View Full Version : Down with Nascar

09-06-2003, 06:15 AM
Well guys Im just about sick of turning on speed vision and seeing Nascar just about every time. I remember back in the days when there would be JGTC (Japanese Grand Touring Championship) and other awesome racing. It seems the only racing of that nature they cover is 1 race at sebring and Lemans. Im in no way trying to start a war about the quality of nascar just the quantity. I wrote a letter to speed vision saying perhaps Nascar could have its own channel and other types of racing be shown on Speed TV.

Unfortunatly the reason its on so much is because over 70% of our fellow countrymen and women like watching it over other types of motorsports. Perhaps if a large number of car enthusiasts like ourselves here at Zilvia were to write some nice well manored letters things might change just a little.


Thanks for your concern.

09-06-2003, 06:24 AM
Nascar is ***. If any of them came upon a right hand turn, they might freak out and crash cuz they wouldn't know what to do. Can you tell I don't care for nascar very much?

*edit: Now F1......that's where it's at!

Bill Roberts
09-06-2003, 09:07 AM
Learn this:

It's all about money!

NASCAR has grandstand events with 100 thousand plus in attendance..it is for regular joe wannabee racer 6 pack.

I agree it is boring to watch. Same old curves, same old haters ramming folks off the track..rednecks and groupies.

With viewer ratings over 20 million per race...well

It is about Money.

Money, Money Money..

The root of all evil!

Drifting...on the otherhand..I hope it stays reletivly smallish.

I can see it now..(future circa 2008.."SR clips now 25 thousand dollars"..yep the money changers already have their hands dug into the scene. Seen that s-15 wrecked clip on ebay for 7 grand? You gotta be kidding me. 1 grand is more like it.

A silvia clip no way is worth more than 1500..see it is happening already..

Nope, not a big NASCAR fan..too big, too hard to get in if you wanted to. In the old days..you could show up and qualify..and actually race...if your car passed. Try that now. I do not have 2 million bucks..and if I did, I am too old and not pretty enough.

In the 50's and 60's they were stock cars with a roll bar and stock type tires. These days..a rear drive Ford Taurus..give me a break..

09-06-2003, 12:41 PM
Originally posted by Sniper-X
Nascar is ***. If any of them came upon a right hand turn, they might freak out and crash cuz they wouldn't know what to do. Can you tell I don't care for nascar very much?

*edit: Now F1......that's where it's at!

I agree that F1 is 100x better than nascar in every way possible, but to say they can't turn right is just dumb. You do know they have 2 road races every season right? Not nearly enough, but better than none. I don't care for nascar much myself, but the worst nascar driver ever could drift and/or run a roadcourse better than you could ever hope to, I'm quite sure of that...
Boreing compared to most other motorsports, yes. But don't think it doesn't require a great deal of skill to drive the way they do.

If nascar would make 1/3 or more of their races on roadcourses and somehow make the racing a bit cleaner, I'd watch every race.

"I remember back in the days when there would be JGTC (Japanese Grand Touring Championship)"
Speed TV played the one and only (or maybe 2) JGTC races shown in the US...Speed vision never did any. I'm not sure what days your remembering back too...

09-06-2003, 01:21 PM
i heard somewhere..nascars are built only to turn left. they cant turn right very well.

anywys. i always hated it. boring as **** i WISH i could see JGTC!

09-06-2003, 02:04 PM
Originally posted by SilviaDriver
i heard somewhere..nascars are built only to turn left. they cant turn right very well.

anywys. i always hated it. boring as **** i WISH i could see JGTC!

I don't think their frame could be build for left only, but their suspension setup and bodywork is...they change those out before the roadcourse races.

Did anybody happen to catch the gordon vs montoya special Speed TV put on? Pretty impressive, they were both about 1sec off in the other ones car on a road course. gordon drove montoyas 2002 car to within a second of the time montoya could drive it and montoya drove gordons car to within a second of what gordon could do it in. Very impressive for both drivers.

09-06-2003, 03:41 PM
Originally posted by SilviaDriver
i heard somewhere..nascars are built only to turn left. they cant turn right very well.

anywys. i always hated it. boring as **** i WISH i could see JGTC!

At tracks where JGTC and NASCAR cars both have ran, NASCAR cars run faster times, but I'm sure you allready knew that ;) Too bad most people have a blind hatred for either oval racing or domestic cars :ghey:

09-06-2003, 04:00 PM
I wouldn't ever say that NASCAR drivers aren't talented just that the sport is boring as sin. The only break that non-NASCAR fans have is "two-wheel tuesday"

From morning until midnight all that is on is "NASCAR NASCAR NASCAR"

09-06-2003, 04:08 PM
Originally posted by SilviaDriver
i heard somewhere..nascars are built only to turn left. they cant turn right very well.

anywys. i always hated it. boring as **** i WISH i could see JGTC!

The cars are set up for each individual track. The highspeed oval setups are different than the road courses (where they turn right and left). Unfortunately NASCAR has, in my opinion...too few road courses. Watching NASCAR on tv is very boring, but I think you should at least see one race in person before you say it's crap. I'm not a "NASCAR" fan, but regardless of what type of race you attend......live horsepower is live horsepower....and if you can't appreciate that then you'll never understand. Growing up I used to HATE Top Fuel/Funny Cars on tv (I still flip the channel), but I'll never pass up a chance to see it live. Even if you aren't a fan of the sport it'll knock your socks off the first time you see it live.


09-06-2003, 07:11 PM
Originally posted by 240Dave
I agree that F1 is 100x better than nascar in every way possible, but to say they can't turn right is just dumb. You do know they have 2 road races every season right? Not nearly enough, but better than none. I don't care for nascar much myself, but the worst nascar driver ever could drift and/or run a roadcourse better than you could ever hope to, I'm quite sure of that...
Boreing compared to most other motorsports, yes. But don't think it doesn't require a great deal of skill to drive the way they do.

If nascar would make 1/3 or more of their races on roadcourses and somehow make the racing a bit cleaner, I'd watch every race.

"I remember back in the days when there would be JGTC (Japanese Grand Touring Championship)"
Speed TV played the one and only (or maybe 2) JGTC races shown in the US...Speed vision never did any. I'm not sure what days your remembering back too...

Ooooooooooooooooook, first, i did not use the word "Can't." I said "Might." And with the use of the word "might" it dennotes a possibility. And as we all know, anything is possible. Also, to say that the "worst nascar driver ever could drift and/or run a roadcourse better than 'you' could ever hope to, I'm quite sure of that..." is also an irresponsible statement. You never know, you could be reffering to the next M. Schumacher or K. Raikkonen or N. Taniguchi.

nissan slut
09-06-2003, 09:11 PM
Originally posted by Sniper-X
Also, to say that the "worst nascar driver ever could drift and/or run a roadcourse better than 'you' could ever hope to, I'm quite sure of that..." is also an irresponsible statement. You never know, you could be reffering to the next M. Schumacher or K. Raikkonen or N. Taniguchi.

:ghey: Gayest Quote............Ever.

09-06-2003, 09:20 PM
Originally posted by ca18guy
At tracks where JGTC and NASCAR cars both have ran, NASCAR cars run faster times, but I'm sure you allready knew that ;) Too bad most people have a blind hatred for either oval racing or domestic cars :ghey:

yeah, too bad the nascar rules allow for faster cars than JGTC rules. nascar cars dont share a single component with the car they represent except for the general shape of the car. jgtc cars are atleast reminiscant of the cars they are supposed to be, and they all have stock engine.

09-06-2003, 09:32 PM
Originally posted by RBBaby
yeah, too bad the nascar rules allow for faster cars than JGTC rules. nascar cars dont share a single component with the car they represent except for the general shape of the car. jgtc cars are atleast reminiscant of the cars they are supposed to be, and they all have stock engine.

Rules and build of the cars aside it still shows that NASCAR's are not as slow as some percieve.

Originally posted by Sniper-X
Ooooooooooooooooook, first, i did not use the word "Can't." I said "Might." And with the use of the word "might" it dennotes a possibility. And as we all know, anything is possible. Also, to say that the "worst nascar driver ever could drift and/or run a roadcourse better than 'you' could ever hope to, I'm quite sure of that..." is also an irresponsible statement. You never know, you could be reffering to the next M. Schumacher or K. Raikkonen or N. Taniguchi.

:cool: Nice back pedaling.

09-06-2003, 10:20 PM
Originally posted by nissan slut
:ghey: Gayest Quote............Ever.

Just like this one?

drift freaq
09-06-2003, 10:36 PM
come on guys comparing Nascars to JGTC cars is like comparing apples to oranges. JGTC is more akin to the IT series in SCCA. Oh by the way for the person belly aching about the Speed channel hmmm they show F1, Pro Rally , American LeMans Series , Formula Altantic, SCCA races , Cart..... etc
Yes they do run a lot of Nascar at certain times of the year but I think your grossly over exaggerating the whole thing.
(Dave, who is not a big Nascar fan himself but respects the sport.)

09-07-2003, 12:11 AM

gotta love that nascar look, anyway.

09-07-2003, 07:26 AM
At tracks where JGTC and NASCAR cars both have ran, NASCAR cars run faster times, but I'm sure you allready knew that Too bad most people have a blind hatred for either oval racing or domestic cars

Maybe at a couple of tracks. Lets see a 700hp NASCAR take on a 700hp Skyline....i dare you to argue. Lets see NASCAR do a 24 hour race at Sebring or Lemans.

Before this turns in to Nuclear war I would like it to be known that I am aware of two things.

1-I know nascar is all about money and viewers
2-I do respect Nascar drivers however i think some of them are the ruddest in motor sports. (speaking of when jeff gordon and some other drivers drove in an SCCA rally and publicly said it was the easiest race ever and didnt know what all the hype was about. Well maybe they forgot to realize they werent racing against pro drivers like themselves.

Anyway personally i dont care to watch nascar I think its more intresting to have other components of racing involved for instance S-Turns, U-Turns etc. In the long run I just hate turning on my TV and seeing nascar on, every single time.

I would like for you to go to speedvision and at least tell them how you feel, or you can mearly stay on this website and flame away.



09-07-2003, 11:32 PM
Originally posted by Armysweitzer
Lets see a 700hp NASCAR take on a 700hp Skyline....

Oh c'mon now. Like drift freaq said it's apples to oranges. Would it be on an oval track or a road course? Would the Skyline have the same restrictions as the NASCAR? Fact is NASCARS are pretty purpose built. The Skyline can be tuned to a track but NASCAR rules are so bad that they've been squeezing every last bit out of the cars they race. Not that the Skyline hasn't but I'm thinkin the Skyline would still have a hard time given the drivers are at the same level in skill.

I personally don't like NASCAR. I really don't like watching any racing that much. Cept' maybe a couple rallies. Driving yourself if where it's at. Not watching.

09-08-2003, 06:37 AM
I'd venture to say that without Nascar's sponsorship the "Speed Channel" quite possibly could be the "Out-of-business Channel". The speed channel used to suck bigtime, and now that the channel seems to be pulling better revinue because they have a much bigger audience (many of whom probably watch Nascar). Pulling in more money allows for better programs, but if you neglect the source of the "better revinue".....you cant afford quality programs and you go back to showing replays of the 1970's Indy 500 and other replays of old races that they used to show before the programming improved.


09-08-2003, 08:55 PM
yah i do agree that the speedchannel does show waay too much nascar, but it's true, nascar probably brings in the most money. It's all domestic cars and that could be some of the appeal. But there are those times when they'll show pro rally racing all day and some SCCA races as well and you've gotta appreicate them for that.

Bill Roberts
09-09-2003, 08:21 AM
Email I got from speed channel

Thanks for your e-mail.

Speed will broadcast full coverage of the British Touring Car Championship,
ETCC, Australian V8 Supercar and JGTC starting in November, during the
Nascar offseason. Please be sure to check our schedule listings for further

Here's a look at our NON-NASCAR programming:

Grand Am *
Trans Am
WoO *
Aussie V8's
All sort of MC
Victory by Design
Le Mans
24 hours of Daytona
Autoline Detroit *
F1 qulaifying
CCWS qualifying *
F3000 *
F1 Decade *
Speed WC
Barrett Jackson * (more pending)
Monterey Historics
Dakar Rally
Windtunnel *
Targqa Newfoundland*

Programs with the * are shows not on Speedvision at all or were on less
hours than now.
This is not even a comprehensive, complete list or considers the four or
five new additions we are looking at now.

Finally, when you look at this, try to determine what would not be on
television at all if we were not carrying it.

Hope this helps!

Thanks for watching Speed Channel!

09-09-2003, 09:59 AM
Hmmm....gotta watch the Aussie V8's....get a preview of the 2004 Pontiac GTO (otherwise known in Australia as the Holden Monaro)....they use Corvette LS1 V8's (5.7L) and drivetrain.


09-09-2003, 04:15 PM
I like races that either reward technical innovation, or test driving skill. Nascar fails on both accounts.

The rules are so homogenized that every single car is the practically the same, and are nothing close to "stock cars"

And while the drivers are skilled, and far better than I am, its still not a challenge to drive in a large sweeping left hand oval all day. Nascar races are won more on pit strategy than driving or the car. Oh sure, they race 2 or 3 road courses in a year, but have you ever watched one? They drive like assholes, and wreck every 3 laps, so like 3/4 of the race is run under caution, boy thats exciting:rolleyes:

If I actually got speedvision here, I would vote down with nascar too.


09-11-2003, 12:04 AM
don't forget 2nr TV every sunday with the two most annyoing twins in the world