View Full Version : Clutch help

09-06-2003, 03:01 PM
Hey guys.
My car.. after driving for a bit, won't handle boost. As soon as I hit 1psi, my car shakes, and the rpms go up really fast. The speed, however, goes up slowly. Anyone know how or why my brand new clutch is slipping, or what to do about it? The clutch has 300 easy miles on it...
Or am I way off and its not the clutch?

09-06-2003, 03:02 PM
do you smell clutch or oil?

09-06-2003, 03:14 PM
No.. not at all. I smell burning muffler mender (:rolleyes: )
Just, I step on the gas, about 3k rpm I make a pound of boost, and teh car shutters/feels like wheelhop, and revs shoot up. It might be wheelhop cuz I don't have LSD.. but this happens in any gear, including 5th. And I don't think I'm making enough power to break my wheel loose in 5th. I may be mistaken though.
I've also never taken the car past 5500rpm.