View Full Version : any iphone nerds?

01-10-2011, 07:27 PM
So, my iphone is stuck in 'recovery mode' and ive tired a few programs to kick it out of recovery mode and it just goes right back into it, anyone know away to make it use able again? I had the 3.1.3 firmware and was upgrading to 4.2.1 and it gave me the 1015 error, then I used pwnage tool to try and put a custom ipsw on it and it gave me the 1604 error.

Anyone know any fixes?

01-10-2011, 09:46 PM
Your going to have to use the iTunes to flash the latest firmware then wait for a update on the crack. So far thats the only way I know how to fix it.

01-10-2011, 09:59 PM

Unless you could find a way to down grade to 3.1.3 again than upgrade to 4.0.1.

01-10-2011, 10:19 PM
Something pretty close to that happend to my Iphone after trying to install Android, no matter what do it keep going into Recovery Mode... after downloading some programs nothing happend so i have to make a full restore =/

01-11-2011, 11:56 AM
Ive tried to go to 4.1 and got nothing, and I used redsn0w and It'll go through about 3/4 of the installation and then reset and go back into the loop. I dont know what to do, I guess im gonna try to buy a cheap one with a cracked screen and replace the screen.

01-11-2011, 03:03 PM
^if you dont want your old one let me know and I will be more than happy to take it off your hands.

01-11-2011, 03:19 PM
first of all, what iphone model do you have?

was it previously jailbroken? if so, were the shsh blobs saved via cydia or tiny umbrella?

are you trying to flash a custom ipsw or stock ipsw? is the error going on when using a stock ipsw? if you using a custom ipsw, use tiny umbrella to kick the phone after getting the 1015 error.

01-12-2011, 11:28 AM
^if you dont want your old one let me know and I will be more than happy to take it off your hands.

Im going to try to get it fixed.

first of all, what iphone model do you have?

was it previously jailbroken? if so, were the shsh blobs saved via cydia or tiny umbrella?

are you trying to flash a custom ipsw or stock ipsw? is the error going on when using a stock ipsw? if you using a custom ipsw, use tiny umbrella to kick the phone after getting the 1015 error.

I have a 3g and ive used redsn0w and tinyumbrella to kick it out and it just restarts and goes straight back to it. Ive also used blackra1n, none of them work. My initial goal is to get a 4.2.1 ipsw made from pwnage tool on it.

01-12-2011, 12:08 PM
Are you doing this on a mac?

01-12-2011, 12:43 PM

if you know away on PC, i have one of those too.

01-12-2011, 12:44 PM
I have also tried of few of the windows programs too, like recboot. I did that on my pc and my mac.

01-12-2011, 02:02 PM
Have you tried flashing the stock 4.2.1 ipsw before flashing with a custom ipsw?

01-12-2011, 08:18 PM
By flashing do you mean using itunes to restore to stock, yes.

Is there a program I can use to do it also?

01-13-2011, 02:54 PM
You can't 'upgrade' to any older firmware because for you to upgrade, Apple has to digitally sign off as an approval - they stop signing off on older firmwares once a newer one is released. You can only bypass it with Tiny Umbrella if you have your SHSH blobs stored on the Cydia server.

And since you're using redsn0w, blackra1n, etc.. I assume you have had your phone Jailbroken at some point? And if you ever did, did you save your SHSHs on Cydia (ticking the 'Make my life easier' option)? If so, then you will be able to go back to 3.1.3 and then try upgrading again.

01-13-2011, 08:45 PM
You can't 'upgrade' to any older firmware because for you to upgrade, Apple has to digitally sign off as an approval - they stop signing off on older firmwares once a newer one is released. You can only bypass it with Tiny Umbrella if you have your SHSH blobs stored on the Cydia server.

And since you're using redsn0w, blackra1n, etc.. I assume you have had your phone Jailbroken at some point? And if you ever did, did you save your SHSHs on Cydia (ticking the 'Make my life easier' option)? If so, then you will be able to go back to 3.1.3 and then try upgrading again.

No sir, it hasnt been jailbroken, that was just 'answers' from searching in google. I dont know what shsh blobs are. Are they possible to download for a fix?

01-13-2011, 10:04 PM
No sir, it hasnt been jailbroken, that was just 'answers' from searching in google. I dont know what shsh blobs are. Are they possible to download for a fix?

No it is something you would have had to store on the cydia server prior to all of this.

drift freaq
01-13-2011, 10:22 PM
Ok here is the deal. If your Phone has never been jailbroken. usually you should have no problem with Jailbreaking it using Redsn0w. Of course you do have to use the jailbreak for the particular firmware and baseband. Do you know what baseband you were running? Are you absolutely sure no one has ever jailbroken it before?

pwnage tool is hit and miss on the custom ISPW. What you can do is download a custom 4.2.1 ISPW already setup by Cydia . I had a 3G that had been upgraded to 4.1 and the latest baseband and the way I unlocked it was to download the prepared ISPW and then when it I put into itunes to do recovery I held down the option key( I think) so it gave me the option to not do the restore off itunes but off my desktop were I had the custom ISPW. Once I did that I was able to jailbreak it with RedSn0w.

I did this several months ago before the the unlock for 4.1 and 4.2.1 had even been released by Dev Team. My phone had baseband 05.14.03 on it.

Anyways at this point I would not even bother with anything below a 3GS. Though that is me.

01-13-2011, 10:55 PM
Ok here is the deal. If your Phone has never been jailbroken. usually you should have no problem with Jailbreaking it using Redsn0w. Of course you do have to use the jailbreak for the particular firmware and baseband. Do you know what baseband you were running? Are you absolutely sure no one has ever jailbroken it before?

pwnage tool is hit and miss on the custom ISPW. What you can do is download a custom 4.2.1 ISPW already setup by Cydia . I had a 3G that had been upgraded to 4.1 and the latest baseband and the way I unlocked it was to download the prepared ISPW and then when it I put into itunes to do recovery I held down the option key( I think) so it gave me the option to not do the restore off itunes but off my desktop were I had the custom ISPW. Once I did that I was able to jailbreak it with RedSn0w.

I did this several months ago before the the unlock for 4.1 and 4.2.1 had even been released by Dev Team. My phone had baseband 05.14.03 on it.

Anyways at this point I would not even bother with anything below a 3GS. Though that is me.

Where can I find the ipsw from cydia? I would actually like to have a 3gs, but people think iphones are golden and ask crackhead prices around here for them, which I refuse to pay. I also dont know the history of the phone, for the fact I bought it from a coworker.

drift freaq
01-13-2011, 11:24 PM
Where can I find the ipsw from cydia? I would actually like to have a 3gs, but people think iphones are golden and ask crackhead prices around here for them, which I refuse to pay. I also dont know the history of the phone, for the fact I bought it from a coworker.

do a search about jailbreaking. I went through putting the phone into restore mode many times over trying to jailbreak it with limerain and Greenpoison and whatnot. LOL

the information is out there you just have to do a bunch of searching and reading

01-14-2011, 01:09 AM
do a search about jailbreaking. I went through putting the phone into restore mode many times over trying to jailbreak it with limerain and Greenpoison and whatnot. LOL

the information is out there you just have to do a bunch of searching and reading

Yeh I did about 4 hours worth last night, and tried on my mac and pc and have made it no where.

no slide
01-15-2011, 02:32 AM
Same thing happened to mine. I tried to fund the site that gave me the answer but I couldn't find it. So let me try to explain. I did this on a Mac btw.

Go to terminal
Type sudo nano/etc/hosts

There are two lines that are gonna pop up that say # gs.apple with numbers between the '#' and 'gs.apple' all you have to do is take out the numbers so the two lines read # gs.apple

Save it then restore your phone. I hope that makes sense. Good luck

Oh ya make sure you have the latest version of itunes

01-15-2011, 03:48 AM
alright, ill try this. i'll let you know what happens.

01-15-2011, 03:53 AM
This is what I get.

Last login: Sat Jan 15 05:51:45 on ttys000
Brandons-mac:~ home$ sudo nano/etc/hosts
sudo: nano/etc/hosts: command not found
Brandons-mac:~ home$

01-15-2011, 04:05 AM
Last login: Sat Jan 15 05:54:06 on ttys001
Brandons-mac:~ home$ sudo nano/etc/hosts

I got this after updating itunes, I try to type in my password, which is all numbers, but nothing enters.

no slide
01-15-2011, 04:05 AM
I found it! Try this
Apple - Support - Discussions - Error 1004 while trying to restore my ... (http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=2480871&start=0&tstart=30)

no slide
01-15-2011, 04:07 AM
My pw is all numbers too. Funny that it does that. I don't know what to tell you about that one. Your almost there too

01-15-2011, 04:13 AM
Alright, did that, its restoring now. Wish me luck, so tired of this 4 yr old blackberry pearl.

no slide
01-15-2011, 04:15 AM
It should work. *fingers crossed

01-15-2011, 04:17 AM
Fuck dude, I hope. I bought this phone and was only able to use it for like a week, and since then its been a paper weight for about a month :(

01-15-2011, 04:26 AM
Nope :( Still gave me the 1015 error and went straight back to recovery loop.

no slide
01-15-2011, 04:30 AM
Fuck then man I dunno what else it could be. Look through that thread I posted. It's 60 pages but your bound to find something there

Edit: don't let the diff error code fool you. All the codes that start with 10xx are the same. Basically what's happening is for some reason your iTunes isn't communicating with apple or some crap like that. That's why you had to take out the ip in front of gs.apple. Good luck again.

01-15-2011, 04:31 AM
Haha, im waay ahead of you! Thanks for the help man.