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View Full Version : 89 hatch electrical problem?

01-13-2011, 02:59 PM
Pretty much im new to the site ive done 2-3 days worth of research and i cant find a thing on my problem. Some very similar some not at all.. anyway heres my problem..

3 nights ago car was running just fine Started like a champ ran fine no problem at all. at about 9 took the car out for a spin in the snow had a little fun nothing to serious. got home everything was fine shut off right away no problem..

I come outside at about 1am to start the car and ive got no power no lights no nothing wont even click when i try to start.. So i thought ok i left a light on i guess and the battery died..went to jump it nothing gave up that night seeing how it was so late and cold..

next morning go out take the battery to autozone battery tested fine so i went back home and i check my fuses under the hood to find my 30a ignition fuse is blown. tried to use my 30a fuse for the "power windows" popped it right away.

forgot to mention i did replace the dash in the car new water pump maybe 5k miles ago. aftermarket radio? maybe a bad ground in that idk i bought the car with the radio in already.

So now im looking for any kind of short or bad ground i cant find a thing.. any help would be great if anyone has had this sort of problem happen im open for all and any ideas. also if this is the wrong place to post this im sorry in advance.

01-13-2011, 03:03 PM
what kind of engine?

01-13-2011, 03:06 PM
sorry KA24e

01-13-2011, 03:12 PM
did you disconnect the battery when putting in the new fuse?
i remember i went through 3 or 4 fuses for my alternator because i was stupid and rushing and didnt disconnect the battery.
if that doesnt help check the body connectors behind the passenger side headlight and wires around there for any shorting.
the ignition wires are the black w/ red stripe and blue w/ red stripe if im not mistaken.
id start there and trace them and see if theres any shorts

01-13-2011, 03:17 PM
nope didnt disconnect the battery when i put them in im going to get some more fuses and give this a try il post my findings

01-13-2011, 03:55 PM
id still go over the wiring if i were you just to be sure its all ok
those box fuses arnt the cheapest thing and i would hate for you to have to keep buying more and more ya know.
but yeah i checked and the main ignition power is the black w/ red stripe and blue w/ red stripe wires....just trace those as far as you can to check for shorts

01-13-2011, 04:42 PM
Ok so I put another fuse in before I disconnected the battery thinking maybe il see a arch some where and boom all my lights come on seat belts start to move and then boom fuse blows again however my switch for my lights were not on at all. So I'm thinking it could be something to do with the switch under my steering colum.

01-13-2011, 09:21 PM
it could have messed up with hard driving...anythings worth a check

01-14-2011, 01:02 PM
ok so heres a update..

Today i come to find my 75a Alt fuse is blown so i remove the fuse and pop a 30a fuse back into the ignition and it holds..( i havent had time or a ride to get a new 75a fuse)

But everything in my car is getting power without my keys in the ignition. ive got seatbelts moving headlights going up and down every dummy light on my dash is lit up..

my headlight motors never worked prior to this im so confused i hate wiring

**oh and also today when the new ignition fuse is in i can crank the car but it wont start just cranks and acts like it wants to start anyone have any idea?