View Full Version : After instaling a SR

09-10-2003, 06:09 AM
What are some major problems that comes up after you've finished instaling the SR20? What's the cause, and is there a way to prevent it?
Also, who does the best SR20 swap?

Thanks in Advance

09-10-2003, 07:27 AM
Common Mistakes

Here are some of the most common problems:

Problem............................. Check
Low Oil Pressure / Oil starvation....Check the oil pan for dents before starting your engine.
No Oil Pressure / Oil pump frozen.... Manually prime the pump thru the turbo oil line into the block if you don't get immediate oil pressure.
Fuel pump not coming on.............. Plugs by Battery wired incorrectly, they plug in but won't work without rewiring. Should run for 3 seconds then stop if flywheel not moving.
Cranks, has fuel but won't catch / start at all........ Main ignition power wiring by battery or ECU incorrect.
Odd electrical behavior in dash, interior lights....... ECU plug not tightened all the way down. This causes all kinds of weird different problems.
Cranks, catches but won?t run........ Crank Angle Sensor 180 degrees off. The shiny link on the timing chain can be hard to see.
Runs OK, but no power....... Timing way off.
Drivable but can?t give more than 20% throttle......... Leak in intercooler piping, even a small leak will make the car sputter and buck with any significant throttle.
Idles OK, but can?t rev past 2500 rpm......... MAFS or MAFS wiring problem.

From Step by step SR FAQ on 240sxforums.com, written by Jeff Holden.

09-24-2003, 08:24 PM
i love 2430ws