View Full Version : Baller Bolts

01-12-2011, 04:40 AM
I'm not 100% sure if this is the right section. Has anyone ever had any issues ordeing from Titanium Fasteners, Titanium Bolts, Titanium Nuts, Dress Up Bolts (http://www.ballerbolts.com?)

I placed an order on Jan 5 and never recieved a response, but my cc was billed for the items. I have sent a couple emails, and never recieved a response. I tried calling a couple times and get the message that Ryan Hampton's mail box is full. He says his name kinda f***ed up, its hard to under stand.

I was just wondering if anyone else had this issue, if so, how did you rectify the problem? I'm gonna call my cc company and see about get the funds back.

Again, sorry if this is the wrong section for this. Mod's please move if nessecary.

01-12-2011, 06:42 AM
Ive ordered from them before

it took fooooooorrrreeeeeeevvver

everything is made to order over there

01-12-2011, 06:50 AM
Jan 5 was a week ago today. Be calm. Send an e-mail and be patient. If two weeks goes by and you have no bolts + no response then file a claim with cc. I wouldn't stress after just a week though. Sometimes it takes smaller companies a week just to fill the order.

01-12-2011, 09:58 AM
I bought the sr20 kit, Ryan is a good guy and you will get your product.

01-12-2011, 05:41 PM
I purchased my set of baller bolts from him. Took him a couple weeks to get everything together but it all came through just fine and I was very pleased. You have to remember sometimes certain size bolts are not available at the time and he has to wait. These are not some special made bolts for us, he is just doing all of the leg work and piecing these kits together for us so if it isn't in stock he has to wait just like we do. Hold out a little longer and Im sure they will come through.

01-13-2011, 03:19 AM
I'm not freakin out, yet. I was just wondering if he has to make or buy them, and if there is a delay in the process. I was not sure how big this company was.

My concern is in the lack of communication and lack of a proper business phone line and answering machine system.

01-15-2011, 01:54 PM
Same boat as you but I did get mine this past week. I ordered on 12/30 was billed ASAP but no other form of contact. I called emailed, had a vendor on here (intensepower) check into it for me. 9 days later I got a shipping email and 3 more days I got my bolts.

I ordered the RUCA bolts, drive shaft and rear axles. They look great but I have not put them in yet. All in all I'm happy with the product but the LOC was pretty bad.

On a side note, I did not know he sold complete sr20 bolt kits....kinda pissed at myself cuz I would have spent the 160 bucks to get a new set. Oh well...

01-24-2011, 11:01 PM
Ordered some bolts just right now. So lets see how long it takes to get them will post up when i receive them

01-25-2011, 12:04 AM
Baller bolts kicks major ass, they have great customer service and typically very quick shipping or notification of out of stock items. Ryan is a great guy who knows his stuff really well and will be honest about everything. He is one of very few offering such great quality products and i am very happy that they are available. For when you need the best quality bolts this is the place to go.


florante rea
01-25-2011, 08:17 AM
ryan hooked me up big time, was very helpful. i'll order more bolts from him again.

i need tires
01-25-2011, 03:13 PM
Ryan is awesome, lives about 5miles away from me so my orders get filled a little faster :bowrofl: but he still have great service, dont give up on him as he is a good guy!


01-25-2011, 03:38 PM
I ordered from them and the transaction are smooth. fast shipping.

However, they never respond to their email.lol

To the OP, please be patient since you are in Canada. It does take a bit longer to get there.

02-01-2011, 02:04 AM
Ordered some bolts just right now. So lets see how long it takes to get them will post up when i receive them

Just got my confirmation from them will be receiving my items on wed. Will post pics when I receive them

02-18-2011, 04:41 AM
Still no nuts or bolts from ballerbolts. I have spoken to Ryan twice since my order on Jan 5. It's now Feb 18 and I have nothing from my $300 order. I emailed and and called and said if I dont recieve conformation by monday, I'm contacting my cc company and trying for a refund.

Boo-urns, I really wanted this hardware upgrade, but it will be august at this rate before I recieve it. I want to finish my engine now.

florante rea
02-18-2011, 11:15 AM
try cris too if u canceled ur order from ballerbolts.
Dress Up Bolts | Titanium Fasteners for your Engine Bay (http://www.dressupbolts.com/)
he's a lot cheaper.

04-29-2011, 03:45 PM
I know this is an old thread, but.........

Wish the heII that I had done a search on Baller before giving them an order.
11 days after placing an order, and nothing......
Called, during normal business hours, and got a lame azz recording.
Sent them an e-mail, no response.

Monday the credit card payment will get yanked.

Why is the internet full of idiots who think they can list everything, and not stock any of it ??
I would never run my business like that.
These guys are as bad of some of the 'aproved' vendors over on stupidmania.

If you Don't have it, then Don't list it for sale.
(here is a unique idea)
Put a notice on the page that says 'non-stock' followed by the lead time.

This really pizzes me off.............

04-29-2011, 04:41 PM
I just got my hardware from there. I ordered it on Jan 5, and received the kit on April 27. He give me abit of a discount, but it still took way to long. They lack in the customer service department as far as phone calls and email response time. But Ryan seems like a half decent guy.

05-07-2011, 05:33 PM
As others have alluded to; I wished I would have searched on here prior to placing my order.
On April 20th, I ordered my S14 Rear Suspension kit, still nothing received.

I payed through paypal and the funds have been taken from account. I also have called a handful of times with the same: 'the mailbox is full,' as well as sent an email soliciting no response.

I'll remain patient for the time being, however communication with the seller is expected yet missing.

05-07-2011, 06:03 PM
Ordered April 16th and still nothing...

My account has been charged as well.

05-09-2011, 07:42 PM
Placed order on March 5th, still waiting... (steering wheel bolts)

05-09-2011, 07:47 PM
was posted a few hours on fb
Baller Bolts Titanium (http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000173223470)
At Long Last! The Titanium Steering Bolts are in our possession! We will be burning and polishing over the next couple of days. Thank you to all our customers that kept the faith!

Ryan is a good guy, I've watched him burn bolts and prepare all the titanium stuff he sells by hand - I know he isn't out trying to just take customers money and run off

05-09-2011, 09:12 PM
was posted a few hours on fb
Baller Bolts Titanium (http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000173223470)
At Long Last! The Titanium Steering Bolts are in our possession! We will be burning and polishing over the next couple of days. Thank you to all our customers that kept the faith!

Ryan is a good guy, I've watched him burn bolts and prepare all the titanium stuff he sells by hand - I know he isn't out trying to just take customers money and run off

You are fantastic! I didn't lose faith, was just becoming irritated at lack of communication. Thank you! :bigok:

05-09-2011, 09:17 PM
I ordered front suspension bolts from them for my s14. I waited a week and hadn't received my bolts. I shot them an email, and received an almost immediate response.

They had just forgotten to send them out. Shit happens.

I received the bolts 2 days later.

good communication and quality.

05-10-2011, 12:12 PM
i wanna place a order with them but im not sure if i should trust them

05-10-2011, 01:25 PM
I want their new bolts they just posted up on fb, but i don't have anything worthy to put em' on :(

http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/225258_10150185584182080_513747079_6940494_4947253 _n.jpg

05-10-2011, 03:10 PM
placed my order lets see how it goes i ordered titanium burnt washers to match the nuts i have on the struts already and burnt titanium steering wheel bolts

05-10-2011, 03:16 PM
Baller Bolts is a trust worthy business. I don't understand why everybody can't just be patient, you will get your product and its well worth it.

05-29-2011, 02:02 AM
I ordered on 04/01/2011 thats 2 months now and i got nothing.Sending emails writing on his FB wall nothing.Calling is a bit of a problem i'm living in Austria would a little bit pricey.I hope i get my Bolts.

05-29-2011, 08:14 PM
I ordered rear camber eliminator bolt kit for my s14. Got a email saying order is gonna be delayed since they were out of stock on the locking nuts and it would be a week before they got more in. Week n few days goes by i get a email with tracking number and then a few days later my bolts showed up.

Great products and definately kept in touch with me as far as my order went

05-31-2011, 06:42 PM
can anyone get a hold of them? i lost their email and i am trying to get a kit for R32 GTR..

07-01-2011, 07:25 PM
i got my bolts from them just recently very quick also

07-02-2011, 07:20 AM
Erg. Tried calling/email/fb, ordered 6/8 and no word.

09-28-2011, 05:13 PM
Ordered drive shaft bolt kit the 9th of sep 2011, got nothing, I called cc company and they helped me out. NEVER BUY FROM BALLER BOLTS!!!!!!

09-29-2011, 06:43 AM
I ordered a few bolts from them, got them in about a week later.

01-23-2012, 12:00 AM
On 1/4/12 I placed an order through this guy's site for multiple things; a lot of stuff he sells for 240s, Z33s, GTRs, and Evo's. According to the site, it would be shipped via USPS priority mail. To date, some 20 days later, nothing has been received. Of course, I attempted to call at least three times, all of which go directly to voicemail and his voicemail box being full everytime I've called. So I emailed him two or three times, the most recent being of threats of fraudulent credit card charges and reports to forums about his incompetence as a business. As promised to him, he has still not responded to me, therefore I have no choice but to warn you of this scammer business. I will be updating once my credit card company makes contact and resolves this situation.

01-23-2012, 12:04 AM
shitty deal got a website or business name or a email so we now if its the same guy

01-23-2012, 12:09 AM
shitty deal got a website or business name or a email so we now if its the same guy

Ya, all I know is that this is his site:

Titanium Fasteners, Titanium Bolts, Titanium Nuts, Dress Up Bolts (http://www.ballerbolts.com/)

Thanks man

01-23-2012, 01:42 AM
Weird. I ordered some bolts from them they showed up 15 or 16 days later, and are beautiful. Im super happy with them. They took a while but I got a confirmation email with tracking number and everything. Seemed super legit to me. Everyone else I know that have delt with them have had nothing but good experiences as well. Sucks to hear u had a shitty experience.

01-23-2012, 01:50 AM
Same, also had a good experience with them. They are a little slower than other retailers, but the product is top quality. I'm very happy with the bolts I got. Hopefully your situation gets resolved though.

01-24-2012, 07:12 PM
I plan on doing bolt kits also but i am still not ready for the public thats why i got a infraction for showing some sample prices and work around here.
I have ordered from ballerbolts with good results, but i did hear a lot of bad stories lately.

and fliprazin you are referring to the wrong person it was actually dippedparts that screwed that person.

01-24-2012, 08:14 PM
I plan on doing bolt kits also but i am still not ready for the public thats why i got a infraction for showing some sample prices and work around here.
I have ordered from ballerbolts with good results, but i did hear a lot of bad stories lately.

and fliprazin you are referring to the wrong person it was actually dippedparts that screwed that person.

I just like the fact that apparently he has 12.9 grade 12pt screws instead of 12.9 grade socket cap screws which is what I keep finding, however I discovered on his site last night that the minimum yield strength for his bolts are listed below minimum 12.9 grade specs, so either another error on his behalf or he doesn't know the difference between proof load, yield strength, and tensile strength and he's getting screwed by his supplier.

01-24-2012, 10:18 PM
I just like the fact that apparently he has 12.9 grade 12pt screws instead of 12.9 grade socket cap screws which is what I keep finding, however I discovered on his site last night that the minimum yield strength for his bolts are listed below minimum 12.9 grade specs, so either another error on his behalf or he doesn't know the difference between proof load, yield strength, and tensile strength and he's getting screwed by his supplier.

The guy came on NRR one time when I was making fun of his descriptions being wrong. Short of it was he didn't know ANYTHING about materials and machine design other than tossing out a few words he had googled.

01-24-2012, 11:14 PM
I feel I have a right to step in here since we are being accused of

A) Scamming someone,
B) Having no knowledge of fastener material
C) Lack of contact.

Beejis60 - I have attempted to contact you both via email and phone regarding your order. Here are the specific emails I have sent you and the dates:

Sunday 1/22/2012 9:39 pm

Sorry for the delayed response. We are waiting for a new order of M12-1.5 jetnuts to come in. We have the rest of your order ready to ship, and we can ship the rest of the order out now and ship the M12-1.5 jetnuts when they arrive. Please advise.


Ryan Hampton

Sunday 1/22/2012 10:37 pm


Are you sure you need M12-1.5 and not 12-1.25 Jetnuts? Just asking since there are no M12-1.5 on a 240.


Ryan Hampton

Subject: Re: Order #1810

I have already submitted to my creditor for fraudulent charges as of Saturday night, as promised, and don't expect to cancel until this situation is rectified.
I cannot wait for the jet nuts; I needed these before this year started and waiting any further is just wasting my time. Moreover, I have already located a US supplier of these and have them in my possession quite awhile ago.
As for the rest of the order, I am concerned with your advertised specs of the grade 12.9 fasteners of the yield strength, being 970 MPa on your site, as they are below the minimum specs required for a 12.9 grade fastener, of 1100 MPa. Unless you're confusing proof strength and yield strength, which is in fact 970 MPa for a 12.9 fastener, then I will need to cancel this too as I am paying you for 12.9 grade fasteners, not 10.9 grade.
Lastly, yes, I'm aware that all S chassis vehicles have 1.25 metric thread pitch.


Called Left Voicemail at 5:30 PM CST

Tues. 1/24/2012


So being Grade 12.9 again, do you want me to send you the rest of the order and cancel the M12-1.5 Metric jetnuts? I have also left you a voicemail message yesterday. As for fraudulent charges, we never did defraud you. You did place an order. A fraudulent charge means we got your credit card number and then charged it without your knowledge and this was not the case. Please call me at ***-***-****. That is my cell number.


Ryan Hampton

As far as my knowledge of materials, I have backed up everything I have said and DEF you have yet to prove me wrong as I remember the specific discussion on NPR. I have quite a long history of fasteners and know a few things about them. I am not going to go into this conversation again.

As for our dealings with customers on Zilvia, we have sold to several members on this board with and without delays. Several of the kits we offer are not off the shelf pieces. They usually have to be machined, custom made, or otherwise.

Now as for the lack of communication, I was out of town last week and arrived home Sunday when I received Williams email.

01-25-2012, 08:31 AM
I feel I have a right to step in here since we are being accused of

A) Scamming someone,
B) Having no knowledge of fastener material
C) Lack of contact.

Beejis60 - I have attempted to contact you both via email and phone regarding your order. Here are the specific emails I have sent you and the dates:

Sunday 1/22/2012 9:39 pm

Sorry for the delayed response. We are waiting for a new order of M12-1.5 jetnuts to come in. We have the rest of your order ready to ship, and we can ship the rest of the order out now and ship the M12-1.5 jetnuts when they arrive. Please advise.


Ryan Hampton

Sunday 1/22/2012 10:37 pm


Are you sure you need M12-1.5 and not 12-1.25 Jetnuts? Just asking since there are no M12-1.5 on a 240.


Ryan Hampton

Subject: Re: Order #1810

I have already submitted to my creditor for fraudulent charges as of Saturday night, as promised, and don't expect to cancel until this situation is rectified.
I cannot wait for the jet nuts; I needed these before this year started and waiting any further is just wasting my time. Moreover, I have already located a US supplier of these and have them in my possession quite awhile ago.
As for the rest of the order, I am concerned with your advertised specs of the grade 12.9 fasteners of the yield strength, being 970 MPa on your site, as they are below the minimum specs required for a 12.9 grade fastener, of 1100 MPa. Unless you're confusing proof strength and yield strength, which is in fact 970 MPa for a 12.9 fastener, then I will need to cancel this too as I am paying you for 12.9 grade fasteners, not 10.9 grade.
Lastly, yes, I'm aware that all S chassis vehicles have 1.25 metric thread pitch.


Called Left Voicemail at 5:30 PM CST

Tues. 1/24/2012


So being Grade 12.9 again, do you want me to send you the rest of the order and cancel the M12-1.5 Metric jetnuts? I have also left you a voicemail message yesterday. As for fraudulent charges, we never did defraud you. You did place an order. A fraudulent charge means we got your credit card number and then charged it without your knowledge and this was not the case. Please call me at ***-***-****. That is my cell number.


Ryan Hampton

As far as my knowledge of materials, I have backed up everything I have said and DEF you have yet to prove me wrong as I remember the specific discussion on NPR. I have quite a long history of fasteners and know a few things about them. I am not going to go into this conversation again.

As for our dealings with customers on Zilvia, we have sold to several members on this board with and without delays. Several of the kits we offer are not off the shelf pieces. They usually have to be machined, custom made, or otherwise.

Now as for the lack of communication, I was out of town last week and arrived home Sunday when I received Williams email.

I shouldn't have to make threats via email or call to find your voicemail full and phone off almost three weeks after my order.

And if you know about fasteners, why are you stating they are grade 12.9 on your site but the specs are that of 10.9 grade fasteners?

And I'll call you when it's past 9am cali time. BTW, you can't expect me to email you back ASAP at 1am EST when you don't respond for days or longer to my emails.

01-25-2012, 04:48 PM
I feel I have a right to step in here since we are being accused of

A) Scamming someone,
B) Having no knowledge of fastener material
C) Lack of contact.

Beejis60 - I have attempted to contact you both via email and phone regarding your order. Here are the specific emails I have sent you and the dates:

Sunday 1/22/2012 9:39 pm

Sorry for the delayed response. We are waiting for a new order of M12-1.5 jetnuts to come in. We have the rest of your order ready to ship, and we can ship the rest of the order out now and ship the M12-1.5 jetnuts when they arrive. Please advise.


Ryan Hampton

Sunday 1/22/2012 10:37 pm


Are you sure you need M12-1.5 and not 12-1.25 Jetnuts? Just asking since there are no M12-1.5 on a 240.


Ryan Hampton

Subject: Re: Order #1810

I have already submitted to my creditor for fraudulent charges as of Saturday night, as promised, and don't expect to cancel until this situation is rectified.
I cannot wait for the jet nuts; I needed these before this year started and waiting any further is just wasting my time. Moreover, I have already located a US supplier of these and have them in my possession quite awhile ago.
As for the rest of the order, I am concerned with your advertised specs of the grade 12.9 fasteners of the yield strength, being 970 MPa on your site, as they are below the minimum specs required for a 12.9 grade fastener, of 1100 MPa. Unless you're confusing proof strength and yield strength, which is in fact 970 MPa for a 12.9 fastener, then I will need to cancel this too as I am paying you for 12.9 grade fasteners, not 10.9 grade.
Lastly, yes, I'm aware that all S chassis vehicles have 1.25 metric thread pitch.


Called Left Voicemail at 5:30 PM CST

Tues. 1/24/2012


So being Grade 12.9 again, do you want me to send you the rest of the order and cancel the M12-1.5 Metric jetnuts? I have also left you a voicemail message yesterday. As for fraudulent charges, we never did defraud you. You did place an order. A fraudulent charge means we got your credit card number and then charged it without your knowledge and this was not the case. Please call me at ***-***-****. That is my cell number.


Ryan Hampton

As far as my knowledge of materials, I have backed up everything I have said and DEF you have yet to prove me wrong as I remember the specific discussion on NPR. I have quite a long history of fasteners and know a few things about them. I am not going to go into this conversation again.

As for our dealings with customers on Zilvia, we have sold to several members on this board with and without delays. Several of the kits we offer are not off the shelf pieces. They usually have to be machined, custom made, or otherwise.

Now as for the lack of communication, I was out of town last week and arrived home Sunday when I received Williams email.

You confuse/misuse enough terms that I was pretty skeptical of your expertise in the subject. They could be honest mistakes, but given that you sell yourself as a fastener specialist, you'd think you'd have everthing down to a T.

01-25-2012, 09:50 PM
Yes, all of you post some valid points here. I should have communicated to the customer that there would be a wait. That I will wholly take the responsibility and blame for. Often times we face machine shops that don't come through on delivery times and we do try to keep enough stock to keep up with inventory, but things tend to come in waves. Literally in the middle of September we had 10 orders for suspension bolt kits, yet we only had 4 spacer sets left in stock (typically we get 1-2 orders per month on those). So, that caused a 3 week delay in orders.

I know enough about fastners and I will look into getting our RTML guy to get the tensile and yield strength corrected on the site. Yes I am aware of the 1200 MPA / 176 KSI tensile strength rating on the 12.9 grade bolts. That would appear to be proof load at 970 KSI.

Either way William, I hold no hard feelings and I do understand your frustration. Please email me, or call me so I can either refund or send the remaining order.

01-30-2012, 09:38 PM
Yes, all of you post some valid points here. I should have communicated to the customer that there would be a wait. That I will wholly take the responsibility and blame for. Often times we face machine shops that don't come through on delivery times and we do try to keep enough stock to keep up with inventory, but things tend to come in waves. Literally in the middle of September we had 10 orders for suspension bolt kits, yet we only had 4 spacer sets left in stock (typically we get 1-2 orders per month on those). So, that caused a 3 week delay in orders.

I know enough about fastners and I will look into getting our RTML guy to get the tensile and yield strength corrected on the site. Yes I am aware of the 1200 MPA / 176 KSI tensile strength rating on the 12.9 grade bolts. That would appear to be proof load at 970 KSI.

Either way William, I hold no hard feelings and I do understand your frustration. Please email me, or call me so I can either refund or send the remaining order.

Alright asshat. I called you last week. Left a voicemail and still no response. What gives?

02-01-2012, 05:18 AM
I had no problems with my experience buying parts from Baller Bolts.

Placed order Sunday 22nd. Received immediate payment confirmation email.
Parts shipped Thursday 26th. Received shipping confirmation email.
Received parts Tuesday 31st.

All the bolts look great and I wont hesitate to order from again.

02-03-2012, 06:11 PM
I have ordered from Ryan before. He was out of stock on an item for the rear suspension kit. It took longer than expected but I did receive the items

02-03-2012, 09:04 PM
Ryan Hampton is a man of his words and a busy man at that, but what can you really do when he is waiting on the distributors end? At least he came out into the "public light" and told you what is going on, he isn't some big conglomerate company; I've seen him do work and I can vouch for him and his products - I have to fully agree with Mr.Hoffman5982

02-03-2012, 11:14 PM
Took about 1-2 weeks to find out what was in stock (Would help if stocks was specified on the site).
Took about month to get bolts in and waited longer the 2nd time around with tons of unanwsered emails. I prolly wont order again cuz it was to stressful wondering when and what the status of the order was (Never received any tracking# or Status), but if u dont mind waiting around a 1/2 year and then kool.........At least it wasnt as bad as chasebays

Howie Felter Snatch
02-04-2012, 01:06 AM
Ryan Hampton and the crew at Baller Bolts are legit. If you cannot wait to receive your order, which can take 1 week or 1+ months, then you need to just buy stuff locally or find other sources.

I remember the gold 'ol days when you'd write a letter to someone on the other side of the world and it would take 6 months just to hear back.. Technology has us spoiled and instant gratification has become the standard.. Shame. :)

02-06-2012, 03:49 AM
bought bolts for round 500$ from ballerbolts. it took around 2 moths till i received a usps number. package is still on the road. hope i get my stuff soon... another user told me it takes a lot of time, but the bolts have some good quality. so i hope everything is ok as soon as is got my damn package.

02-11-2012, 10:59 AM
Items received a day or two ago sans jet nuts as they're backordered. Already have jet nuts from a cheaper source. So all in all, took about 5 weeks to receive items.

02-11-2012, 04:48 PM
Ryan Hampton (Baller Bolts) is a stand up guy and definitely is not scamming anyone. I bought a built SR from him and have nothing but positive things to say.

From my understanding he is very busy between family, racing, testing, and running Baller Bolts. It is hard for anyone to get a hold of him. Just give it time and simply take your business elsewhere if you are wary.

02-18-2012, 07:08 PM
Why was there a lot of pertinent info deleted? A lot of it was childish shit, sure, but what about the most important info?

03-04-2012, 10:23 PM
ordered my bolts back in January and they just came to my door in Canada yesterday. Took a while but they came in and perfect

03-04-2012, 11:25 PM
^ are you guys ordering burnt titanium bolts? post up pics?

03-05-2012, 12:11 AM
nah no titan i cant shit money.
the bolts are perfect. but took a while as i wrote

03-06-2012, 09:34 PM
Hmm, I too also wish that I had done a search on ballerbolts before ordering anything >.< Made an order for the s13 rear suspension bolts on Feb 22, sent an email wondering if and when I will get a tracking number for my order. But I'm a patient guy, I'll give it a month at the most to get my bolts.

03-06-2012, 09:40 PM
Respect for Ryan coming in here and handling the situation. Goes a long way towards his company, his business, and his ethic. Customer for life, no matter the wait.

03-07-2012, 12:07 AM
^ are you guys ordering burnt titanium bolts? post up pics?

yes I did actually, I'll post a pic up tomorrow. they look amazing

03-15-2012, 08:54 AM
well after reading all this im concerned.....its been 2 weeks, he hasnt awnsered his phone, or responded to my emails..... i dont want to wait 2 months to get my motor put back together....

so it seems like most car forum have some sort of "beware of baller bolts" thread. he doesnt know how to run a buisness... if he doesnt contact me back within 3 days im calling my credit card company....

03-15-2012, 09:15 AM
I ordered some as well, they look nice! It took about 3wks to get here.

03-15-2012, 09:26 AM
I ordered some as well, they look nice! It took about 3wks to get here.

i can do 3 weeks, its all these horror stories im afraid of.....

03-18-2012, 02:25 AM
update~! so i posted on his facebook asking politely about contacting me for my order......he has enough effort to delete my post but not to send me and email or call?! ok F this pos company...im calling the credit card company to get my money back....

03-18-2012, 05:16 PM
update~! so i posted on his facebook asking politely about contacting me for my order......he has enough effort to delete my post but not to send me and email or call?! ok F this pos company...im calling the credit card company to get my money back....

I'm not gonna be that guy that says told ya so....

How long ago did you order? Hope this results in a solution. Dude came onto EvoMnet talking shit, being an arrogant, pompous ass. Then changed his attitude real quick after I said acting like a child doesn't help any situation.

03-18-2012, 09:39 PM
I'm not gonna be that guy that says told ya so....

How long ago did you order? Hope this results in a solution. Dude came onto EvoMnet talking shit, being an arrogant, pompous ass. Then changed his attitude real quick after I said acting like a child doesn't help any situation.

But but but... he puts the customer first... and has such infinite materials and engineering knowledge. :trogdor:

03-19-2012, 01:19 PM
But but but... he puts the customer's money first... and has such finite materials and engineering knowledge. :trogdor:

Edited for correctness ;)

03-19-2012, 07:08 PM
Ordered there rear suspension upgrade bolts on March 6th. Ordered anyways after reading this thread. Was hoping that i wouldnt be one of the few that have tooken forever to get there shit. Im a pretty patient dude as ive waited a good month or 2 waiting for something to come in. I know some have waited more then that but hopefully i get em soon. Like others...no changes in order status. its only been what....13 days?? I can wait longer....Will see what happens.

03-20-2012, 11:03 PM
I'm not gonna be that guy that says told ya so....

How long ago did you order? Hope this results in a solution. Dude came onto EvoMnet talking shit, being an arrogant, pompous ass. Then changed his attitude real quick after I said acting like a child doesn't help any situation.

its been a few weeks, i didnt read this thread first, so its my bad.....

03-21-2012, 07:33 AM
That's it I'm stealing his business model and I'm mass producing this shit so no one can bitch about some stupid bolts, OEM bolts not good enough for you?! Y U NO SUPPORT MOTHERLAND OEM PARTS? Y U BUY AMERICA?

03-21-2012, 09:23 AM
its been a few weeks, i didnt read this thread first, so its my bad.....

He claims his supplier is Darling Bolt; they do not have any record of him buying product from them, but you can go through either them, McMaster Carr, or True Choice Motorsports for, essentially, anything you need on the front of fasteners. I wouldn't recommend Fastenal as they fucked me around for a full month before coming to the conclusion that they cannot supply me the stuff I wanted and the stuff they advertise... Hence why I had to deal with Baller Bolts bullshit.

Sidewayz silvia
03-21-2012, 08:38 PM
I'm not 100% sure if this is the right section. Has anyone ever had any issues ordeing from Titanium Fasteners, Titanium Bolts, Titanium Nuts, Dress Up Bolts (http://www.ballerbolts.com?)

I placed an order on Jan 5 and never recieved a response, but my cc was billed for the items. I have sent a couple emails, and never recieved a response. I tried calling a couple times and get the message that Ryan Hampton's mail box is full. He says his name kinda f***ed up, its hard to under stand.

I was just wondering if anyone else had this issue, if so, how did you rectify the problem? I'm gonna call my cc company and see about get the funds back.

Again, sorry if this is the wrong section for this. Mod's please move if nessecary.

I'm very interested in these... does he still have some and what size are the strut towers for a 1998 240sx...

03-22-2012, 09:40 AM
I'm very interested in these... does he still have some and what size are the strut towers for a 1998 240sx...

have you not read any of these posts? DO NOT buy from this guy.........

i just filled a complaint with the BBB, against him.....

03-22-2012, 09:49 AM
have you not read any of these posts? DO NOT buy from this guy.........

i just filled a complaint with the BBB, against him.....

There's apparently three different "locations" or something. His phone number is from SoCal, the site says Arizona, and my stuff was shipped from Texas, I believe. It's been so long since I went to the BBB about businesses, but I thought it's useful to know locations.

03-30-2012, 04:02 PM
I'm in the same boat, I made my order more then a month ago, and this clown wont respond. Looks like I'll be calling my cc company.

Sidewayz silvia
03-30-2012, 04:10 PM
That's shitty... I hate people that scam others out of their hard earned money... and if it was some sort of misunderstanding and he's a "legit seller", then its his responsibility to inform his buyers that he is fulfilling their orders and apologize for any lack of communication... just sucks when an awsome product is being sold by a shitty seller!

03-31-2012, 07:42 AM
...the order i am disputing was for ss engine hardware set for the whole sr20 excluding head, and main studs..... what other company can i get this from?

03-31-2012, 08:12 PM
...the order i am disputing was for ss engine hardware set for the whole sr20 excluding head, and main studs..... what other company can i get this from?

If you still have stock bolts, just measure the size, length, and buy hardware from either darling bolt or mcmaster carr. All Nissan bolts are 1.25 thread pitch.

Sidewayz silvia
03-31-2012, 08:14 PM
I think he's looking for burnt Titanium ones...

03-31-2012, 10:14 PM
If you still have stock bolts, just measure the size, length, and buy hardware from either darling bolt or mcmaster carr. All Nissan bolts are 1.25 thread pitch.

I think he's looking for burnt Titanium ones...

nope im just looking for some SS ones with higher strength...

thanks i check out darling bolt....

04-01-2012, 03:21 PM
nope im just looking for some SS ones with higher strength...

thanks i check out darling bolt....

Ss isn't that strong. 10.9 and 12.9 grades are much stronger

Mike - E
04-01-2012, 10:17 PM
Damn I'm tight I was just gonna order burnt Ti steering wheel bolts Fck!!

04-02-2012, 11:20 AM
Damn I'm tight I was just gonna order burnt Ti steering wheel bolts Fck!!

Suitable replacements:

Burnt & Purple Titanium Steering Wheel Bolts: <font color="#ccoooo">FREE SHIPPING</font> (http://intensepower.com/butistwhbofc.html)

Pro-Bolt Titanium Products (http://www.pro-bolt.com/index.php/titanium.html)

Universal - Bolt Boys! (http://downstarinc.com/Shop/index.php?_a=category&cat_id=66)

Call Frank @ Downstar/Bolt Boys to see if he has any Ti shit in if you want... it comes and goes for him so he probably doesn't list it.

04-02-2012, 11:35 AM
Glad my order went right. I love these things

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7211/6893216036_053f30a587.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/[email protected]/6893216036/)
IMG_0108 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/[email protected]/6893216036/) by xBtony (http://www.flickr.com/people/[email protected]/), on Flickr

04-02-2012, 11:55 AM
Suitable replacements:

Burnt & Purple Titanium Steering Wheel Bolts: <font color="#ccoooo">FREE SHIPPING</font> (http://intensepower.com/butistwhbofc.html)

Pro-Bolt Titanium Products (http://www.pro-bolt.com/index.php/titanium.html)

Universal - Bolt Boys! (http://downstarinc.com/Shop/index.php?_a=category&cat_id=66)

Call Frank @ Downstar/Bolt Boys to see if he has any Ti shit in if you want... it comes and goes for him so he probably doesn't list it.

The first link is baller bolts just distributed by intense powers which no one should buy from them. They have scammed tons of people already.

04-02-2012, 12:06 PM
The first link is baller bolts just distributed by intense powers which no one should buy from them. They have scammed tons of people already.

Ahh, okay. I've heard of them, but never heard that. Unfortunate.

I know the other two are very legit, for sure.

04-03-2012, 10:21 PM
I ordered some burnt titanium steering wheel bolts, and it took around 6 months to get in. There were a couple times I forgot about the order. I did however, finally receive them. Won't order from them again. No straight answer whenever I asked about the order. Only reason I waited for them is because I didn't need them, and couldn't even get a hold of the guy to get a refund.

04-25-2012, 06:42 PM
My parts guy over in the US placed an order for me back towards the end of december I actually sent the order 20/12/11. His CC has been charged for the gear (several hundered bucks worth of stuff) and we have still been unable to even contact them!?

No returned calls or even an email also they're both in Arizona so there is no time difference or anything. Ugh very frustrating I want the gear but cant get it!

04-26-2012, 05:01 PM
Anyone order the sr20 hardware kit lately? Really need a hardware kit since some bolts are missing for my build

04-26-2012, 06:01 PM
I'm in the same boat. I'm about to put all my suspension together and after 4+months still have nothing to do it with!!

04-26-2012, 06:03 PM
ive had awesome service from ballerbolts!!! vouch!

04-26-2012, 06:24 PM
ive had awesome service from ballerbolts!!! vouch!

lend some of your service to me please! I think 4 months is a pretty unreasonable wait time with no contact explaining if/what/why there is a holdup? :naw:

Still hoping he comes through though cause all the gear looks awesome and know one else really does it!

04-27-2012, 06:28 AM
For those of you that need parts, it would be easier to take the measurements yourself and buy your bolts from someone like Fastenal, McMaster-Carr, and/or Darling Bolt. Unfortunately, I don't think those guys have the fancy shit that some of you want, for that, I would check out Pro-bolt and ARD nuts. I was frustrated in December with Fastenal and some service issue, but my account manager really hooked me up last week on an error by them from that order in December that makes me quite open to ordering from them again.

04-27-2012, 06:32 PM
I haven't bought from him but an inquiry sent got a response after a month, at which point he said he would get back with me......That was in Feb, and still no answer. Think I will take my business elsewhere!!!

05-02-2012, 09:33 AM
Wow that's bullshit, I just ordered some stuff, I'm going to give it one more week and ill file a dispute with my bank and report this to the bbb.

05-02-2012, 09:34 AM
Has he gone bust or something?

05-02-2012, 10:08 AM
I got an email from them a couple of weeks ago confirming they are still in business. However, when a "business" number has a full mailbox, clearly states on the website they are closed for a couple of weeks because of back orders, it is not someone I personally will do business with. I am the type that will gladly pay a premium if I can get say day response. Good luck to those who purchased.

05-02-2012, 01:27 PM
Mazworx had a similar engine bolt package so i went with them.. ive received my tracking last week since my last posting on here looking for the bolts on 4/26

05-03-2012, 12:04 PM
I got an email from them a couple of weeks ago confirming they are still in business. However, when a "business" number has a full mailbox, clearly states on the website they are closed for a couple of weeks because of back orders, it is not someone I personally will do business with. I am the type that will gladly pay a premium if I can get say day response. Good luck to those who purchased.

It's been like that since January when I ordered from them. Ryan Hampton is the owner's name and his "real" cell phone number is 626-893-4476, but I called and left numerous voicemails with no return call, then claimed he never got my voicemails. Good luck with contacting him!

05-09-2012, 04:40 AM
It's a shame. You've got a product people clearly want but can't get it out and can't get the customer service down. Most people would kill for a desirable business these days. :(

05-09-2012, 03:33 PM
It's a shame. You've got a product people clearly want but can't get it out and can't get the customer service down. Most people would kill for a desirable business these days. :(

Wonder if BeejisBolts should come online for sales?!?? :naughtyd:

05-09-2012, 05:52 PM
fuck i just ordered the s14 dress up kit in burnt on monday 5/7... im scared ill never see them!:hide:

I tried to call and order over the phone but his message box is full

05-09-2012, 10:53 PM
i really wanted these bolts but the guy never replied back to my email asking if they were available to ship right away.

05-24-2012, 02:25 PM
Just got my order from Baller Bolts today. Placed the order on 04/06/12 and was finally able to get a response from him about a week ago. This was from his personal business cell that Beejis posted. He said they were having problems with their machine shop.

For anyone waiting on their order, keep trying to contact him. I know he's not the easiest to get ahold of, but once finally talking to him he seemed like a pretty decent guy. Obviously busy, and should hire a customer service rep, but he was nice and professional and finally got me my order.
Hope this may help someone else out. Good luck everyone!

05-24-2012, 04:44 PM
got some axle bolts from them. Great product, it just took 2 1/2 weeks to receive them

05-24-2012, 05:49 PM
I still have nothing from a larger order its been around the 6 months mark.

05-25-2012, 06:48 AM
Just got my order from Baller Bolts today. Placed the order on 04/06/12 and was finally able to get a response from him about a week ago. This was from his personal business cell that Beejis posted. He said they were having problems with their machine shop.

LOL this guy doesn't have a machine shop.

05-25-2012, 04:02 PM
LOL this guy doesn't have a machine shop.

LOL, I didn't really care to question him much after I got my tracking number

05-25-2012, 04:03 PM
I still have nothing from a larger order its been around the 6 months mark.

Have you tried his cell phone? I called a few times with no answer, sent him a text and got a reply a little bit later.

05-26-2012, 02:42 AM
I dunno can I text internationally?

05-26-2012, 12:05 PM
I dunno can I text internationally?

Hmm, I'm not quite sure. If you could, I would probably give him a ring and leave him a voicemail with your call back number.
His company definitely needs some customer service, but he was friendly over the phone and got my order shipped out that night. Sounded like they were pretty swamped with orders too.

06-20-2012, 10:08 AM
Have these guys got their shit back on track?

I assume not; I sent them an email enquiry a while back and never heard anything.

06-20-2012, 08:32 PM
I dunno can I text internationally?

I wouldn't text. Email with threats of credit card fraud and reference the Credit Card Fair Billing Act. Dude usually responds pretty quickly with that. BCC yourself to ALL emails sent to this guy.

06-20-2012, 11:36 PM
I got mine finally! It took a little over a month, a little longer than I planned on waiting for but hey, it's not that big of deal after all. After a few attempts of trying to get a hold of Ryan, he finally got back to me within a few days. Although he's difficult to get a hold of, all in all, he's a pretty good guy to do business with. I was patient and calm with him, and just simply asked what was the hold up and if they were even still in business... He told me that they were infact still in business and dealing with a heavy load of orders. He also didnt have much help as he had to let two of his full-time guys go.

You just have to keep a cool and text him. He may not answer you that day but he'll get back to you within a few days. Anyway I'm more than happy with my set! Burnt titanium is TITS against pearl white!!! :boink:



06-24-2012, 09:07 AM
I got mine finally! It took a little over a month, a little longer than I planned on waiting for but hey, it's not that big of deal after all. After a few attempts of trying to get a hold of Ryan, he finally got back to me within a few days. Although he's difficult to get a hold of, all in all, he's a pretty good guy to do business with. I was patient and calm with him, and just simply asked what was the hold up and if they were even still in business... He told me that they were infact still in business and dealing with a heavy load of orders. He also didnt have much help as he had to let two of his full-time guys go.

You just have to keep a cool and text him. He may not answer you that day but he'll get back to you within a few days. Anyway I'm more than happy with my set! Burnt titanium is TITS against pearl white!!! :boink:



They look awesome, where the f**k are mine argh!

06-27-2012, 05:31 PM
Same situation, i ordered bolt kit on march 8th, a month later he sent me an email stating that it would be shipped friday, that week and i havent received anything yet and he hasnnt replied to any of my emails. this is going on 4 months.

07-26-2012, 11:54 AM
OK, After waiting a lil over 6 weeks, they finally came in. I emailed 3 times with no reply. I would have to say customer service does need alot of work. But I'm content with the results.


florante rea
08-11-2012, 05:07 PM
Sweet jesus those r nice eek:)

10-19-2012, 06:38 PM
Damn I should have never placed an order after looking through this thread, its been over a month now and still nothing as far as any updates or replies from emails.

10-21-2012, 11:57 PM
Damn I should have never placed an order after looking through this thread, its been over a month now and still nothing as far as any updates or replies from emails.

I feel yah man, I ordered a set of ruca bolts for my s14 I placed the order on the 11th. I sent him 2 emails and even tried to call the number provided on the site and still no reply. All I need is these bolts to get my car back on the road again. I really wished I looked at this thread before I ordered. If I knew it was gonna take this long I would've just ordered the spl ones.

Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2

10-22-2012, 12:19 AM
ill sell u guys all the bolts u need!! high grade too! just not titanium for pennies on the dollar relative to this

10-22-2012, 08:31 AM
I feel yah man, I ordered a set of ruca bolts for my s14 I placed the order on the 11th. I sent him 2 emails and even tried to call the number provided on the site and still no reply. All I need is these bolts to get my car back on the road again. I really wished I looked at this thread before I ordered. If I knew it was gonna take this long I would've just ordered the spl ones.

Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2

If you need bolts, why not just get some grade 8 SAE or grade 12.9 metrics from Fastenal or McMaster Carr? I've replaced every fastener on my POS with grade 8 SAE and either jet nuts or nordlocks with nylock nuts; very very cheap.

10-22-2012, 10:23 AM
If you need bolts, why not just get some grade 8 SAE or grade 12.9 metrics from Fastenal or McMaster Carr? I've replaced every fastener on my POS with grade 8 SAE and either jet nuts or nordlocks with nylock nuts; very very cheap.

Yeah man I'm just gonna do that and get my money back if that Ryan dude doesn't get back at me soon cause I need to get my car rolling again. Thanks for the info

10-22-2012, 11:11 AM
Don't hold your breath.

10-23-2012, 09:59 PM
Well they shipped it finally! After about 11 days so that's not that bad of a wait as some people on here.

Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2

10-24-2012, 01:20 PM
Their voice mail is still "Full". Doesnt appear to be a legit business when their mailbox is full and the website never updates. Seems like a guy out of his garage who works at random times and may/may not return a call. One thing is certain, he doesnt check voice mail. It still seems shady.

10-24-2012, 02:15 PM
With all the bad reviews he gets, the business IS shady. IDK why people are still buying stuff from him.

10-24-2012, 03:12 PM
I can't find metric sae bolts at Fastenal. Are they somewhere else other than the fastener section?

10-24-2012, 03:44 PM
There's no such thing as metric sae bolts.

Scroll down in the cap screw (or whatever bolt you want) section, M7 = 7mm, M12 = 12mm, etc.

11-06-2012, 08:50 AM
Anyone have any luck with these guys lately? I made an order without looking up reviews and I think I may have gotten screwed. I made an order last monday 10-30-12 and I haven't received a status update on it. Tried calling and it just says inbox full.

11-06-2012, 08:54 AM
Anyone have any luck with these guys lately? I made an order without looking up reviews and I think I may have gotten screwed. I made an order last monday 10-30-12 and I haven't received a status update on it. Tried calling and it just says inbox full.
Just be ready to wait at least a good 2 weeks.... good luck

if only someone from AZ can pay them a visit.

11-06-2012, 09:16 AM
2 weeks? Its been months!!

s0fa king
11-06-2012, 06:42 PM
I placed an order on Aug 20th and I'm still waiting. :(

11-06-2012, 06:57 PM
I placed a order a month or two ago. Got nothing it was never took out of my bank account..I emailed and got no response and I called but the mailbox was full. I haven't really heard anything about it and haven't really asked around either but I was guessing something happened and they aren't around anymore?

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

11-07-2012, 05:54 AM
if only someone from AZ can pay them a visit.

His cell phone number is socal and I believe he shipped to me from Texas...

11-07-2012, 06:18 AM
His cell phone number is socal and I believe he shipped to me from Texas...

There out of Mesa, I have paid them a visit once but I no longer live in the valley

11-07-2012, 07:33 AM
There out of Mesa, I have paid them a visit once but I no longer live in the valley

Fair enough. Where at in Mesa? I was born and raised there but I was closer to Apache Junction though.

11-07-2012, 01:17 PM
His cell phone number is socal and I believe he shipped to me from Texas...

I thought it was weird that I received the bolts from Texas and their site says Arizona.

Sent from my SGH-T999 using Tapatalk 2

11-07-2012, 09:13 PM
I thought it was weird that I received the bolts from Texas and their site says Arizona.

Thank you. Glad I'm not delusional. I know for sure his cell phone is socal. I still have it for those that want to call him, though he doesn't call you back from there either, however his voicemail wasn't full when I was going through this nonsense.

11-07-2012, 11:32 PM
Fair enough. Where at in Mesa? I was born and raised there but I was closer to Apache Junction though.

Its been a while, but the place that I went to was down by vivid racing..

01-21-2013, 05:36 PM
Has anyone got their bolts lately? I'm still waiting for an order placed on the 24/8/12. Still no reply to emails sent on 23rd Oct 2012, 7th Nov 2012 or the 29th December 2012.

The only thing I've received since my purchase has been one email saying your order has been placed and a charge on my credit card. Basically thinking hes taken my money and done a runner at this point.

01-21-2013, 10:43 PM
Has anyone got their bolts lately? I'm still waiting for an order placed on the 24/8/12. Still no reply to emails sent on 23rd Oct 2012, 7th Nov 2012 or the 29th December 2012.

The only thing I've received since my purchase has been one email saying your order has been placed and a charge on my credit card. Basically thinking hes taken my money and done a runner at this point.

Wow dude, STILL? Hasn't it been like a year for you?

01-22-2013, 06:46 AM
Wow dude, STILL? Hasn't it been like a year for you?

From the very first one through my supplier yeh. :(

01-22-2013, 08:46 AM
This guy and company is a joke. I would file fraudulent charges through your CC company. Also, file complaints with the US Federal Trade Commission on violations of the Fair Credit Billing Act. If he's out of business, you should somehow get your money back and I would just order from Darling Bolt or some manufacturer down under.

JDS Performance
01-24-2013, 11:33 AM
Just read this and wow I cant belive what I am reading... being in the fastner business myself I know at time you run out of stock and the supplier back orders things on you and you have to track them down else where...but the latest i have ever been was a week tops!
I understand these other guys are making not your run of the mill bolts - but trust me they make them in bulk to save on cost and I would bet thats why you guys are waiting so long - they wait until they get enough orders to cover the cost and then they make a run.
Sell fastners is not really worth it profit-wise in my case - I just do it to help others out that need it.

Anyone can get fastners made its just the up front costs that gets you...

01-24-2013, 06:18 PM
All valid points what is the main issue is the complete lack of contact or communication.

JDS Performance
01-24-2013, 06:25 PM
All valid points what is the main issue is the complete lack of contact or communication.

Yes it is but that is the best way to take someones money and hold it then send there parts when you get ready. In there case when they get enough to make a run of the bolts

01-24-2013, 08:32 PM
I was contemplating ordering from this company...

Now I am not anymore lol.

Hopefully Dress Up Bolts makes some soon

JDS Performance
01-24-2013, 08:58 PM
Why not just use new stronger bolts...they come in yellow zinc, stainless steel, black steel, blue steel - really they will look just as good IMO and alot cheaper...

01-24-2013, 09:21 PM
mainly looking for engine bay dress up (color options)

but would you be able to point me in the right direction of where to order newer bolts for the rest of the suspension ?

I'm also not sure what size, and length each bolt is.

Unfortunately my car is my daily so I can afford to take things apart, get measurements, put it back together and find retailers for these sizes.

01-24-2013, 10:45 PM
Sell fastners is not really worth it profit-wise in my case - I just do it to help others out that need it.

Anyone can get fastners made its just the up front costs that gets you...

Yes it is but that is the best way to take someones money and hold it then send there parts when you get ready. In there case when they get enough to make a run of the bolts

Do you even know what the hell you're talking about? This dude orders most of his stuff from Darling Bolt. They've had stuff in stock over the past year, trust me, I've got stuff from them.

Why not just use new stronger bolts...they come in yellow zinc, stainless steel, black steel, blue steel - really they will look just as good IMO and alot cheaper...

Ryan is selling 10.9 and 12.9 bolts. It won't get much stronger than that without hitting up the few manufacturers for superalloy fasteners. And at that point, you're just wasting money IMO.

JDS Performance
01-25-2013, 06:23 AM
Awww did I hit a nerve... Business and customers are great!
I don't but anything from darling or whoever you said...never even heard of them...
It doesn't matter who is a good guy or not...these people are concerned about their business manners..which with a track record like this isn't looking too good...

01-25-2013, 10:58 AM
I don't but anything from darling or whoever you said...never even heard of them...

What are you talking about? You were saying that Ryan is setting up to manufacture bolts since you say it costs so much, but he told me he only buys from Darling. Darling has had a supply of bolts the past year, so that is a lie if Ryan, or his supplier, are waiting for a large enough order to manufacture them, as Darling has had stock the past year and Cabs has been waiting a year for his damn order.
Are you Ryan? If so, then you lied to me about buying all your shit from Darling. Which isn't too surprising. But it also makes sense why Darling has never heard of you. If you're not Ryan, why are you making it sound like you are?

It doesn't matter who is a good guy or not...these people are concerned about their business manners..which with a track record like this isn't looking too good...
Again, what are you talking about? Ryan Hamilton aka Baller Bolts?

JDS Performance
01-25-2013, 11:01 AM
What are you talking about? Are you Ryan? If so, then you lied to me about buying all your shit from Darling. Which isn't too surprising. But it also makes sense why Darling has never heard of you. If you're not Ryan, why are you making it sound like you are?

Again, what are you talking about? Ryan Hamilton aka Baller Bolts?

Lol ...sorry dude my name is Josh Smith JDS Performance you got the wrong guy and I am not trying to be anyone..read the full posts...

01-26-2013, 09:25 AM
read the full posts...
I did read the full posts and half the shit you're saying still doesn't make any sense since this is a Baller Bolts thread. But you were answering these people's concerns as if you were either A. Ryan, the owner of BB or B. you were standing up for Ryan.

JDS Performance
01-26-2013, 12:40 PM
I did read the full posts and half the shit you're saying still doesn't make any sense since this is a Baller Bolts thread. But you were answering these people's concerns as if you were either A. Ryan, the owner of BB or B. you were standing up for Ryan.

Wow...all I have been saying is I think they are holding everyones money until they get enough orders to make a run...and that its crazy the prices they charge...I was also saying I sell bolts too and know that this is not good business manner...not sure how you got confused...

01-27-2013, 11:42 AM
Wow...all I have been saying is I think they are holding everyones money until they get enough orders to make a run...and that its crazy the prices they charge...I was also saying I sell bolts too and know that this is not good business manner...not sure how you got confused...

You never said you think they are holding the money.

JDS Performance
01-27-2013, 12:31 PM
OMG just forget it this is just getting stupid now....

01-27-2013, 01:23 PM
lol, Well at least I know not to go through this company.

JDS Performance
01-27-2013, 01:59 PM
You never said you think they are holding the money.

Page #5 2nd to last post...like I said before read the posts!

I know nothing about this Ryan not do I know anything about these companies in this thread...I was just trying to say its wrong what they are doing to people that is all...

02-25-2013, 09:36 PM
I order driveshaft bolts 2/14/13 still havent received. Them i made the mistake not using paypal. But this guy customer service sucks. Doesnt contact you with tracking number. Lucky i only spent 18 bucks. But warning dont order anything from this guy

02-25-2013, 10:09 PM
damn was going to place my order tonight, thanks zilvia for saving my bank account. guess ill head to the hardware store and not be lazy.

02-27-2013, 01:55 PM
I'm another sucker...

Even after reading all the horrible reviews on their own facebook page I placed an order of a bunch of custom stainless ARP fasteners for all of my engine acc. The showed up two weeks later... All black oxide. Voice mail box is always full, and no response to three seperate e-mails over the last month. It's too bad, because I've yet to find another vender that lists the ARP catalog simply by bolt sizes and makes it easy to order and see what the cost would be. I'm escalating this to my credit card company since BB refuses to answer my e-mails. There's no excuse for not answering e-mails and your phone when operating an internet based company.

JDS Performance
02-27-2013, 02:11 PM
I'm another sucker...

Even after reading all the horrible reviews on their own facebook page I placed an order of a bunch of custom stainless ARP fasteners for all of my engine acc. The showed up two weeks later... All black oxide. Voice mail box is always full, and no response to three seperate e-mails over the last month. It's too bad, because I've yet to find another vender that lists the ARP catalog simply by bolt sizes and makes it easy to order and see what the cost would be. I'm escalating this to my credit card company since BB refuses to answer my e-mails. There's no excuse for not answering e-mails and your phone when operating an internet based company.

Not sure what your needing but I sell ARP intake manifold bolt/stud kit, ARP flywheel bolts, ARP clutch bolts and serviced ARP main stud kit for the sr...lmk

02-27-2013, 08:05 PM
I can get all your bolt needs!

03-03-2013, 08:37 PM
I have had and order in with Baller Bolts well over 6 months, dozens of calls and emails. Voicemail is full, rarely replies to emails. I have never received my product. At this point I have just wrote it off as a loss.

03-27-2013, 07:09 AM
I order driveshaft bolts 2/14/13 still havent received. Them i made the mistake not using paypal. But this guy customer service sucks. Doesnt contact you with tracking number. Lucky i only spent 18 bucks. But warning dont order anything from this guy

Yup I also tried to get the drive shaft bolts. Go ahead and order they said. It'll take a while but you'll get them they said.

Order placed back on October 15th 2012... Its almost April 2013 now. Five and a half MONTHS with ZERO response to any emails or anything. Totally unacceptable way to run a business.

I'm out $18 because I paid with paypal and it's been too long to go through them to resolve the issue. I'll never tell anyone to deal with this vendor. At least I didn't spend a lot.

06-06-2013, 11:29 AM
well shit

I placed an order on 5-26-13 still awaiting parts

went to the website no phone number posted thats some red flags being raised

"maybe theres a review thread for these guys on zilvia"

yup. fuck me.

06-06-2013, 11:51 AM
well shit

I placed an order on 5-26-13 still awaiting parts

went to the website no phone number posted thats some red flags being raised

"maybe theres a review thread for these guys on zilvia"

yup. fuck me.

lol at your status... but sucks we cant get good bolts :/

06-06-2013, 12:53 PM
but sucks we cant get good bolts :/

What are you talking about? I've mentioned MANY alternatives throughout this whole thread.

06-06-2013, 01:29 PM
Another sucker here....Ordered this february and still nothing....Shouldnt have to do this, but ill until after my deployment. If they havent shipped or gotten into contact with me by then, im going to the BBB and at least sending up a formal complaint/warning or something...

This kind of business practice is horrible and they shouldnt even be advertised or brought up in any respectable sense....

06-06-2013, 02:34 PM
Try filing false charges with your CC company. It's illegal to take a payment and not send anything. Violation of the Fair Credit Billing Act and is therefore a federal offense.

07-10-2013, 11:14 AM
can anyone get a hold of them? i lost their email and i am trying to get a kit for R32 GTR..

Have you not read this thread!!!?

I just got my money refunded to me by mastercard. Apparently BB doesn't even respond them!

07-11-2013, 09:18 AM
I just got my money refunded to me by mastercard. Apparently BB doesn't even respond them!

Wow, that's sad. He would only respond to me when I would threaten him with false credit charges through my CC company. Now he's not even doing that? :down:

BiG MiKE86
10-08-2013, 02:00 PM
Ordered some driveshaft bolts over a week ago... still no tracking number... no response to any of my emails... phone number goes str8 to voicemail which of course is full... fucccckkkk this company... its a shame how bad customer service has gotten these days

Filing a Dispute asap

10-08-2013, 07:11 PM
Ordered some driveshaft bolts over a week ago... still no tracking number... no response to any of my emails... phone number goes str8 to voicemail which of course is full... fucccckkkk this company... its a shame how bad customer service has gotten these days

Filing a Dispute asap

How long over a week? I think you may be overreacting a little bit. I'm not saying you will get your bolts any time soon but sometimes you need to have patience to play this game.

JDS Performance
10-08-2013, 07:19 PM
why are you people still buying from thid socalled company? Shame on you. .. research everyone before you buy anything these days. .. plus you might be surprised at the deals you can find. ..I always email people and companies for even better deals!

BiG MiKE86
10-09-2013, 08:41 AM
How long over a week? I think you may be overreacting a little bit. I'm not saying you will get your bolts any time soon but sometimes you need to have patience to play this game.

Going on 2 weeks... these days it is unacceptable to not respond to any emails or phone calls... its only 4 nuts, bolts & washers... seriously how long could that take to throw in an envelope?

why are you people still buying from thid socalled company? Shame on you. .. research everyone before you buy anything these days. .. plus you might be surprised at the deals you can find. ..I always email people and companies for even better deals!

This was my mistake - I saw someone recently bought some bolts for suspension build so I figured they were ok (didnt see this thread obviously)

10-09-2013, 04:18 PM
Going on 2 weeks... these days it is unacceptable to not respond to any emails or phone calls... its only 4 nuts, bolts & washers... seriously how long could that take to throw in an envelope?

This was my mistake - I saw someone recently bought some bolts for suspension build so I figured they were ok (didnt see this thread obviously)

lol @ two weeks. People here were bitching at me when I first started complaining which was after 6 weeks, numerous emails, calls, threats, and such. I have his cell number but he doesn't answer that either even when I used to leave him daily voicemails and texts. You need to accuse him of violating the Fair Credit Billing Act and file a dispute with your CC company before you get a response.

10-09-2013, 04:22 PM
time to call your credit card company

10-10-2013, 07:07 AM
yep got me too.. ordered bolts beginning of august. fml.

12-13-2013, 12:04 PM
I ordered a few sets of Titanium steering wheel bolts from them in Febuary. Still no reply til now. Anyone have any news? I paid through the credit card through their website. I believe it was under yahoo. Is there any way to complain to yahoo?

12-13-2013, 01:02 PM
I ordered a few sets of Titanium steering wheel bolts from them in Febuary. Still no reply til now. Anyone have any news? I paid through the credit card through their website. I believe it was under yahoo. Is there any way to complain to yahoo?

Read my response to you on Evom.net. Short story: he's committing wire fruad and violating the Fair Credit Billing Act so you SHOULD be able to get your money back through the fraudulent dept. of your CC company, provided they don't have a short timeframe for fraudulent purchases. Yahoo can't do shit.

12-13-2013, 01:20 PM
Read my response to you on Evom.net. Short story: he's committing wire fruad and violating the Fair Credit Billing Act so you SHOULD be able to get your money back through the fraudulent dept. of your CC company, provided they don't have a short timeframe for fraudulent purchases. Yahoo can't do shit.


I'll give my credit card company a call and see what I can do. Another thing is Im from Hong Kong and the purchase was back in Feb, not sure if they can help. I'll still give it a try though.


12-25-2013, 02:02 PM
Damn....I was like one click away from ordering a set of eccentric lockouts. Seems like its hit or miss. The hardware looks great in the photos, but i dont feel like taking a leap.

12-25-2013, 02:06 PM
SPL sells eccentric lockout kits or you can make it yourself.

12-25-2013, 02:16 PM
SPL sells eccentric lockout kits or you can make it yourself.

Yup, I was aware of the SPL set. I was just gonna go ahead and get a full front and rear kit also.

12-26-2013, 10:15 AM
just get them through me, many people can vouch for me and i ship same day no BS.

10.9 grade, with all rear suspension bolts for subframe and spindle and sway bar bracket bolts,washers included, , just not in pictures sorry. f

JDS Performance
12-26-2013, 11:43 AM
Or just get it all from fastenal way cheaper

12-26-2013, 09:07 PM
I also sell an eccentric lockout kit with laser cut washers. In case anyone needs them.
$47 shipped

05-30-2017, 12:35 PM
I know it's 6 years later... but has anyone made any orders to them recently?

I made an order about 6 weeks ago and haven't heard anything. Website doesnt have an order status, emails bounce back, there is no phone number or fb page... I was charged about 270 bucks though!

06-01-2017, 02:27 AM
I know it's 6 years later... but has anyone made any orders to them recently?

I made an order about 6 weeks ago and haven't heard anything. Website doesnt have an order status, emails bounce back, there is no phone number or fb page... I was charged about 270 bucks though!

Attempted an order a while back nothing was shipped out and they refunded my money. Weird I don't get why the site is still active when they don't fulfill orders.

06-10-2017, 07:21 PM
Attempted an order a while back nothing was shipped out and they refunded my money. Weird I don't get why the site is still active when they don't fulfill orders.

Yeah idk... I'm thinking of starting my own bolt set operation. It should be a simple process really. I don't want to go measure ever goddamn bolt. In my case I am dailying my car so its not easy for me to measure the bolts, I'm literally rebuilding the entire rear end of my car in my living room so I need a set of correctly sized bolts. I can't be the only person with this problem.

06-12-2017, 02:03 PM
I sell all the bolts , pm me