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View Full Version : Shifter Control Housing stuck ... need help

01-13-2011, 12:40 AM
So i recently bought ISIS Short Throw Shifter V2 upon trying to install it, the stock shifter control housing seem to be stuck. Really blows cause all i need to do is get this off and i can install the new shifter. Just a little history the Trans was rebuilt before and instead of using the OEM gasket we used toyota gasket maker on it. Seem to be a good idea at the time but fuck the housing is F_in stuck.

I tired knocking it with a flat head screw driver and hammer, also tired leveraging it of at the groove of the housing still no go it doesn't even move an inch.

anyone with some ideas ....i was thinking of using a heat gun to warm up the area and try to leverage it off again.

01-13-2011, 12:53 AM
lol just a thought, but did you take out the wisbone clip??

01-13-2011, 01:22 AM
Make sure all bolts are off!!! Then keep pounding with a hammer till it comes off!

S-Nation S13
01-13-2011, 07:04 AM
lol you sure all the bolts are off, gasket maker isnt like super glue

01-13-2011, 09:13 AM
what is this? i dont even....

there are 6 bolts. get em off and dale un chingaso con a rubber hammer and it should at least move lol.

it shouldnt be that hard, form-a-gasket doesnt go THAT hard in the paint...

01-13-2011, 09:27 AM
lol just a thought, but did you take out the wisbone clip??

if your talking about the clip that keeps the shifter in place yes its off along with the shifter.

Make sure all bolts are off!!! Then keep pounding with a hammer till it comes off!

6-12mm bolts are off, i've even second guess my self so i watch a DIY youtube video ...hehehehehheheh

[QUOTE=S-Nation S13;3826821]lol you sure all the bolts are off, gasket maker isnt like super glue[/QUOTE

yes im sure i took off all the bolts .... that what i said gasket maker doesn't stick like glue "the fuck right"

01-13-2011, 01:52 PM
use a pry bar or go to a gym lmao