View Full Version : Homemade Project 1: S14 Cup Holder

09-08-2003, 03:30 PM
Ok so the first of hopefully a long line of home made stuff you can do.

Virtually idiot proof!

1/8 Foam core board
X-acto knife/razorblade/boxcutter
Insulation foam
Super Glue (ZAP! glue works best)
Drink of Choice

Cost: about 5 dollars

Find the center console next to the e-brake. Cut a 2 squares about the size of the front half. Notice the grooves that divide one part of this seemingly useless tray in half. Tae one square/rectangle and try to jam it into the groove. Cut more squares to get the height just right. You can stop here if your even more lazy and cheap then I am because this holds drinks nicely.

Take your 2nd foam core board square and cut a hole the diameter of your drink.
If you want macho sized drinks to fit, cut the hold larger and see if you can get some foam to stick out to accomidate both little and man sized beverages.

Glue the one with the hole in it to the one dividing the walls.
Add support beams if needed.

Should hold drinks in at speeds greater then 60 mph!
Somebody can enlighten me on how well it works under a little more extreme(SIDEWAYS) circumstances.

Your done! Estimated install time 5-10 minutes.

If you want better strength and durablility make out of material of choice. 1/8 inch acrylic works well if you have access to a laser cutting machine, or are able to use hand tools to drill a nice hole.
Sheet metal is easy with tin snips and a dremel.

OR you could just make another foam cup holder, or 10 for that matter.

Hope you enjoyed this first segment of ghetto fab for poor college students-that-already-blew-their-money-on-real-upgrades-but-cant-stop.

09-08-2003, 10:30 PM
Good job on that DIY! Thanks for sharing the info.

09-08-2003, 11:24 PM
thats really ghetto!... but anyways, thanx for the insgiht, i'm actually using some of your idea on my permanent for rigid version.. thanx