View Full Version : trippy stuff..(for me at least)

09-08-2003, 04:41 AM
ok a while back i got into a serious accident...this was like almost 3 years ago...heres a quick recap. i was driving down capitol expressway (in san jose, some of you might know where it is...)and i was making a left turn... im already done with the turn about to go straight when some b*tch in the carpool lane decides to run the red going about 50... comes close to hitting me dead on (one of my rims was across the street)...

ok now the trippy part for me: i was driving down the same street tonight coming home from a buddies house... and the same stop light was red so i stopped... another car stopped to make the left turn...
and at this same moment i was thinking about everything that happened to me that one night.. it was like a full flashback... MY lights to go straight go green, but for some odd reason the other persons stayed red... i guess he/she didnt notice and they go...next thing i saw was this 4runner mashin in the carpool lane (his light was green) and i hear skidding... luckily they didnt collide.. he came prolly about a good 2 feet from hitting the other car...
while watching all this it made my stomache curl...
im thankful that nothing happened to them, and at the same time im thankful that im still alive today.. and im lucky to be alive too...
that b*tch put me in the hospital for a month... and what made it worse was after she admitted it was her fault, she tried to fight it saying that i ran the red.... oh well... im not venting or anything... but yah just thought id share...

just want to remind you guys to pay attention to streetlights... hehe sounds stupid, but it can be the difference in seriously getting hurt and avoiding it... it can happen to anyone...
