylinder which is not that expensive either.