View Full Version : would anyone be interested in this?

09-10-2003, 08:05 PM
So i'm doing a project for my marketing class to introduce a new product into the market and I have to build a market plan for this product. So I'm just wondering if anyone would be interested in my plan:

It's a sunshade for your windshield that fits into your dash and has a small motor so when you turn off your car the shade goes into place automatically to block out sunlight. Then of course when your car is started again the shade retracts. It will reduce fading etc. and will keep temps down inside the car. It also will be easier to use than one of those huge bulky things that people had used previously.

So what do you think? I'm just doing a little market research here so any opinions are welcomed.

09-10-2003, 08:13 PM
nope. adds weight. haha!

nah. sounds interesting. have a sketch to see wat it would look like? i remember doing this stuff..but it was for HS

09-10-2003, 08:14 PM
Hmm, well it sounds like a neat idea.

The only way to make it work is get a shade that works like blinds that have bends in em, so it folds flat.

But placement is an issue, cars have vents there, you might be able to squeeze something in there.

Although you would have to get some sort of track like our auto seatbelts, but I am sure you have thought about how it works.

I guess it would be real nice for adults, especially ones with luxury cars.

Getting it installed is the biggest problem.

I guess if you tell us how you planned on making it work I can give you a better idea on if its a good idea. Cuz you gotta remember that very few people would try putting it in themselves, and a lot of people would hate going to a dealership to do it, especially if they can just buy a portable one.

09-10-2003, 08:30 PM
what you should do is make it one of those windows that are able to sorta steam up and go opaque...like what you see in really really rich houses...

all ya gotta do is flip a switch and the window opaques. i think it would be cool to have all the windows do that when the car is off...

i dont think it would be a hard thing to do, i mean the technology is already there, just figuring out how to make it small enough to fit in cars (which wouldnt be a hard problem at all)

i didnt mean to sh1t on your parade, but it sounds easier...

09-10-2003, 08:45 PM
Kid- it would use a telescoping rod similar to our antennas on the car to make the shade go up and down. So then the shade could be rolled up pretty tightly to fit in a small area. Also we were thinking about selling them at a custom shop like store that maybe would sell things like tonou(sp?) covers for trucks and whatnot so they could be professionally installed. The main option though is to have them factory installed on new cars.

Crioten- yeah we thought about the glass idea but decided it would be too expensive and also it would be harder to make on cars because of the curved glass where as on houses the glass is just flat. There's something to do with double pane glass to have the effect that you're looking for that would make it tough.

Thanks for the feedback so far, keep it coming.

09-10-2003, 11:18 PM
Mercedes has then for their rear windows..so does Lexus and BMW i believe...check patents and make sure you are not infringing...using the same technology just in a different area still wont be ok...

good luck..


09-12-2003, 07:05 PM
the thing with the windows is only for double paned windows, its a gas, that when electrified, becomes "smoky" its expenisive, and not good if you break your windshield

09-13-2003, 12:38 AM
What's gona prevent it from coming out while you are driving :aw:

09-13-2003, 01:26 AM
Originally posted by SiL1480
What's gona prevent it from coming out while you are driving :aw:

yeah that would be a pretty $hitty malfunction...lol

09-13-2003, 12:56 PM
There's like a kill switch or relay type thing so there's no power going to it while the car is on.

09-13-2003, 01:04 PM
sounds like this has potential, but if you think about it, you really need to check out patents...chances are big car makers already have this tech, and arent coosing to use it yet. i mean, this is what they do...constantly making crap for cars, but hey ya might be onto something great...

09-13-2003, 01:11 PM
Yea, maybe if they haven't thought of this yet you could maybe propose this to a company and get some money for your idea. Hey you never know.

09-13-2003, 03:53 PM
I think its a pretty good idea. A lot of upper end cars have some sort of sunshade for the rear, except they can be seen through, but a different material for the shade is all that would have to be dirrerent.. My moms i35 has one. Its acutated by a little switch. The biggest problem I think would be fitment in the front, because the ones that come oem are of course built in nicely. It has to clear everything, vents or whatever is up there, plus it cant look like crap when its retracted, because its gonna be right in front of the drivers face all the time. Unless of course you mean to have it built into the dash to begin with, then I guess you wouldn't have to worry so much about how the unit itself looks.