View Full Version : Anyone concerned about this thing?

Bill Roberts
09-11-2003, 05:21 PM
Click here http://www.goes.noaa.gov/HURRLOOPS/huirloop.html

160MPH, Catagory 5. Heading right for South Florida if it does not turn.

4 million People will have to evacuate and this simply takes DAYS to do.

I am considering loading up the car with my important things and getting the hell out of dodge. I am less than a mile from the coast and it would simply tear my house down.

Seriously considering getting out of here Monday if it does not change course. A 160MPH Hurricane destroys everything in its path usually.


09-11-2003, 05:29 PM
yea dude, get the hell outa there!

09-11-2003, 05:40 PM
hell yea. id be the first one out! move to sunny side Killafornia!:cool:

09-11-2003, 05:58 PM
Come to the midwest, the only thing we get is loads of snow (which makes for a fun and scary winter :D), tornados if you are in the right places.

But ya leave don't be a sucker and think it'll go away. If it does then consider it a vacation.

Bill Roberts
09-11-2003, 06:17 PM
Read this.


If we get even a semi direct hit, the house will be under 15 to 18 feet of water!!!

I am thinking about what I can afford to totally lose.

Things I will take with me. My Dog, My Car, Me, My computer, As much of my studio stuff I can get in the car, my favorite clothes. My Photos, My TV.

I got about 2000 CD's that will be history. No room for them. Looking around here, If it looks like we will take a hit, I may just get me a ryder truck and grab the whole house of stuff. Their will not be anything to come back to. My Day job is water view. It will be gone for sure. I can leave my furniture behind...I don't care about it. This fukker is serious. It does not look good from my angle. Anyone that is not considering leaving south florida if they are 3 or less miles from the coast, will have a very very bad day. I feel if the Hurricane gets 2 days away, it will be impossable to get out. The roads cannot accomidate that many cars and trucks. The interstante and the turnpike will be a parking lot and everyone will be a sitting duck.

09-11-2003, 06:21 PM
Bill, go rent a uhall and a trailer for your car and drive like mad!!! throw as much as you can in the uhall and come out to CA. Kev and I will find a place for ya by the beach and you dont have to worry about damn hurricanes!

Bill Roberts
09-11-2003, 06:24 PM
They say it is a week away..I say it is 6 days or so. It is over 1500 miles away and the winds have already picked up. The thing is 600 miles wide! Their is wind here..usually we have 4 to 7MPH breeze, it is 7 to 14 now.

I wish they would just H bomb the crap out of it and make it go away...but then all the poison from the blast would do mare harm than good. no stopping those things.

09-11-2003, 06:26 PM
Originally posted by Bill Roberts
Read this.

I got about 2000 CD's that will be history. No room for them. Hell go buy a buch of cdrs' and use the spindles to put your cd's on, it will cost a few bucks, but you can take all the cd's you have and save em.

Bill Roberts
09-11-2003, 06:29 PM
I would need the truck. Since a stack of 100 is about 8 inches long, I would have 14 feet of CD'S!

But, damn good idea.

09-11-2003, 06:30 PM
Just watch out for earthquakes when ya move out here to Cali:p

09-11-2003, 06:38 PM
bill, you gotta get outta there. any hurricane that's the size of Texas is NOT meant to be messed with. seriously, better safe than sorry.

the head
09-11-2003, 06:49 PM
get the hell outta there if i were in your shoes i would already be gone man

Bill Roberts
09-11-2003, 07:10 PM
No one around here even seems concerned at all. The local weather teams say, no chance of landfall. WTF, you got a huge storm staring you in the eyes, the wind has picked up some...it is a "week" away, and no one is doing $hit. It may be another "homestead" only much worse. Hurricane Andrew was 145MPH when it struck. total devistation.

This is like looking down the barrels of a loaded 12 gauge shotgun with the hammers pulled back and fingers on both triggers.

I mean....the rich folks here will just get on a plane Monday....everyone else....Tuesday will be "too Late"...but I will work tomorrow (2 of the office girls are pretty concerned but they live 15 miles off shore) and I sent an email just now to my boss about getting some lumber to brace the warehouse dock rolling doors. I mean...you folks can clearly see what I am talking about...around here, no one is even prepared. Nothing..they act as if it does not exsist at all. The GA, SC and NC people should be on the alert as well as the gulf coast in case it slips under Florida.

This is a bad azz storm.

I simply think it is time to make a decision and do it to it.

09-11-2003, 07:41 PM
Damn, Bill, you live within a mile of the coast and you're worried? I live waterfront, about 600 feet from the ocean. If this thing hits, we're gonna be totally fuked. Ith the storm surge that gets everything. FT luderdale, elevation, 5 feet. We don't know if its gonna hit here, it still has a good while to deviate, but if not, were gettin the hell outta here too. 160mph winds +20foot storm surge = underwater house and unhappy family. Damn, this is the first time i've heard is got that strong, I saw on the news just the other day that it was only like category two or three. FIVE o ****. Andrew was bad, but this looks like it has the chance to be even worse

Bill Roberts
09-11-2003, 07:49 PM
Yea Man...

I am actually South of Downtown WBP, 6 miles. Right by the Lake Worth Bridge. I know you know where that is. They even have a sign, in case of hurricane, Portions of bridge (west side) will be underwater. Is it a little more windy that usually there?

Yep, gotta watch this one like a hawk! Hey, beautiful moon out tonight over the ocean...seen it?. You and I know...getting out of here is a PITA. Just so many people..not enough roads. I heard that both South and Northbound turnpike will be northbound only in the event of this thing comming in here...but we would need to go 500 or more miles to escape it and get out of heavy traffic. Monday is the day I bolt...if it stays on the current projected course. Maybe even Sunday!...I may get fired...but that is better than being dead. Evac here is From 95 east. That means everyone.

09-11-2003, 08:14 PM
I know where you're at, my aunt lives around there. True about the moon, I've noticed it the last couple of nights, really nice.

I just watched the weather on the news, and they'e really not sure about where its gonna go, too many variables still, its like 1600 miles off miami, but if it heads this way, we wanna be outta here by monday too. Traffic is terrible every normal day, i dont even want to imagine what 95 will look like during a serious evacuation. Seriously, I hope this thing gets diverted somewhere else, all the things to do around the house before a big storm, packing and everything and damn. And what sucks, is the northen most place we usually would go is WPB, but it seems like everyone is gonna have to get the hell out. All we really can do now is wait and see.

Bill Roberts
09-11-2003, 08:20 PM
I am glad that you are noticing this thing..It will be KAOS if we are forced to get out...so best to make a good judgement and do it early. I hate losing this property...but what the hell. 2 years ago, I lived in Arkansas and was married. That was tough. This will not amount to a flea compared to what happened then. You can always rebuild or move...but death is unrecoverable..and this, my friend is a true killer. I don't like "wait and see" but it is our only choice. It would be premature to leave tonight. Sunday is good, Monday is ok, Tuesday, we are fuked. Great that Zilvia is here to communicate things like this...and yes, if this property is destroied, Cali looks like a good oppurtunity for me. I use to work with Warner bros in Burbank so I have some heritage there to accept...but if I do move, I need all the help I can get. My security here will be lost. My insurance policy has a waver for an immenent storm. no flood insurance ava.

Take care of yourself, if you want to share a truck..I am willing..

It WOULD cost us less to share one.

09-11-2003, 08:25 PM
i think i'd probably get a uhaul truck and a car trailer, and just hang out for a few days in the tennessee area, then come back to see if it were bad. i'd probably get the truck tomorrow and get the heck out of dodge after the weekend.

09-11-2003, 08:33 PM
Take care of yourself, if you want to share a truck..I am willing..

Sorry cant share a truck, Bill, I live with my family, don't worry about me. Hope everything goes ok for you, and if you do move, its too bad I havent gotten to meet ya at one of the meets, I havent been to one yet. Good Luck.

Bill Roberts
09-11-2003, 08:43 PM
Well, I am just going to prepare as you will and I appreciate your concern as you are concerned for me I am concerned for you and your family.....they damn sure speaking about the hurricane on the preview to the 11 o'clock news (which we will watch no doubt)

I went to the Melbourne meet and the one in Davie with the SFL240SX folks and we had fun. I would not mind a mini meet here in WBP this weekend. IF you know anyone down there that would like to do it, I got the place, the grill and the meat! We can even drift at 30MPH there..it is a fenced parking lot...Mine!

IF their is anything I can do to help you..let me know...it is just me and my Dog. I can pack everything in 6 hours, I have 42 rubbermade totes from last move, a cakewalk.

09-11-2003, 09:12 PM
Hey Bill, I think htere might be just a little misunderstanding. When i say my family, I mean my parents, I'm still in HS. i'm really worried about this Chem 2 ap test I have tomorrow. If things happen right, I'd look forward to drifting there in the future, but not just yet. I really need to study and sleep, so I'm leaving now, I'll be back tomorrow.

09-11-2003, 09:20 PM
one of the things that concerns me the most about this kind of situation is all of the old people. we all know people love to retire in florida, and im just worried that a lot of those people dont really pay attention to the news, and they wont be prepared. my grandpa live in WPB, and theres no way that he could pack up and get outta town in a day. is the WPB area relatively safe from this storm?

Bill Roberts
09-11-2003, 10:06 PM
At this point, this thing is huge. Any area from North carolina to Key west is wide open. Like I said, I live right next to WBP (5 mins) Since your Grandpa is WPB, their are teams of people to make sure the old ones can have a place to go. Question is, is He close to the coast? Mile or two away from the intercoastal is hit and miss, the Coast itself (Islands) are in trouble if this thing comes through. "Call him", let him know this Mofo is coming and tell him to get in touch with emergency management to register his location so if it gets rough, they will come get him and keep him safe.
That is why we pay higher taxes here than the rest of the state...it just upsets me that this think is late for preparedness at this stage. It will turn into a clusterfuk if people do not plan and act NOW. 3.8Million people live on this coast.

This is not knee jerk, this is complete and utter devistation of this area with a direct hit and nobody knows at this point. It is a time bomb ticking away.


May as well explode an atomic bomb here...it would be close. That hurricane is a killer.

09-11-2003, 10:07 PM
Go around your house and videotape what you have in there. If/when the big storm hits, you have evidence of all the stuff that was destroyed. This way, the insurance can cover your belongings (if you have coverage on it). Just something I saw on TV pertaining to tornado victims a while back.

Bill Roberts
09-11-2003, 10:14 PM
I got digital pics. No Dig camcorder. Insurance is toast...got to get it out of here and get on the road Sunday/Monday. At least we are warned.

09-12-2003, 07:43 AM
save the 240! heh. but seriously don't forget ur **** like paystubs, passport, birth certificate... if its really gonna hit pull that crap out of the safety deposit and take it with u.

09-12-2003, 07:54 AM
Yes, I'm very concerned. My parents live in Savannah, GA, and Isabel only needs to change course a little northward to head directly for them. I was in Charleston, SC immediately after Hugo hit in 1989, so I've seen first-hand just how destructive a powerful hurricane can be. I'll never forget walking up to a house foundation and wondering where the HOUSE was, and then looking down the street and seeing it about a half mile away.

09-12-2003, 08:22 AM
yeah...im pretty sure im gonna die within a week because of this thing...

Stee Flo
09-12-2003, 01:21 PM
Dang this sucks. I just took a week off of work for the first time in a year and a half to go down to Ft. Laterdale to visit my brother. Took off from the 18th through the 24th; about the time it will probably hit. Talk about great timing.:o

Watch this storm Florida members and get out while there is time.

09-12-2003, 06:10 PM
from the latest news, looks as if florida may be safe. all you members along the central and northern seaboard may be the ones in trouble now.

09-12-2003, 08:49 PM

Bill Roberts
09-12-2003, 09:16 PM
Call me skeptical, but I don't believe the predictions...namely, no one has ever gotten a hurricane of this power correct. Their are different physics at work called momentum of circular action . It is still going west, had a bobble but still west.

The entire east coast from South Miami Beach to Virgina Beach is wide open. I do not plan to stay around too long. Better safe, than dead.

This stays up to date by hour./. It is the best one on the web.


Last 3 hours it looks smaller which means "more wind speed" I would not be surprised if they said it was over 175MPH now...but I am not a weather expert...just lived around them 40 years+ is all. They are unpredicable when this intense. So soon the experts forget. I hope I am proven wrong.

drift freaq
09-12-2003, 09:40 PM
Bill , pack it up and head to cali. There are a lot of us here in socal. I am in Los Feliz and would welcome another engineer type that is also a car nut.:D . Whatever you do save as much as you can and load it into a uhaul if perchance your house does not get hit and totaled you can always take your stuff back. All you would be out would be the cost of the uhaul and the gas.
goodluck and godspeed.:bow:

Bill Roberts
09-13-2003, 08:03 AM
latest picture..http://www.noaanews.noaa.gov/stories/images/isabel091203-1845z.jpg

09-13-2003, 11:32 AM
yeah, i'm in north kakalaki and we're prepping for a hurricane evac. Trying to make a bunch of planes that were going to the bone yard fly. Not something easy. Worked twenty six out of fourty eight hours last "weekend." That sucked, and I might have to get my parents down here to evac my wife and son because the wifey don't drive and I can't leave. Oh well, and good luck to anyone who happens to be in the path of this monster.

09-13-2003, 04:12 PM
Hrm, any chance that front in the midwest is heading east to save the day?

NC is a very kind state and protects us in VA (even va beach) quite well but we had a meeting about disaster recovery/planning friday just incase. Hopefully it will break down atleast to a cat3 or lower before it hits land :bite:

~200mph gusts sound pretty damn scarry too

This does not look promising :confused:

I'm in a 1story brick ranch about 15mi(driving) from the coast of southeastern va (8mi north of nc, driving). Not sure how this will effect us, but I know they don't build buildings near the coast to withstand more than 90mph sustained, we're prolly lower than that being a little bit away from the coast. :(

09-13-2003, 06:01 PM
Hey Bill, whatever you do...be carefull and god bless you. I hope that it does not go your way.

Bill Roberts
09-14-2003, 02:33 AM
Thanks ZC, we all need to watch this thing on the east coast. It has started its turn but ever so slightly. Not out of the woods yet on this thing..no one is..

Bill Roberts
09-14-2003, 03:21 AM
Cool piece of software.

I usually don't download anything unless it is really good...and this is!


09-14-2003, 10:05 AM
The (now updated) picture I posted just above has the actual red line drawn directly over my house as it crosses from nc to va.

Bill :) looks like your in the clear. I was watching the weather station and they said it's already heading northwest and continueing it's current course (w/out turning at all, and i think they expect it to turn more north) it will miss miami and areas hitting sc. but since they expect it to turn north more it's looking like southern nc to the newengland area could be in it's path.

Bill Roberts
09-14-2003, 11:07 AM
Ir was supposed to radically turn last night..but based on this...and it is to the 30 min increments, it really is very tardy in its turn. I won't breath a sigh of relief until everybody is out of danger. Still going very mostly west. Since I am tracking by 30 min intervals, I see the true course quickly.

Next post is the 1 o'clock est.


Notice how it is still very mostly west on this link.

Bill Roberts
09-14-2003, 11:13 AM
1PM Sun.

It has got to turn in one hell of a hurry. Those models were not based on 12MPH forward motion but 8mph forward motion. This attachment is dead accurate...regardless of who says what.

09-14-2003, 12:54 PM
check out this pic

Bill Roberts
09-14-2003, 01:00 PM
Looks like the twin hammers of "the wall" by Floyd in that eye.

Thanks for sharing Sykikchimp.

I got the hatch looking pretty good...time for the primer. Been sanding most of the last hour.

09-14-2003, 08:47 PM
Damn, that doesn't look good bill...stupid storms.

I really find them facinating but horribly scary at the same time.

Bill Roberts
09-14-2003, 10:29 PM
Monday morning, has not turned, I said so...Fl beware....