View Full Version : s14 wont stay running HELP!!

01-04-2011, 02:50 PM
ok so i start my car the thing runs but starts to loose all power. i changed the alternator same problem. i tried moving around all the wires from the altornator and still nothing... grinded down all the grounds...switched ecus and still the same problem... car runs and drains all the battery power, as if the altornator doesnt work. Basically when the cars running and i take the termanals off the battery the car dies... idk what the problem is can anyone please tell what the problem is... the car is a 97 s14

01-04-2011, 04:18 PM
bad battery.

01-04-2011, 05:16 PM
its a new battery
new alternator
clean grounds

01-04-2011, 05:17 PM
new batteries often fail.
if it is a liquid battery add more water, if its a dry cell then it isnt the battery

Big Zee
01-04-2011, 07:38 PM
Altenator, the car should still run when the battery is unhooked if the car was running before the wires were pulled.

take it to a altenator shop and get it tested. sometimes new alt's are bad too.

01-04-2011, 11:01 PM
the battery has good voltage.. tested the altornator also.. im about to just blow this car up i swear it makes no sense

01-05-2011, 09:08 AM
sounds like a short since everything else is working. check ALL your grounds again and test your wires for shorts.

01-12-2011, 02:40 PM
so i finally fixed my car..
after getting a new battery, new altornator, new fuses...re doing all the grounds, checking all the cables, checking all the relays, fuses and ignition switch..i finally came across the problem...i chewed through the red/white cable( cable witch leasds to the altornator plug) in my harness..
i feel like an idiot but i guess it happens... note to self and whoever one day has a stupid wiring problem...check if ur slammed 240 decided to chew through the harness..lol