View Full Version : Ontaio s13's, lets get it...

02-15-2002, 07:19 PM
<a href="http://www.trader.ca/Search/Details.asp?CAT=1

lets" target="_blank">http://www.trader.ca/Search/Details.asp?CAT=1

lets</a> pick this thing up for like $800, split the cost, take what we need and part it out to everyone else here...

i want that god #### lower valance...

where the 'F' is the 705 area code???

probably like thunder bay...

02-15-2002, 07:22 PM
there are 3 240's under 2G's,

i know i could use a few parts and it's kinda blackish... well it's grey but thats better than red...

anyone down???